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Re: gEDA-user: Double refdes

El lun, 06-03-2006 a las 07:21 -0500, Stuart Brorson escribiÃ:
> > Is it possible to get warning or error when I have two resistors named
> > R1 in my schematic? I always don't notice this and then get bullshit
> > simulation.
> Doesn't DRC2 check for this?

Yes, absolutely.

And part of the gnetlist's output is:

Remember to check that your schematic has no errors using the drc2
You can do it running 'gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o
drc_output.txt' and seeing the contents of the file drc_output.txt.

Here are some points:
  - A schematic DRC checker exists since June'2003.
  - We have talked a lot about the DRC both in the user and the
development mailing lists.
  - Every time you run gnetlist, it remembers you to check your
schematic and tells you how to do it.

My question now is: why users don't read the messages, or don't follow
the suggestions? (specially a user who suggested to include a link to a
more detailed explanation in every error or warning message).

