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Re: Request for Review

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 08:58:23PM +0200, Bert Peers wrote:
> What is the Dragon book ?

	The Dragon Book is "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, Tools", by
Aho, Sethi, and Ullman.  It is *the* classic compiler text.  It has chapters
on lexing, parsing, code generation, code generation, optimization, and all the
other parts of compiler writing.  It's a good mix of theory and practice, although
some people think it's getting a bit old.  The first edition was 1977; the
second edition (heavily revised) was 1986.  It's been a little hard to find (at
least in Canada), but I think Addison-Wesley just reprinted, and most computer
book stores have it now.

	If you're at all interested in implementing a language of any
substantial size, this book should be on your shelf.


Damian Gryski ==> dgryski@uwaterloo.ca | Linux, the choice of a GNU generation
512 pt Hacker Test score = 24%         | 500 pt Nerd Test score = 44.6%
         geek / linux zealot / coder / juggler / sysadmin