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gEDA-user: PCB: Connecting Nets by hand

I'm attempting to connect some nets by hand in a PCB layout that I
have, but the thing won't let me!  For example, after I get done
drawing the vias and the actual lines, I end up with the following
situation (please excuse the use of ASCII art, but a picture is more
succinct than words here):

o------ *
|       *
|       *
|       *
o-- *

Note that there are unavoidable *gaps* between the pins of the ICs and
the lines that join to them.

I so far have not found *any* way to circumvent this.  What am I doing
wrong?  I find it excruciatingly hard to believe that auto-routing and
direct, point-to-point connections are the *only* way to join nets. 


Samuel A. Falvo II