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[minion-cvs] Misc fixes: Don"t gripe interminably about unrecommende...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv29132/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	ClientDirectory.py ClientMain.py ClientUtils.py Config.py 
Log Message:
Misc fixes: Don't gripe interminably about unrecommended servers, make
reply messages work with new pathsel logic, remove bug where
undeliverable messages would get deleteed anyway, saner client queue
cleaning, misc debugging.

Index: ClientDirectory.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientDirectory.py,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.11 -r1.12
--- ClientDirectory.py	7 Nov 2003 09:26:36 -0000	1.11
+++ ClientDirectory.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.12
@@ -525,10 +525,7 @@
                     "Couldn't find any currently live descriptor with name %s"
                     % name)
-            s = s[0]
-            if not self.goodServerNicknames.has_key(s.getNickname().lower()):
-                LOG.warn("Server %s is not recommended",name)
+            s = s[0]            
             return s
         elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(name)):
             # If it's a filename, try to read it.
@@ -577,7 +574,7 @@
             # Make the exit hop _not_ be None; deal with getPath brokenness.
             #XXXX refactor this.
             if lastHop:
-                if not p or p[-1].lower()!=lastHop.lower():
+                if not p or not p[-1] or p[-1].lower()!=lastHop.lower():
             elif p[-1] == None and not exitAddress.isReply:
                 p[-1] = prng.pick(plausibleExits)
@@ -689,7 +686,8 @@
         return servers
-    def validatePath(self, pathSpec, exitAddress, startAt=None, endAt=None):
+    def validatePath(self, pathSpec, exitAddress, startAt=None, endAt=None,
+                     warnUnrecommended=1):
            takes pathspec; raises UIError or does nothing."""
         if startAt is None: startAt = time.time()
@@ -732,6 +730,20 @@
         elif exitAddress.isServerRelative():
             raise UIError("%s exit type expects a fixed exit server.",
+        # Check for unrecommended servers
+        if not warnUnrecommended:
+            return
+        warned = {}
+        for e in p:
+            fixed = e.getFixedServer(self, startAt, endAt)
+            if not fixed: continue
+            lc_nickname = fixed.getNickname().lower()
+            if not self.goodServerNicknames.has_key(lc_nickname):
+                if warned.has_key(lc_nickname):
+                    continue
+                warned[lc_nickname] = 1
+                LOG.warn("Server %s is not recommended",fixed.getNickname())
     def checkClientVersion(self):
         """Check the current client's version against the stated version in
@@ -874,7 +886,7 @@
         elif type(exitType) == types.IntType:
             if not (0 <= exitType <0xFFFF):
                 raise UIError("Exit type 0x%04X is out of range."%exitType)
-        else:
+        elif exitType is not None:
             raise UIError("Unknown exit type: %r"%exitType)
         self.exitType = exitType
         self.exitAddress = exitAddress

Index: ClientMain.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientMain.py,v
retrieving revision 1.127
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -d -r1.127 -r1.128
--- ClientMain.py	7 Nov 2003 09:07:54 -0000	1.127
+++ ClientMain.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.128
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
                DOCDOC args are wrong."""
         #XXXX write unit tests
-        allPackets = self.generateReplyMessage(
+        allPackets = self.generateReplyPackets(
             directory, address, pathSpec, message, surbList, startAt, endAt)
         for routing, packets in self._sortPackets(allPackets):
@@ -300,7 +300,8 @@
         routingType, routingInfo, _ = address.getRouting()
-        directory.validatePath(pathSpec, address, startAt, endAt)
+        directory.validatePath(pathSpec, address, startAt, endAt,
+                               warnUnrecommended=0)
         for p, (path1,path2) in zip(payloads, directory.generatePaths(
             len(payloads), pathSpec, address, startAt, endAt)):
@@ -312,9 +313,9 @@
         return r
-    def generateReplyMessage(self, directory, address, pathSpec, message,
+    def generateReplyPackets(self, directory, address, pathSpec, message,
                              surbList, startAt, endAt):
-        """Generate a forward message, but do not send it.  Returns
+        """Generate a reply message, but do not send it.  Returns
            a tuple of (the message body, a ServerInfo for the first hop.)
             address -- the results of a parseAddress call
@@ -324,6 +325,7 @@
             surbList -- a list of SURBs to consider for the second leg of
                the path.  We use the first one that is neither expired nor
                used, and mark it used.
+               DOCDOC
         #XXXX write unit tests
         assert address.isReply
@@ -333,9 +335,9 @@
         surbLog = self.openSURBLog() # implies lock
         result = []
-            surbs = surbLog.findUnusedSURB(surbList, len(payloads), 
+            surbs = surbLog.findUnusedSURBs(surbList, len(payloads), 
                                            verbose=1, now=startAt)
-            if len(surbs) <= len(payloads):
+            if len(surbs) < len(payloads):
                 raise UIError("Not enough usable reply blocks found; all were used or expired.")
@@ -352,6 +354,8 @@
             surbLog.close() #implies unlock
+        return result
     def openSURBLog(self):
         """Return a new, open SURBLog object for this client; it must be closed
@@ -404,11 +408,12 @@
             handles = self.queueMessages(msgList, routingInfo)
         if len(msgList) > 1:
-            mword = "messages"
+            mword = "packets"
-            mword = "message"
+            mword = "packet"
+            success = 0
                 # May raise TimeoutError
@@ -416,6 +421,7 @@
                 LOG.info("... %s sent", mword)
+                success = 1
                 e = sys.exc_info()
                 if noQueue and warnIfLost:
@@ -434,6 +440,8 @@
                 for h in handles:
                     if self.queue.packetExists(h):
+                if handles:
+                    self.queue.cleanQueue()
         except MixProtocolError, e:
@@ -481,14 +489,16 @@
             handles = [ h for _, h in messagesByServer[routing] ]
                 self.sendMessages(msgs, routing, noQueue=1, warnIfLost=0)
-                #XXXX006 is this part needed?
-                try:
-                    clientLock()
-                    for h in handles:
-                        if self.queue.packetExists(h):
-                            self.queue.removePacket(h)
-                finally:
-                    clientUnlock()
+##                 #XXXX006 is this part needed?
+##                 try:
+##                     clientLock()
+##                     for h in handles:
+##                         if self.queue.packetExists(h):
+##                             self.queue.removePacket(h)
+##                     if handles:
+##                         self.queue.cleanQueue()
+##                 finally:
+##                     clientUnlock()
                 sentSome = 1
             except MixError, e:
                 LOG.error("Can't deliver messages to %s:%s: %s; leaving messages in queue",
@@ -845,6 +855,7 @@
                 except ParseError, e:
                         raise UIError("Error parsing %s: %s" % (fn, e))
             self.surbList = surbs
+            self.exitAddress = mixminion.ClientDirectory.ExitAddress(isReply=1)
             assert self.exitAddress is not None
             useRB = 0
@@ -1033,7 +1044,7 @@
         # from stdin.
         surblog = client.openSURBLog()
-            s = surblog.findUnusedSURB(parser.path2)
+            s = surblog.findUnusedSURBs(parser.path2)
             if s is None:
                 raise UIError("No unused and unexpired reply blocks found.")
@@ -1209,7 +1220,7 @@
     separator = "\t"
     for opt,val in options:
         if opt in ('-F', '--feature'):
-            features.append(val)
+            features.extend(val.split(","))
         elif opt in ('-c', '--cascade'):
                 cascade = int(val)
@@ -1225,7 +1236,7 @@
             showTime = 2
         elif opt in ('-V', '--valid'):
             validOnly = 1
-        elif sep in ('-s', '--separator'):
+        elif opt in ('-s', '--separator'):
             separator = val
     if not features:

