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minion-design.tex started

I've checked in a skeleton draft of minion-design.tex. The goal of
the paper is to describe the design of the Mixminion architecture and
protocol, to provide intuition about the design choices made (and possibly
argue why other options were not chosen, space allowing), and to provide
an exhaustive list of known attacks against the system and describe
how our system prevents those attacks. I'd like to describe not just
the Mixminion protocol and design, but also how it integrates with some
higher-level topics like nymservers and transmitting large files safely.

I've just gotten hosed with other topics for the next day or so, and
we can't afford to have me just sitting on the tex without working on
it. So you guys should take this opportunity to grab chunks of the paper
and write them. If you don't have a cvs account and envision doings lots
of commits, drop me a mail. Or you can just send me a new version and
I'll diff it back in.

I've put and will keep an updated copy at

General rule: if you're right, just fix it. Don't bother asking
permission/consensus, it will just slow things down. If you're wrong,
then ask first. :)

I recognize there are some topics that aren't decided on yet. We should
probably hold off on writing those up. But there are plenty of other
