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Notes from Conversation with Roger

I got a free pass for 2 to see a preview of _Blade II_.  When Roger and
I got there, we found (for worse or better) that they had already given
out all the seats, and that we'd need to go to a cafe and talk about
Mixminion instead.

Here are the notes we scribbled, somewhat elucidated and somewhat

NOT ALL OF THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE TRUE.  This was all brainstorming. 

- Although we have said we don't want to log individual messages, it
  appears that some operators would like usage statistics.  Perhaps
  it would be good to tabulate number of incoming messages vs. number 
  of messages sent via each output method.


    - Abuse seems to be the biggest unaddressed problem for people who 
      run remailers.

     - Curtailing bandwidth is desirable, but won't get abuse complaints
       to go away: somebody can send a threatening message in under 1k.

     OBSERVATION 1: It's okay if there are different output methods
     for nodes that accept different levels of exposure to abuse 
     complaints.  Even if there are never more than a couple dozen nodes
     willing to send SMTP to all and sundry, they could be supplanted by
     others that send SMTP to those who opt in, others that encrypt and 

     Of course, nothing but "sent SMTP to anybody" is good enough in
     situations when recipients do not want to admit that they are 
     recipients of anonymous messages--see Observation 7 below.  (Roger 
     made an analogy to a regulation during the 1950's wherein the Post 
     Office would -- as an alleged service to the postal customer -- 
     hold "communist propaganda" for you at your local post office, and 
     not give it to you unless you came in and acknowledged with your 
     that you wanted it.)

     OBSERVATION 2: Running middle nodes (ones that relay to other 
     nodes, but not to arbitrary SMTP addresses) may be relatively 
     innocuous.  If this is so, then we can get people running those 
     nodes who would not want to assume the burden of running an open 
     SMTP exit.

     OBSERVATION 3: Roger likes hybrid topologies, especially (from what
     I can tell) ones that start with a free-route, but which end with a
     short cascade to an exit (or destination) node.  These would seem 
     to be a natural consequence of a system with many more relay nodes
     than exit nodes.

     OBSERVATION 4: There's a difference between "anonymous receiving
     systems" and "anonymous sending systems."  [I don't remember what
     this had to do with abuse.

     OBSERVATION 5: Abusive users are a problem for exit nodes, and thus
     for the system; abusive exit nodes are not a problem in themselves?

     OBSERVATION 6: We should encourage users to run their own 
     recipient/originator/relay nodes to improve their anonymity.  (Of 
     course, not all users can do so.)

     OBSERVATION 7: The problem with opt-in is people who cannot admit 
     that they want to receive anonymous messages: they are 
     indistinguishable from people who do not want anonymous messages, 
     but have not said so.

     Nevertheless, if some exit nodes are willing to run opt-in-only 
     SMTP, whereas others run unrestricted (or opt-out) SMTP, we may be 
     better off than if we only have unrestricted SMTP.


- Client software should gripe about sending documents in formats like 
  MS Word.  Word documents are less anonymous than people think.


    - SURB and MURB are short and easy to say.

    - We should look, according to Paul, at "Flash Mixes". He says they 
      may help us achieve MURBhood.

    - SURBs are better than nothing.  In order to get any adoption over 
      Mixmaster 2, we'll need to have positive features that Mixmaster 2
      lacks.  SURBs could be such a feature on their own.

    - We know of 3.5 was to make nym-like things with SURBs:
      1. Nym servers that recipients restock with a supply of nyms.
      2. Rendezvous: Use Freedom/Onion-Routing to connect to a public 
         location, and give RBs as people ask for them.  You can require
         auth/auth as necessary.  (This assumes a connection-based 
         system exists.)
      2'. Same as 2, but use MM instead.
      3. Store messages, and send a bunch of SURBs to pick them up.

    - "SURB-generators" are an alternative to MURBs.  If I can give a
      semitrusted nym server a way to generate SURBs for me, then this 
      may be better than MURBs because--except to the server holding 
      the generator-- all headers look the same.


    - Will the lack of MURBs cause users to use connection-oriented 
      systems instead?  

    - There is reason to suspect that virtual circuits and long-term  
      connections risk anonymity, or at least make it harder to get.

    STRATEGY NOTE 1: Let's not build in insecure or bogus versions of 
    features just to try to woo users away from connection-based 

    STRATEGY NOTE 2: If connection-based, low-latency systems come to 
    exist, and if they are ever as secure/anonymous as Mixminion, would
    Mixminion still have a reason to be?

