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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: pasteless pads?

> 0x10000 nopaste 
>     For pads, set to prevent a solderpaste stencil opening for the
>     pad. Primarily used for pads used as fiducials.

Ok, there's that too :-)  (Thanks Dan!)

Available through the ChangePaste() action.

date: 2006/11/05 01:27:13;  author: danmc;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -2
branches:  1.23.4;
Add a 'nopaste' flag for pads.  This lets you produce fiducial marks that should
not have solder paste.  In addition you can use it for things like card edge
connectors where you may not want solder paste.  Since this is moderately dangerous
(how do you make sure you don't set this flag somewhere where you _need_ solder
paste), the drc check reports a count of how many times this flag is used.

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