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Re: Publishing attempt

At 09.23 26/06/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 08:11, marcoc1@dada.it wrote:
>> WHen trying to publish, I received this warning
>> Jun 26 13:24:48.264 [WARN] Unexpected error: wrong version number. Closin=
>g connection to (fd 10).
>I can't do anything with this error -- it is most likely that there's an
>SSL error someplace between you and someone else, unrelated to
>publishing.  If you send me the last few hundred lines of your log, I
>might be able to say more.  (

I would be happy to do that, but the line I sent is all my log !


Maybe I need to change the debuglevel; which one ?

Ciao.  Marco

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