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gEDA-user: PCB segfaults on click in netlist window

With my current project PCB sefaults reproducably. It crashes when 
I click on one of the node items on the right column of the netlist 
window. Curiously, everything is fine if I click on the right column
for the first time in a session. The cross hair jumps to where the 
node happens to be on the canvas and everything looks fine. But when
I try this trick again (with a different node), PCB segfaults 
instantly. There is nothing on the command line except for the 
string "Segmentation fault".

It does not seem to matter, which node I choose.
PCB from git-head shows the same behavior as v20100929 distributed by 
debian/testing. I cannot reproduce with other layouts of mine, though.
My current is bit larger than usual. Size of the layout is 2.4 MB.
Probably larger than the list allows. I attached the netlist (53 kB)

Anyone else seen this? Is this a known bug?

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
not happy with moderation of geda-user

Attachment: stromverteiler.net
Description: application/pcb-netlist

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