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Re: Servers Should Use a Secure Mix Algorithm

On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 08:46 +0000, Colin Tuckley wrote:
> Peter Hendrickson wrote:
> > The recommended default mix for servers (from the distributed

I revert the pboxlevel3 server to the standard algoritm ASAP.

> 3) The system is *not* reliable at the moment, for those of us trying to
> track down bugs this makes it worse. The NymBaron team for instance would
> really prefer a timed mix as it makes their testing faster.

The mixminion is far from a finished product, but there are user
 that rely on it because they trust more mixminion over mixmaster,
 despite being it a stable system.
Is the same situation of Freenet, always in beta but widely used.

> See my miniontest results at http://www.cside.dyndns.org/minion.html for an
> example of how this change is affecting the system.
> It would have been better if you had talked about this in public on the list
> *before* you unilateraly made the change.

I agree, but I want to make a note.

This list, as the Nymbaron one, is almost dead, no talk between
 no news, questions or proposals. I suppose most of the developer
 are done in different ways (chat, private mail) but this is in
 my humble opinion a REAL BAD THING.
Investing a little time in communication between developer & power user
 is a good investment.

> cside will *not* be changing at this time.
> Can I suggest please that people change back - at least until we have all
> discussed this and made sure it doesn't impact testing of things like Nymbaron.
> If you want to help with testing then please consider running miniontest to
> give the system a better workout.

Please explain why and how. Thanks a lot.

Ciao.   Marco


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