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Re: Mountains for default tileset

On 21.02.2005 16:43, Matthias Grimm wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 17:14:54 +0000
> Jens Granseuer <jensgr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On 18.02.2005 20:57, Matthias Grimm wrote:
> > > I added some of my mountains to the default tileset.
> > > The bitmap and the patched default.tsrc file are attached.
> > 
> > A few comments:
> Sorry, drawing tiles is not an technical act like building a program or
> repairing a car. It's some sort of art. If you think you could do
> better mountains in gray, draw them. With other words: Take the
> montains as they are or let it.
> I draw the tiles because it's fun for me and I like your game and want
> to push it forward but I'm not a unemployed professional graphics
> designer with a lot of spare time. If you have better tiles, good. If
> you don't have better tiles I offer you mine. If you don't want them,
> say it and I won't bother you again.

I believe I can say I know about that since I painted many of
the current tiles. I also don't know if you meant to sound as
harsh as you did but I think there is no reason for that. The
suggestions I made are points at least some of which I feel
have to be dealt with before the tiles can be integrated with
the default set. I can certainly understand if you say you can't
or don't want to do the modifications, and that's fine. In fact,
stuff like that is useful even if it isn't used right away
because it can be help and inspiration to others.

If you don't object I will try a few experiments starting from
your images when my gimp has recovered. With my limited graphical
skills I can't predict the results, but who knows.

Anyway, I want to make clear that this has nothing to do with
"bothering me" or anything like that. You are welcome (even
encouraged) to propose new tiles. If I (or enough of the other
lurkers) think something is worth including we'll do that. If
we don't you may get a number of things people think could be
improved. Whether you actually do that is up to you, and if
you refuse maybe someone else picks up the ball. That's just
the way projects like this work. (I've rejected a fair share
of my own designs. And if the other guys involved with the
project shout me down I might even give in and include
something I rejected at first.)
