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Re: Accented subject characters

Nick Mathewson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 07:19:11PM -0500, kf-grb@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I use a short bash script to have mixminion-0.0.8alpha2
>> send/post a prepared text file. Example:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> # Use quotes for multiword headers: Re: soandso "Re: soandso"
>> #--recommended  DONTWORK
>> #--X-No-Archive=Yes  DONTWORK
>> #--subject="Re: s?m?s?bj?ct"  DONTWORK
>> /home/.../mixmin/bin/mixminion send \
>> -t mail2news-20070308-alt.test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
>> -P "*3,banana" \
>> --input=/home/.../mixmin/sourcefile.txt \
>> --subject="Re: somesubject" \
>> --references="" \
>> --in-reply-to="" 
>> I get barked at if the subject line contains accented 
>> characters even if the whole string is enclosed in
>> double quotes. Is there a workaround for this (backslash
>> escape doesn't seem to cut it)?
> Probably, your best bet for now is to use RFC2047 encoding.  (RFC2047
> specifies ways to encode non-ASCII text into email headers.)

I've found a relatively useful way to ease the pain (without
letting you forget it altogether):  save a message or response
as a draft (works with T-Bird) and then save it from the list
as an EML file. Then open in nedit etc.  The "encoded-words"
will all be there but may still require some editing.

>> Also, in the wishlist department, I would far prefer 
>> - having all disclaimers in X-headers with a view to keeping 
>>   the readability/threadability as clean as possible
> I'm torn here; it's superficially a benefit to users and a liability
> to exit servers, but I'd prefer to let the exit servers decide, but I
> don't want users cherrypicking exit servers.  Hard to say.

Agreed without question that uniformity is far better
than chaos and that exit servers must have what they
need (or feel they need) or else they will not be there.

As one who used mixmaster to post usenet I thought that
the scarcity of remailers offering 'from' headers was as
bad as the confusion it created. This particular issue
(like threadability, below) is for the readers. Personally
I think that "alias@wherever [Anon]" should suffice because
that's one header that everyone sees. Long lines in the
message body just tick people off; thet get irritable and
then badmouth all of anon.

>> - some form of the --header syntax used in mixmaster that
>>   allows assorted X-headers to be used/created
> This would need a protocol change, but it's a decent idea.  There
> should probably be a list of headers that one isn't allowed to forge.

Not a major issue. Some should be protected, some should
be free to create/use at will.

>> - the [Anon] prepended to 'From' appended instead so as
>>   to support sender-based sortability.
> This seems superficially like a good idea.

It's for people reading the threads. We will all need it
when more and more use anon. In its present form sorting
on sender will create two lists, one of the [Anon]'s and
then the others. Appending the qualifier instead of prepending
it would not upset threadability.

In an email scenario threadabilty is far less a problem
than on usenet.

> If I got a patch for any of these, I'd likely apply it if it were any
> good.
>> Finally, does anyone have some idea as to the date when
>> usenet posting will/might become functional?  I don't think
>> I can use SURBS in conjunction with m2n...
> "When somebody implements it."  Mixminion development is not getting a
> lot of energy right now. :/

Perhaps not, but mixminion itself does seem to be getting
lots of juice from other quarters :-)

> peace,

I'll drink to that..  thanks for the response BTW.