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Re: gEDA-user: pcb bug: EPS output omits pads

> How would I use this option? What is the syntax of a layer stack? I
> can't find neither in the manual. (
> http://pcb.sourceforge.net/pcb-20081128/pcb.html ) Seems like the
> description of options is completely out of date in the manual. By
> the way, where can I access your shiny new pcb HOWTO?

The manual is out of date in general.  While we document actions
automatically, we don't do that for command line options as well.

Here's an example:

testprint :
	pcb -x eps \
		--element-color '#aaaaff' \
		--pin-color '#000000' \
		--layer-color-1 '#ffffff' \
		--as-shown \
		--layer-stack 0,elements,pins \
		--eps-file testprint.eps \

Besides layer names, it accepts rats, invisible, pins, vias, and

> I see. However, there are legitimate reasons to print only certain
> groups of objects. In my case, our assembler suggested to remove the
> tracks but keep pads and pins.

See my snippet above, which does something similar.

I don't know if you can do pins and pads separately, though.

> Maybe, I can tweak the postscript output HID to my needs. I assume,
> the information which layers to print on what page is hard coded
> into source. Can you point me to where this information sits?

The eps hid is in src/hid/ps/eps.c

> -vv, please. I don't see a gui flag in pcb -h 

It's a compile-time flag that tells the core what type of HID each HID
is.  You won't find it in the help.

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