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[minion-cvs] Add first-show CLI to new list-servers; debug more; doc...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv25527/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	ClientDirectory.py ClientMain.py Config.py 
Log Message:
Add first-show CLI to new list-servers; debug more; docs needed.

Note: If you're running a pinger or any other program that uses output
from list-servers, you probably want to change your command to:
    mixminion list-servers -c 1 -TT -F caps
to get the closest possible to the previous format.

Or update to parse the newer format; your call.

Index: ClientDirectory.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientDirectory.py,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- ClientDirectory.py	7 Nov 2003 07:29:52 -0000	1.9
+++ ClientDirectory.py	7 Nov 2003 09:07:54 -0000	1.10
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@
         return n
     def __rebuildTables(self):
         """Helper method.  Reconstruct byNickname, byKeyID,
            allServers, and byCapability from the internal start of
            this object.  """
@@ -371,36 +370,7 @@
             self.byNickname.setdefault(nn, []).append((info, where))
-    def listServers(self):
-        """Returns a linewise listing of the current servers and their caps.
-            This will go away or get refactored in future versions once we
-            have client-level modules.
-        """
-        lines = []
-        nicknames = self.byNickname.keys()
-        nicknames.sort()
-        if not nicknames:
-            return [ "No servers known" ]
-        longestnamelen = max(map(len, nicknames))
-        fmtlen = min(longestnamelen, 20)
-        nnFormat = "%"+str(fmtlen)+"s:%s"
-        for n in nicknames:
-            nnreal = self.byNickname[n][0][0].getNickname()
-            isGood = self.goodServerNicknames.get(n, 0)
-            if isGood:
-                status = ""
-            else:
-                status = " (not recommended)"
-            lines.append(nnFormat%(nnreal,status))
-            for info, where in self.byNickname[n]:
-                caps = info.getCaps()
-                va = formatDate(info['Server']['Valid-After'])
-                vu = formatDate(info['Server']['Valid-Until'])
-                line = "      [%s to %s] %s"%(va,vu," ".join(caps))
-                lines.append(line)
-        return lines
-    def listServers2(self, features, at=None, goodOnly=0):
+    def getFeatureMap(self, features, at=None, goodOnly=0):
            Returns a dict from nickname to (va,vu) to feature to value."""
         result = {}
@@ -853,25 +823,31 @@
     lines = []
     if not nicknames: return lines
+    maxnicklen = max([len(nn) for nn in nicknames])
+    nnformat = "%-"+str(maxnicklen)+"s"
     for _, nickname in nicknames:
         d = featureMap[nickname]
         if not d: continue
         items = d.items()
         if cascade: lines.append("%s:"%nickname)
+        justified_nickname = nnformat%nickname
         for (va,vu),fmap in items:
             ftime = "%s to %s"%(formatDate(va),formatDate(vu))
-            if cascade and showTime:
-                lines.append("  %s:"%ftime)
-            if cascade:
+            if cascade==1:
+                lines.append("  [%s] %s"%(ftime,
+                        sep.join([fmap[f] for f in features])))
+            elif cascade==2:
+                if showTime:
+                    lines.append("  [%s]"%ftime)    
                 for f in features:
                     v = fmap[f]
                     lines.append("    %s:%s"%(f,v))
             elif showTime:
-                lines.append("%s:%s:%s" %(nickname,ftime,
+                lines.append("%s:%s:%s" %(justified_nickname,ftime,
                    sep.join([fmap[f] for f in features])))
-                lines.append("%s:%s" %(nickname,
+                lines.append("%s:%s" %(justified_nickname,
                    sep.join([fmap[f] for f in features])))
     return lines

Index: ClientMain.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientMain.py,v
retrieving revision 1.126
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -d -r1.126 -r1.127
--- ClientMain.py	7 Nov 2003 07:31:42 -0000	1.126
+++ ClientMain.py	7 Nov 2003 09:07:54 -0000	1.127
@@ -1180,6 +1180,8 @@
                              Force the client to download/not to download a
                                fresh directory.
+   DOCDOC Somebody needs to explain this. :)
   List all currently known servers.
@@ -1187,9 +1189,11 @@
 def listServers(cmd, args):
     """[Entry point] Print info about """
-    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hf:D:v",
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hf:D:vF:c:TVs:",
                                   ['help', 'config=', "download-directory=",
-                                   'verbose'])
+                                   'verbose', 'feature=', 'cascade=',
+                                   'with-time', "no-collapse", "valid",
+                                   "separator="])
         parser = CLIArgumentParser(options, wantConfig=1,
@@ -1198,18 +1202,73 @@
         print _LIST_SERVERS_USAGE % {'cmd' : cmd}
+    features = []
+    cascade = 0
+    showTime = 0
+    validOnly = 0
+    separator = "\t"
+    for opt,val in options:
+        if opt in ('-F', '--feature'):
+            features.append(val)
+        elif opt in ('-c', '--cascade'):
+            try:
+                cascade = int(val)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise UIError("%s requires an integer"%opt)
+            if not (0 <= cascade <= 2):
+                raise UIError("Cascade level must be between 0 and 2")
+        elif opt == ('-T'):
+            showTime += 1
+        elif opt == ('--with-time'):
+            showTime = 1
+        elif opt == ('--no-collapse'):
+            showTime = 2
+        elif opt in ('-V', '--valid'):
+            validOnly = 1
+        elif sep in ('-s', '--separator'):
+            separator = val
+    if not features:
+        if validOnly:
+            features = [ 'caps' ]
+        else:
+            features = [ 'caps', 'status' ]
     directory = parser.directory
-    #for line in directory.listServers():
-    #    print line
-    features = ["caps", "status", "secure-configuration"]
-    fm = directory.listServers2(features)
-    #fm = mixminion.ClientDirectory.compressServerList(fm)
+    # Look up features in directory.
+    featureMap = directory.getFeatureMap(features,goodOnly=validOnly)
+    # If any servers are listed on the command line, restrict to those
+    # servers.
+    if args:
+        lcargs = [ arg.lower() for arg in args ]
+        lcfound = {}
+        restrictedMap = {}
+        for nn,v in featureMap.items():
+            if nn.lower() in lcargs:
+                restrictedMap[nn] = v
+                lcfound[nn.lower()] = 1
+        for arg in args:
+            if not lcfound.has_key(arg.lower()):
+                if validOnly:
+                    raise UIError("No recommended descriptors found for %s"%
+                                  arg)
+                else:
+                    raise UIError("No descriptors found for %s"%arg)
+        featureMap = restrictedMap
+    # Collapse consecutive server descriptors with matching features.
+    if showTime < 2:
+        featureMap = mixminion.ClientDirectory.compressServerList(
+            featureMap, ignoreGaps=(not showTime), terse=(not showTime))
+    # Now display the result.
     for line in mixminion.ClientDirectory.formatFeatureMap(
-        features,fm,1,cascade=1):
+        features,featureMap,showTime,cascade,separator):
         print line
 Usage: %(cmd)s [options]

Index: Config.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Config.py,v
retrieving revision 1.62
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -u -d -r1.62 -r1.63
--- Config.py	7 Nov 2003 07:03:28 -0000	1.62
+++ Config.py	7 Nov 2003 09:07:54 -0000	1.63
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
         assert sec not in ("+","-")
         parseType = self._syntax[sec].get(name)[1]
-        _, unparseFn = self.CODING_FNS[parseType]
+        _, unparseFn = self.CODING_FNS.get(parseType, (None,str))
             v = self[sec][name]
         except KeyError: