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Log analysis continued...


Thanks to those of you that responded to my post.
Glad to hear that there's some interest in what I've
been doing.

I now have the code reading and plotting packets/minute,
bytes/minute and megabits/second. I'm also looking at
Gnutella traffic.  I'm almost ready to release the code

I think I've hit upon a way to do the "Top N" services
I mentioned before and it seems to me that this would
be more generally useful than the hardwired version
I'm fooling with now.

To add new services to my existing code requires a 
bit of messing about in many places. Not a good model
for general usage; it's too easy to break something.

So -- I think I'll take the holiday quiet time to rewrite
and clean things up.  Once I get the "Top N" working, and
get some rudimentary documentation written, I'll release
the source.  

The code has been changing every 30 minutes for the past
few days so a relase now wouldn't make any sense. And trust
me -- ya don't want to read it like it is! It's *ugly*. :-P



"Just one more hack and I'll put it on the net."
courtesy of Mark Wheadon and the ups-song.