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Re: End to end mixminion rationalized, with compression and K-of-N

Dear All, Sorry for my long absence but I had to catch up with my life 
after IH2002, and sort out the backlog of tasks accumulated on my desktop. 
I have a few comments about the end to end issues, but also others that 
have randomly poped up when I has reading this email:

1) If BEAR is cheaper than LIONESS we can use it, since I do not see any

2) We need to give some control to the creator of the SURB so that they
can include some information inside it (TAG field). This has to do with
the fact that a SURB is tied to a particular pseudonym, and this
information should be included and protected inside it. In particular it
would compromise the anonymity of users if they use/or reply to a SURB
that was created by another of their pseudonyms. Imagine if Clark Ken
answers a messages that was destined to Superman!

3) Failure models: I agree that most of the failures that we see today are 
due to servers being unavailable. But if we have reliable servers (that 
assumes good code) then congestion will lead to random packets being 
discarded, at random servers. The problem is even worse than usually since 
the mixes do not know which packets correspond to the same communication 
to drop them intelligently.

4) I would not be afraid of using "expensive" K-of-N schemes since these 
are only adding burden to the edges of the network, rather than the core 
(modulo the reconstruction of plaintext messages).

More soon,


On 11 Oct 2002, Nick Mathewson wrote:

> Hi, all!  Sorry about the long delay.  Please let me know what you think
> about this design.  It's more uniform than my last one, more explicit,
> and it adds in compression and K-of-N message reassembly.
> If nobody objects, and nobody else would rather do it, I'm going to
> merge this into the spec in about a week or so.
> (Also, I'm going to start coding up the simpler portions of this so that
> I can finally get a partially-working release out the door.  Fear not;
> if the spec changes, so will the code.)
> ----------------
> === Introduction ===
> STATUS: This document attempts to motivate a set of requirements for
> end-to-end message transport on type-III (Mixminion) Mixes, and
> to provide a design meeting those requirements.  When we're happy with
> some version of this, I'll write it into the specification.
> This note incorporates and replaces my earlier design note from September 20 
> (see http://archives.seul.org/mixminion/dev/Sep-2002/msg00015.html). It
> simplifies the format of the earlier design, and adds message
> compression and message fragmentation with K-of-N reassembly.
> The current specification describes only how to send single Mixminion
> packets from one user to another, either via forward-anonymous paths
> or via single-use reply blocks.  It lacks support for the following
> desirable features:
>     1) End-to-end encryption on forward messages.  (Alice wants to send
>        a message to Bob.  Bob does not run a Mixminion node of his
>        own, but *does* have a long-term public key.  Alice encrypts
>        a packet with Bob's public key, and sends it along a path
>        ending with an exit node that delivers the message to Bob.  Bob
>        decrypts the contents of the packet with his public key.)
>     2) 'Stateless' reply blocks.  (Bob wants to generate many SURBs
>         without having to store a separate set of keys for each SURB.)
>     3) Message sizes.  (When Bob receives the contents of a packet
>        from Alice, he should be able to tell how much of the packet is
>        random padding and how much is the real message.)
>     4) Multi-packet messages.  (Alice wants to send a message to Bob,
>        but the message is too long to fit into the payload of a single
>        packet.  Alice breaks the message into N packets, such that any
>        K of them are sufficient to reconstruct the original message.
>        IF Bob has the software to reassemble the original message,
>        Alice simply sends all the packets to Bob.  If, however, Bob is
>        not running Mixminion software, Alice sends all of the packets
>        to a single exit node, and the exit node reconstructs the
>        original message and delivers it to Bob.)
>     5) In-system message compression.  (Alice wants to send a long
>        text message to Bob.  By compressing it, she can fit it into
>        far fewer packets.)
>     6) A complete decoding algorithm. (Bob receives a message.  He
>        must be able to determine its contents without knowing whether
>        it plaintext forward, encrypted forward, or a reply.
