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Re: Game announcements on LGDC

Tomas Andrle wrote:

>> Hence, my functions tend to be concise: MoveSprite, ChangeSpriteShape,
>> SetSpriteMotion, etc. :)
>In this particular case, I'd prefer sprite_move, sprite_change_shape,
>sprite_set_motion, all placed in "sprite.*". Nuff said...:)

namespace GAMES
class Sprite
void Move (...);


>> one big .CPP file greater than 300K in size. I don't think we should bar
>> the announcement of something interesting or useful if someone feels the
>> author didn't comment it properly (this is kinda one of my sins :)) or
>> the function names aren't descriptive enough. 
>I propose something like the happypenguin.org ratings with 0..5 stars :-))) or
>just a Warning that it's very _hard_ to read the code.

A warning or some kind of comment should do best.



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