Index: ClientUtils.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientUtils.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- ClientUtils.py	7 Nov 2003 07:31:42 -0000	1.6
+++ ClientUtils.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.7
@@ -395,8 +395,6 @@
     def removePacket(self, handle):
         """Remove the packet named with the handle 'handle'."""
-        # XXXX006 This cleanQueue shouldn't need to happen so often!
-        self.store.cleanQueue()
     def inspectQueue(self, now=None):
         """Print a message describing how many messages in the queue are headed
@@ -421,27 +419,28 @@
             days = floorDiv(now - oldest, 24*60*60)
             if days < 1:
                 days = "<1"
-            print "%2d messages for server at %s:%s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
+            print "%2d packets for server at %s:%s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
                 count, s.ip, s.port, days)
-    def cleanQueue(self, maxAge, now=None):
+    def cleanQueue(self, maxAge=None, now=None):
         """Remove all messages older than maxAge seconds from this
         if now is None:
             now = time.time()
-        cutoff = now - maxAge
-        remove = []
-        self.loadMetadata()
-        for h in self.getHandles():
-            try:
-                when = self.store.getMetadata(h)[2]
-            except mixminion.Filestore.CorruptedFile:
-                continue
-            if when < cutoff:
-                remove.append(h)
-        LOG.info("Removing %s old messages from queue", len(remove))
-        for h in remove:
-            self.store.removeMessage(h)
+        if maxAge is not None:
+            cutoff = now - maxAge
+            remove = []
+            self.loadMetadata()
+            for h in self.getHandles():
+                try:
+                    when = self.store.getMetadata(h)[2]
+                except mixminion.Filestore.CorruptedFile:
+                    continue
+                if when < cutoff:
+                    remove.append(h)
+            LOG.info("Removing %s old messages from queue", len(remove))
+            for h in remove:
+                self.store.removeMessage(h)
     def loadMetadata(self):

Index: Config.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Config.py,v
retrieving revision 1.63
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -d -r1.63 -r1.64
--- Config.py	7 Nov 2003 09:07:54 -0000	1.63
+++ Config.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.64
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
                     if entry.lower() == ent:
                         return section, entry
         if goodSection:
-            raise UIError("Section %s has no entry %r"%(section,ent))
+            raise UIError("Section %s has no entry %r"%(goodSection,ent))
             raise UIError("No such section as %s"%sec)
@@ -652,8 +652,8 @@
         elif len(result) > 1:
             secs = [ "%s:%s"%(secname,entname) for secname,entname
                      in result ]
-            raise UIError("%r is ambiguous.  Did you mean %s?",
-                          name, englishSequence(secs,compound="or"))
+            raise UIError("%r is ambiguous.  Did you mean %s?"%(
+                          name, englishSequence(secs,compound="or")))
             return result[0]

Index: Main.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Main.py,v
retrieving revision 1.59
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -d -r1.59 -r1.60
--- Main.py	2 Oct 2003 21:46:23 -0000	1.59
+++ Main.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.60
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
     "send" :           ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'runClient' ),
     "queue" :          ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'runClient' ),
     "import-server" :  ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'importServer' ),
+    "list-server" :    ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'listServers' ),
     "list-servers" :   ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'listServers' ),
     "update-servers" : ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'updateServers' ),
     "decode" :         ( 'mixminion.ClientMain', 'clientDecode' ),