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Re: gEDA-user: Converting RS274D to RS274X

On Monday 14 April 2008, Jesse Gordon wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Sunday 13 April 2008, Jesse Gordon wrote:
>> :)  Yes, but a utility to extract, and make gcode out of the copper
>> : pattern
>> removal, would be a very useful utility.
>I thought about that, but it's far above my math skills.
I don't think there is a lot of what we would call 'fancy math' required.  
Basically, you look at a line of copper, find the outside edge, add the 
radius of the cutter, and follow this line, checking that its diameter is not 
too big and would cut away something on the backside as it moves & write a 
gcode line to trace from here to there.  Corners and corner radius would be 
the major 'artistic' problems.  Except for the transcendentals needed for 
curves, and they can be approximated by very short straight lines, it would 
be almost 100% add & subtract.  And possibly conversion into the base unit of 
emc, which is inches to about 5 or 6 places right of the decimal, or mm with 
about 4 or 5 places right of the decimal.  More accurate than the machinery 
generally speaking, but that would depend on the machine of course.

However, I just took my mouse apart to re-solder the left mouse button as it 
was giving me double and triple hits per click, a classic symptom of a broken 
solder joint on the bottom of the board because the switch was not held 
firmly against the board when it was originally soldered in, and I take it 
back, that pcb could not be done with a 10 mill bit, 2?  Maybe.  So we're 
gonna get plumb picky about cutter sizes with the expectation of paying quite 
a bit more for those sizes in carbide.

Cheers, Gene
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