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Re: Threads

Brad Johnson wrote:

> > Note that it was the actual rendering stuff which has been split into
> > threads - not the sound output / input / networking etc.
>         This is an interesting feat... Any idea how something like this
> would be best done? I suppose it all depends on how Q3 actually handles the
> 3D perspective... Would each thread render 1/# of the polygons? Or would it
> take over 1/# of the screen? (# being the number of threads)

I don't remember completely... The first method, that wasn't very good
and losed performance compared to single-threaded, was to have the game
in one thread and have the other thread emit the OpenGL primitives. But
there was too much communication between the threads, as the main thread
was sending polygons to the OpenGL thread all the time (a lot of data
per second!).

It's the second method I do not remember completely... Here is it, right
from the right guy:

--- Begin quote from John Carmack's .plan ---


The SMP support is solid enough to play with now. The only feature that
is still broken is light flares.

As a happy consequence, some of the cleanup work I did for SMP gave a
couple percent speedup even when running without the separate thread.

On my development system, a dual 300 mhz intergraph realizm II, the low
res timedemo scores went from 27.8 to 37.8 with "r_smp 1". This is only
a 35% average speedup, but at some times (lots of dynamic lights in
complex scenes) the speedup is 90%+. Gameplay is noticably smoother.

The rendering thread is almost always the blocking factor, so the faster
the card and OpenGL driver, the larger the speedup will be.

This is explicitly a two thread producer / consumer, so there is no
benefit to more than two processors. The app is well behaved, using
sleeping syncronization so that you usually still have half a processor
free for other operating system functions.

Hopefully we will be able to test with some fast consumer cards sometime


A lot of people asked what was done differently this time vs the last
time I tried (without benefit) to use SMP.

My original attempt was to make a DLL that intercepted all OpenGL calls
let a separate processor execute them. The benefit would have been that
OpenGL applications could have gone faster. The problem was that the
bandwidth required to encode all the commands was enough that the
overhead was as much as it would have taken to just do the geometry on
main processor.

It would have still been a win if the geometry side was doing
lots of work, like multiple lights, user clip planes, and texgens, but
the vast majority of geometry, it didn't balance out. If someone wanted
try that using the PIII or AltiVec streaming memory operations, it could
probably still work.

The current SMP code is implemented directly into the renderer, and a
lot of
things were moved around and double buffered to allow it to use data in
place, instead of having to copy it off.


Some people expressed surprise that Quake3 wasn't threaded already.

Threading has been presented so often as the "high tech" "cool" way to
program, that many people aren't aware of the downsides.

A multi-threaded program will always have somewhat lower throughput
when  running on a single CPU than a single threaded program that polls
in explicit places. The cost of a context switch at the cpu level is
negligible, but the damage that it can do to the cache hierarchy can add
up to a noticeable amount in bad cases.

The much larger problem is that you lose tight control over when things
occur. If the framerates are low enough, it isn't a huge issue, but for
applications running at 30+ fps, you really don't want to trust the OS
scheduler to coordinate multiple threads and have them all get in every
frame. Yes, with explicit sleep() calls you can sort of get it working,
but at that point, you might as well not be using threads.

A good example of not-quite-in-sync issues in the windows mouse
performance. A PS/2 mouse only samples 40 times a second, so when you
get an app updating at around that speed, you will get 0/1/2 scheduling

They are also not terribly portable, and a pain in the ass to debug.

--- End quote ---

Comment: with regard to my job on supercomputers, I can testify on the
"pain in the ass to debug" part. :-)

Pierre Phaneuf
Ludus Design, http://ludusdesign.com/
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you. Then you win." -- Gandhi