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[gftp] 500 Transfers to 3rd party addresses are not supported.


PORT 10,0,1,51,6,202
200 PORT command successful.
RETR /list.txt
500 Transfers to 3rd party addresses are not supported.

The same with ncftp:

ncftp / > get /list.txt
list.txt:                                169.14/166.59 kB   11.10 kB/s  
ncftp / > 

System ftp:

ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
ftp> get list.txt
local: list.txt remote: list.txt
227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,189,214)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for list.txt (170587 bytes).
100% |******************************************|   166 KB    00:00 ETA
170587 bytes received in 14.85 seconds (11.22 KB/s)

So.. where is the problem? ;)

 Oliver Lehmann