    (Roger brought up the existence of users who don't have IP-like 
    connections, but if they're the only ones using Mixminion, 
    anonymity sets will be small indeed.)

    Our conclusion was basically: "No, not if they were really as 
    secure/anonymous--but it is not certain that they will ever be. It 
    will be a wonderful day if they are."

    - We can reduce our own latency by using cascades, since only the 
      first node in a cascade will ever have a batch waiting.

    STRATEGY NOTE 3: The more users we've got, the lower our latency.
    If we have no users, we're nothing.

    Corollary: A user who runs an client/middle node is better still.


   - (Roger wants Mixminion to support what Mixmaster does, plus 
      cascades, plus support for Free Haven.)

   STRATEGY NOTE 4: We should keep the trust network human for now.
   We should track performance of nodes, but let humans decide how to
   choose paths.

   STRATEGY NOTE 5: Nobody gets much anonymity unless we educate users. 

   OBSERVATION 8: Crypto is still a munition: though the old export 
   controls are no longer in effect, the wide scale adoption of crypto 
   is not (in some circles) considered a desirable goal.

   OBSERVATION 9: If less-anonymous systems exist that provide enough 
   anonymity for ordinary people, are we left with only the "hardened 

   No.  Consider 4 anonymity systems: [examples are chosen at random; I 
   have no idea of China's crypto resources.]
     System 1: Breakable by nobody.
     System 2: Breakable by the NSA.
     System 3: Breakable by the NSA, China, Russia, and Israel, and any
         major country with very good crypto.
     System 4: Breakable by the NSA, the FBI, China, Israel, the Church
         of Scientology, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, Uganda, France, Organized
         Crime, or anybody who's willing to spend $5M or send a large 
         posse of unsavory characters to go break the proper sequence 
         of kneecaps.

   Clearly, the average person would prefer 1, 2, or 3 to 4--not just 
   "Hardened criminals".  The worrisome people (if you're talking to 
   somebody who trusts the US govt) are those who need 1, and can't 
   settle for 2.

   Roger and I don't think this is much of a problem: we're fairly sure 
   that we're not going to wind up with anything that falls under 1.

   STRATEGY NOTE 6: Based on considerations of users who _would_ settle 
   for 4 above, we  reiterate George's contention that we should 
   support people who are willing to trade anonymity for ease of use...
      - ...so long as doing so doesn't compromise others, or tighten
        anonymity sets.
      - ...but educate!

   OBSERVATION 10: Does educating users on how to use Mixminion well 
   make us liable or legally vulnerable?
      - Obviously, we should ask a lawyer.  Roger knows somebody 
      - Probably not, so long as we aren't explicitly urging people
        to commit crimes.
      - Nevertheless, harping on the possible criminal applications of
        our service might make it seem (falsely!) that we condone 
        criminal behaviors, and provide a means for legal harassment.  

   STRATEGY NOTE 7: We should only include legitimate, legal, generally 
   positive examples in our documentation.  (e.g., let's not write 
   "Alice wants to hire a hit-man named Bob to kill Carol, who sold her 
   some bad heroin."  Let's stick to "Alice wants to tell an 
   investigative journalist named Bob about the bogus accounting 
   practices of her employer, Carol."  It's not that the former 
   necessarily makes us legally liable: it's just bad PR.)

   OBSERVATION 11: End-user convenience is inversely proportional to 
   resistance against adversaries who can get access to your computer.
       - In this case, saving messages is a no-no.
       - Preference files are evidence, esp. if they name names.
       - We should provide client software that works for users with 
         these needs and for users without them.
       - An intermediate option is to encrypt such data, as GPG encrypts


- We may be able to prevent Gzip bombing by requiring Gzipped packets   
  to have the output size in their headers, and by limiting that size.

- Others have written papers entitled "Topic: From Theory to Practice." 
  A cool title for us could be: "Mixminion: Fooing theory *from* 


- When do we bring more people in?
    - Option A: After a few more revisions of the spec.
    - Option B: After the above, plus a proof-of-concept implementation.
    (I favor B.  Solicit the world's opinions before the first revision
    of your code, and you start on the 2nd-system effect immediately.) 

- What do I need in order to implement?
  - For now, I need a spec more than anything.
  - Soon, we'll need to discuss licensing and strategic decisions.
  - I'm putting off writing crypto and net stuff; I'll have to do so


And that's when we went home.
