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Re: Searching on the database

Date sent:      	Sat, 13 Mar 1999 13:28:21 +1100
From:           	Nathan Dietsch <njd@rivuug.webfront.net.au>
Organization:   	Mazzon Systems Engineering
To:             	computerbank@linux.org.au
Subject:        	Searching on the database

Hello all,

I am defining the interface for the online database. I need to know a
few things.

How much information should we store on People donating goods. ATM it is
just First name, surname, telephone number and email. What about
location, state etc. Mailing address might be a bit much. We can use
these extre fields to create more specific searches, eg give me all
video cards which are in NSW.

Hi Nathan,

Problem with personal details eg phone number may upset some 
as a breach of privacy!!
Maybe First Name, Family Name, Suburb, email and a ref code. 
Anyone trying to contact someone on the list could email, look it 
up in the white pages or go to a "computerbank" contact and get 
the details from them via the ref code!!

Just a thought..
