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Re: gEDA-user: Changing connections in PCB Layout : Rats Optimization Error

At 07:06 PM 4/28/2008, DJ Delorie wrote:

> > It does not seem to be able to make changes from PCB->Window->Netlist.
> > I mean do I have to change the original schematic !?
>If that's where your netlist came from, yes.  What I do is figure out
>the swaps in pcb, make the change in gschem, do gsch2pcb, re-import
>the netlist, hit 'o', and fix the "shorts".

I use FreePCB and I use the same method.  I also do something similar 
when I resequence the component reference designators.  But in that 
case I can make the same changes in both the layout and in the 
schematic.  Importing the updated net list is a verification step to 
make sure the schematic and layout are still in step.


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