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Re: gEDA-user: multi-part symbols [was: OGDI]

I liked your idea a lot. I just suggest a better name for the power symbol, 
like PWR-VEE1_14-VDD_7 to mach other symbols that have multiple power pins, 
like analog power and ground, multi tension pins, etc. But thats just a 
My question is, how on gchem that will work? For example, when I place the 
sn7400 symbol, how to I place the power symbol? 

Em Sex 17 Mar 2006 05:53, John Doty escreveu:
> May I make an alternate suggestion here?
> The "slot" mechanism is for identical internal subsystems within a
> part. I propose keeping it that way: I think any attempt to extend it
> to heterogeneous internal subsystems is likely to make a confusing
> mess. It's already confusing enough!
> Instead I propose adding the concept of "subdevice", supported by
> attributes "subdevice" and "others". For example a 7400 gate symbol
> might have the attributes:
> device=sn7400
> numslots=4	(with the usual other slotting attributes)
> subdevice=1
> others=sn74pwr14
> There would be a generic power symbol for a 14 pin TTL package with
> attributes:
> device=sn74pwr14
> numslots=0
> subdevice=1
> footprint=DIP14
> Thus a full 7400 package would be represented by four sn7400
> instances plus one sn74pwr14 instance. The "subdevice=1" attribute
> without "others" would tell gnetlist to warn the user if the symbol
> is an orphan without other subdevices with the same refdes (this is
> for generic subdevices like the sn74pwr14 where the other associated
> subdevices may vary). The "subdevice=1" with "others" would tell
> gnetlist specifically what other subdevices are needed to make a
> complete device. If any is missing, gnetlist could issue an
> appropriate warning.
> Having the footprint associated with the generic power subdevice in
> this case would make it easier to change package technologies for a
> whole family: just make up a new symbol with device=sn74pwr14 and the
> correct footprint.
> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
> jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx