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Futureworls remailer problems

I had problems with futureworlds Type III remailer;
 two days ago it started restarting every 15 minutes
 (i have a cron script that check for activity & restart
 it if the process is idle)

I cheched that it was unresponsive for at least one week.
(is an 7.0rc1 version)

The only way to solve the problem was removing all files


from the dir


I saved those files just in case.

Any idea/suggestion ?

Ciao.   Marco


+     il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco        +
*     the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit        *
*   Marco A. Calamari    marcoc@dada.it     www.marcoc.it    *
*     PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698       *
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