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[Computerbank] [Fwd: [cbnsw-newsletter] Lots of Help required Saturday in Sydney]

For Sydney siders ...



Kylie Davies
Victorian State Coordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
--- Begin Message ---
Hi ComputerBankers,
Please feel free to spread this email far and wide so as many people as
possible see it.


Those of you who know what ComputerBank is and what it does bear with me
a moment for those of you who don't here's a brief outline.

ComputerBank recieves computers donated by corporate groups and
individuals. Erases, tests, repairs and refurbishes them. Installs free
software (Linux) on them and then gives them away to those who wouldn't
ordinarily be able to afford a computer. This includes disadvantaged
people, community groups and even schools. We're a purely volunteer
organisation and we rely on the generosity of both the donors and others
to continue operating.  

This Saturday we need as many bodies as possible to attend an "event"
Computerbank Sydney is holding that is very important to it's future
efforts at bridging the digital divide.

As many of you are aware we're in the midst of dealing with a large
quantity of computers from one source. Originally storage had been
secured for these computers but recently it was withdrawn so now last
minute arrangements have been made and as such they are less than ideal.
However we've never let that stop us before.

What we need is as many volunteers as possible to turn up this Saturday
and help unload and sort a large volume of computers that are being
delivered to our newly acquired storage. There will be lots to do both
manual labour wise and also just helping out around the place so
EVERYONE is welcome. Many hands make light work. 

All you need bring is yourself (and all your friends) and possibly some
textas or markers if you have them for labelling boxes.


Where:          153 George St Parramatta
When:           Staurday 6th March from 8am onwards

The place where this is being stored and the event is being held is
right next door to Parramatta Masonic and Community Club. There is a
small driveway into the premises. 

PLEASE if you are coming by car. DO NOT park within 153 as the trucks
will need free access. There is a vacant patch of land next door that
appears to be used as a car park during the week you may want to try

Also be aware you do not require any computer skills whatsoever this is
purely unpacking, moving and sorting boxes. 

We're trying to arrange food and drink in the form of a sausage sizzle
or similar details of this and any other goings on or changes in
arrangements will be posted on the website when available

As such to help with an idea of numbers attending if your going to make
it and have a chance just email march6@cbnsw.org.au and let us know if
you'll be there and how many people will be helping. 

If you would like to see exactly where the evtn is located. Visit
http://whereis.com.au and enter 153 George Street Parramatta NSW in the
search boxes. It's placed pretty much midway between Rosehill and
Parramatta train stations. If you have any further questions or need
help getting there on the day please email march6@cbnsw.org.au and we'll
see what we can do to help.

For updates please visit http://sydney.cbnsw.org.au regularly in the
next few days any updated information will be posted there.

For more information about ComputerBank generally please visit either
ComputerBank NSW's website at http://cbnsw.org.au or ComputerBank
Australia's at http://computerbank.org.au 

If you have any question related to this event please feel free to email
me at march6@cbnsw.org.au or call me on 0410526200. For general queries
related to ComputerBank I can be reached at dan@cbnsw.org.au   

Please come along and help us out this weekend as securing these
computers is very important to ComputerBank's future. 

Thanks for your time and hope to see you on Saturday.

Dan Treacy
ComputerBank Sydney

cbnsw-newsletter mailing list

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