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RE: More thoughts on From: lines

On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Lucky Green wrote:

> Unfortunately, even including an MTA won't protect users from the fact
> that many documents created on Windows contain the full path name where
> the document is stored. As some may know, it is a fun sport to look at
> Word documents released by politicians in Washington to determine which
> lobbying group actually wrote the document for that particular Senator.
> Finding strings such as "F:\MPAA\DCOFFICE\SENATE\" and similar has no
> been unheard of. ;)

Yes, and JPEGs have the name of the program which created them embedded in
their encoding -- a fact that popular image stego software forgot to

How much do we want to worry about sanitizing user-provided attachments in
various formats? We can't simply say "no attachments", as this will have
severe negative impact on the system's adoption and use.
