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[Libevent-users] libevent 2.0.22-stable - infinite loop

Hi guys,

My code is getting into an infinite loop while using the http client APIs with retries, when the server is unreachable.

The http client block is simple:

  http_conn_ = evhttp_connection_base_new(evq_, NULL, server_, http_port_);

  evhttp_connection_set_timeout(http_conn_, 3);
  evhttp_connection_set_retries(http_conn_, 3);

  evhttp_make_request(http_conn_, req, type, api);

The signature of the loop has been reported before (e.g. http://archives.seul.org/libevent/users/Mar-2012/msg00000.html), i.e. in this block:

  while ((ev = min_heap_top(&base->timeheap))) {
    if (evutil_timercmp(&ev->ev_timeout, &now, >))

    /* delete this event from the I/O queues */

    event_debug(("timeout_process: call %p",
    event_active_nolock(ev, EV_TIMEOUT, 1);

with the 'ev' being the retry_ev with evhttp_connection_retry() callback.

Looking at http.c, the following snippet looked a bit suspicious:

static void
evhttp_connection_cb_cleanup(struct evhttp_connection *evcon)
  struct evcon_requestq requests;

  if (evcon->retry_max < 0 || evcon->retry_cnt < evcon->retry_max) {
    evtimer_assign(&evcon->retry_ev, evcon->base, evhttp_connection_retry, evcon);
    /* XXXX handle failure from evhttp_add_event */
                     MIN(3600, 2 << evcon->retry_cnt),

Before calling evtimer_assign() etc., shouldn't this be checking if retry_ev is added/active/pending?

Doing the same experiment without setting retries works fine, of course.

Any guidance on how to debug this?

- Pradosh
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