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Re: gEDA-user: geda, pcb and cygwin

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> You may remember that I planned to distribute geda+pcb on virtual 
> machines to local students. This was not appreciated. A stripped down 
> linux machine turned out to be even more challenging to a windows user 
> than a full featured desktop environment :-|

I've been experimenting with xubuntu with some results.  The xfce window manager
will preserve documents on the Desktop as a guide to getting started.
An example of what might be made for gEDA is the ubuntos cdrom .iso distribution
made for developing TinyOS code on TI MSP430 based radio-computer boards.
It gets the whole mspgcc compiler and the nesc special case c compiler all set up to
make code and load it in tmote radio-computers.

I think that kind of livecd running on VMWare  could be good for distributing gEDA.
Another thing I am working on off and on is a gobolinux rootless installation on top of
ubuntu because that can give you different environments (guile1.6x vs. guile1.8x, etc.)
in different directory trees...  I think.  Need to dig further.  It also lets you pull in needed
libraries even if they conflict with the distro.  It's a linux on linux.
So that would make the end result be linux-->linux-->VMWare-->Windows-XP.
Seems complicated enough!  :-)

It could be a good way to get easy
steady linux distro on VMware, then add bleeding edge programs that run with different
libraries they need.  And even switch distro to run on top of easily.

John Griessen

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