>        Additionally, if the packet is corrupt, Bob should be able to
>        tell.)
> My last message addressed 1, 2, 3, and 6.  This document simplifies
> that design, and adds 4 and 5.
> The following requirements complicate the design:
>     1) Exit indistinguishablity between message types.  (If the exit
>        node is not operated by the recipient, it should learn as
>        little as possible about the messages it relays.  Obviously, it
>        can distinguish plaintext forward messages from all other
>        messages.  It should, however, be impossible for such an exit
>        node to tell whether a message is a reply, an end-to-end
>        encrypted forward message, or junk.)
>     2) Format homogeneity.  (All senders must compress and fragment
>        their messages in the same way, or else recipients will be able
>        to partition incoming messages based on the format used to send
>        them.)
>     3) Message recipients who don't run any Mixminion software.  (We've
>        always said that users who don't get any benefit of anonymity
>        should not need to run any special software.)
>     4) Message recipients who run Mixminion software, but who do not
>        run their own nodes.  (Such recipients may decline to run nodes
>        because they do not have long-term IP addresses, because they
>        do not have reliable network connections, or because they do
>        not want to run a 24/7 server for other reasons.)
>     5) No patent-encumbered algorithms.
> Last time I got in a bit of trouble by not defining my terms clearly.
> Here's another try.
> **Roles** The following roles describe various users' and servers'
> relationships to a given packet.  These roles are not entirely
> static: a user may fill different roles for different packet.
> Sender: The user that creates a given message, and decides to send it
>    via the Mixnet.
> Encoder: The user or server that converts a message into Mixminion
>    packets.  A user who runs Mixminion software acts as her own
>    encoder; one who uses an email-gateway to introduce packets into
>    the system does not.
> Relay: An intermediary node in a Mixminion chain.
> Exit node: The last node in the relay chain.  An exit node is "observable"
>    when it relays packets to recipients over an untrusted network,
>    and "private" when it delivers messages locally to recipients that
>    trust it.
> Decoder: The user or server that parses mixminion packets, and
>    decrypts or reconstructs the original message.  Except in the case
>    of plaintext forward-anonymous messages, the decoder is identical
>    with the recipient.
> Recipient: The intended target of a message.
> SURB generator: The user who creates a SURB.
> **Data Structures**
> Message: An arbitrary sequence of bytes which a sender wants to send
>    to a decoder.   It may be too long to fit into a single packet.
> Packet: A 32K data chunk, containing two headers and a payload
>    as described in the current Mixminion spec.
> Tag: A 20 byte sequence contained in the final subheader of every
>    packet.  Every routing-info field associated with an exit
>    routing-type has a Tag subfield.
> Payload: The 28K contents of a packet.
> Tagged Payload:The 28K contents of a packet, plus the Tag from the
>    packet's header.
> **Kinds of packets**
> Forward-anonymous: The sender is anonymous, and knows the receiver's
>     identity.  The sender creates all the headers.
> Plaintext forward-anonymous: A forward-anonymous packet on which the
>     sender does not use end-to-end public-key encryption.  The exit
>     node sees the plaintext contents of a plaintext forward-anonymous
>     packet.  If the exit node is observable, any eavesdropper
>     between the exit node and the recipient can see the plaintext.
> Encrypted forward-anonymous: A forward-anonymous packet encrypted by
>     the encoder using the recipient's public key.
> Reply: a packet sent using a SURB.
> Junk: a packet whose payload is garbled between the crossover point
>     and the recipient.
> **Kinds of SURBs**
> Stateful SURB: A mode of SURB generation in which the SURB generator
>     remembers an independent set of decryption keys for each generated
>     SURB.
> Stateless SURB: A mode of SURB generation in which the SURB generator
>     only needs to remember a single medium-to-long-term secret to
>     decrypt packets sent to any number of SURBs.
> === The Design ===
> We define a compression primitive based on ZLIB, as defined in
> RFC-1950 and RFC-1951.  Because these standards describe only a
> message format, and do not mandate a single compression algorithm, we
> must restrict the allowable means of compression further.  (If we
> allowed encoders to choose among valid ZLIB compression algorithms,
> they would become partitionable.)
> Specifically, we define COMPRESS(M) to equal the result of
> compressing M using zlib 1.1.4 (as available from www.gzip.org) with
> the following parameters:
>       Compression level    = 9 (maximum)
>       Compression method   = DEFLATED (default)
>       Window size          = 32K (default)
>       Memory level         = 8 (default)
>       Compression strategy = DEFAULT (default)
> Any software can be used, so long as it gives the same result as zlib
> 1.1.4 with these parameters.  Based on gigabytes of experimentation
> and a fairly close reading of zlib's changelogs, I *believe* that zlib
> 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 all give the same results under these
> parameters.  Nonetheless, nobody should be using 1.1.2 or 1.1.3
> unpatched because of an exploitable bug in those versions.  (Redhat
> ships a patched 1.1.3, which also seems to give the same results as
> 1.1.4.)
> If I recall correctly, the zlib website says that COMPRESS(M) is no
> longer than 12 bytes + 1.02 * len(M), and at least as long as
> len(M)/1000.
> We also define DECOMPRESS as the inverse of COMPRESS: namely, ZLIB
> decompression as described in RFCs 1950 and 1951.  Note that not
> DECOMPRESS is not defined for every sequence of bytes.
> [Thanks to Zooko and Justin Chapweske for information that helped me design
> this.]
> We define a primitive, FRAGMENT, that breaks a K-packet message into
> N>K packets, such that any K of those packets are sufficient to
> reconstruct the original message.  FRAGMENT(M,K,N,i) is the i'th such
> packet.
> We also define a primitive RECONSTRUCT(K,N,P_i1, P_i2,...P_iK) that
> reconstructs the original message.
> Specifically, we use the Vandermonde-code based algorithm developed by
> Luigi Rizzo, as described at 
>      http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/fec_ccr.ps.gz
> and  http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/hpcs97.ps.gz
> This algorithm has several advantages: first, it has freely-available
> implementations in C and Java under a modified-BSD style license.
> (See http://onionnetworks.com/rm/ for a Java implementation, and
> http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/vdm.tgz for the original C
> implementation.) Second, it runs with acceptable performance for modest
> values of K (less than 32 or so).  Third, it does not seem to be patent
> encumbered.
> Of course, this algorithm has disadvantages.  First, it lacks a
> complete, byte-level specification beyond that given at the URLs above. 
> Second, it takes time quadratic with K, and begins to perform poorly
> around K=32.  Sadly, it seems to be about the best we can do.
> To avoid large K, we do not fragment messages directly.  Instead, we
> first divide each large message into a set of chunks, with the size of
> each chunk no larger than can fit in 16 packets.  We do K-of-N
> fragmentation on the chunks as follows:
>     PROCEDURE: Divide a message into packets.  [DIVIDE(M,PS,EXF)]
>         M: the message to send
>         PS: payload sized (fixed)
>         EXF: expansion factor (fixed: everyone must use the same EXF,
>                               see below.)
>     Let M_SIZE = CEIL(LEN(M) / PS)
>     Let K = Min(16, 2**CEIL(Log2(M_SIZE)))
>     Let M = M | PRNG(Len(M) - NUM_CHUNKS*PS*K)
>     For i from 0 to NUM_CHUNKS - 1:
>        Let CHUNK_i = M[i*PS*K : (i+1)*PS*K]
>     End
>     Let N = Ceil(EXF*K)
>     For i from 0 to NUM_CHUNKS-1:
>       For j from 0 to N-1:
>         FRAGMENTS[i*N+j] = FRAGMENT(CHUNK_i, K, N, j)
>       End loop
>     End loop
>     Return FRAGMENTS.
> Note that a message will rely intact if and only if at least K
> packets from each chunk arrive.  We examine the chance for a message
> to arrive under three sets of assumptions.
> First, suppose we didn't support erasure correction: that is to
> say, EXF=1.0.  Suppose that messages are lost with probability P.
> Thus, a message arrives with probability
>    P_msg = P ** N_PACKETS
> (If P=.99, a 1MB message arrives with probability < 69%.)
> Second, suppose that packets are lost independently and uniformly, such
> that each packet arrives with probability P.  Thus, a message arrives
> with probability:
>                _N_                                N_CHUNKS
>     P_msg = [  >    COMB(N,i) P**i (1-P)**(N-i)  ]
>                ---
>                i=k
>   Where COMB(N,i) = the number of combinations of N elements, taken i
>   at a time.
> (If P=.95 and EXF=1.3, P_msg > .9986)
> Third, consider a different failure model. It's far more likely that
> packets are lost due to entire paths failing.  In this case, it makes
> sense to "stripe" each chunk over a set of paths, such that Packet 1
> from Chunk 1 goes along the same path as Packet 1 from Chunk 2, Packet
> 1 from Chunk 3, and so on.  Thus, if we choose N different paths, we
> can reconstruct the message so long as at least K paths are
> functioning.  If we choose Q paths for Q<N, at least K*Q/N paths must
> be functioning.  Assuming paths succeed with probability Ppath,
>              _Q_
>     P_msg =  >    COMB(Q,i) Ppath**i (1-Ppath)**(Q-i)
>              ---
>              i=(k*Q/N)
> [I'm leaving EXF and Q vague, since I have no idea of P or Ppath, and
> since I don't actually plan to implement this for several versions. ]
> A) All exit routing types (such as SMTP and MBOX) have their Routing-Info
>    field begin with a 20-byte Tag.  To all entities but the recipient,
>    the Tag field should look like a 20-byte random number, with
>    MSB=0. (I.e., 0<=Tag<2**159.)  [See previous message for rationale.]
>    The payloads of plaintext forward-anonymous packets, encrypted
>    forward-anonymous packets, and reply packets are all encoded
>    slightly differently.  To all entities except the recipient, the
>    contents of these packets look like 28KB of random data.
>    The recipient, however, can reconstruct the contents of a packet
>    given a payload and a tag.
> B) Every tagged payload eventually decodes to a 'fragment' or
>    'single-packet-message'.  The formats are:
>    SINGLE-PACKET-MESSAGE Payload:  (overhead=22 bytes.)
>      (Single-packet message flag) [1 bit: 0]
>      (Length of packet contents)  [15 bits]
>      (Hash of packet contents)    [20 bytes]
>      (Packet contents)            [up to capacity]
>   FRAGMENT Payload (overhead = 46 bytes)
>      (Multi-packet message flag) [1 bit: 1]
>      (Packet index)              [15 bits]
>      (Hash of remaining packet fields) [20 bytes]
>      (Message ID)                [20 bytes]
>      (Message size)              [4 bytes]
>      (Packet contents)           [capacity]
>   [Note: this format allows at messages at most 4 GB in size.
>     Decoders (exit nodes and recipients) may impose additional limits.]
>   [Note 2: Perhaps we should only use 8 or 10 bytes of he hash: after
>    all, we're not actually worried about collisions, and lioness
>    should prevent hostile alteration of the payload: we only need to
>    use it as a checksum.  On the other hand, we'd only be saving 10
>    bytes per packet.]
> C) The message encoder behaves as follows:
>        1. First, determine the message type.  If we're using a SURB,
>           the message type is 'REPLY'.  If we're sending to a private
>           exit node, or we're sending a plaintext message, the message
>           type is 'PLAIN'.  If we're sending message via an observable
>           exit node to a sender with a known public key, the message
>           type is 'ENCRYPT'.
>           If message-type  'PLAIN' or 'REPLY', let SZ = 28K. Else let
>               SZ= 28K-42bytes.   (SZ is the amount of data that fits
>               in a single payload.  'ENCRYPT' messages lose 42 bytes
>               to OAEP padding.)
>        2. Compress the message.   Call this CM.
>        3. If Len(CM) > (SZ-22 bytes)
>               Generate a random 20-byte number as a message ID.
>               Divide CM into fragments of length SZ-46 bytes according to
>                  the K-of-N procedure given above.
>               Construct a FRAGMENT payload for each of the fragments.
>           Else,
>               Construct a SINGLE-PACKET-MESSAGE payload containing the
>                 size of the message and a hash to verify correct decoding.
>           Endif.
>           Send each payload as described below.
>        4. To send a payload P:
>           Assert Len(P) == SZ.
>           If the message type is PLAIN:
>              Generate a random 159-bit number for the Tag field.
>              Use the payload P as it is.
>           End if
>           If the message type is ENCRYPT:
>              Let KS be the size of the recipient's public key.
>              do
>                 Generate a 128-bit temporary key Ksession.
>                   Let M = (Ksession | P)
>                   Let M' = OAEP/RSA encrypt S[0:KS-42]
>              while the MSB of M[0] = 1.
>              Let Tag = M'[0:20].
>              Let Payload = M'[20:KS] | LIONESS(Ksession, M[KS-42: SZ+16])
>             Endif
>         If Message type is 'reply':
>              (We don't generate Tag; it's part of the reply block.)
>              Use the payload P as it is.
>         Endif
> D) The exit node behaves as follows:
>        If the payload begins with 0size, hash(X), X:
>            It is a short-payload, plaintext message.  Send msg[0:size]
>            to the recipient as-is.  If any characters in msg[0:size]
>            are not plaintext characters, send the message encoded in
>            base64.
>        Else if the payload begins with 1idx, hash(X), X:
>            Begin K-of-N reconstruction.  When the message is
>            complete, send it to the recipient.
>        Else:
>             Send the tag and payload to the recipient as they are; the
>              recipient will need to decode them.
>        Endif
> E) SURB generators behave as follows:
>        If generating a stateful SURB:
>             Generate encryption keys at random.
>             Choose a random 159 bit tag.
>             Store the keys, indexed by the tag.
>        Else
>             Let SEC be our long-term secret.
>             Do
>                 Generate a random 159 bit seed S.
>             Until H(S|SEC|"Validate") ends with a 0 byte.
>             // (We check for the 0 byte so we can recognize stateless
>             //  SURBs without doing many costly LIONESS operations.)
>             Generate the encryption keys from the seed H(S|SEC|"Generate").
>             Let Tag=S.
>        Endif
>        Generate a SURB using the encryption keys; use Tag as the
>            tag field in the final subheader.
> F) The recipient behaves as follows for non-plaintext messages.
>        If we ever use stateful SURBs, and Tag is the index of a stored key-set:
>             Decrypt the payload with the stored key-set.
>             If the decrypted payload is of the form 0size, H(X), X:
>                 The message contents are X[0:size].  Return.
>             Else if decrypted payload is of the form 1idx, H(X), X:
>                 Begin K-of-N message reconstruction. Return.
>             Else:
>                 The payload is junk.  Return.
>             Endif.
>        Endif
>        If we ever use stateless SURBs, and H(Tag|SEC|"Validate") ends with 0:
>             Reconstruct decryption keys from PRNG(Tag|SEC|"Generate").
>             Use the key set to decrypt the payload.
>             If the decrypted payload is of the form 0size, H(X), X:
>                 The message contents are X[0:size].  Return.
>             Else if decrypted payload is of the form 1idx, H(X), X:
>                 Begin K-of-N message reconstruction. Return.
>             Endif
>             // If the hash is incorrect, we may have incorrectly guessed
>             // the message to be a stateless SURB.  Continue.
>        Endif.
>        If we have an end-to-end public key of size KS,
>             Let M' = Tag | Payload[0:KS-20]
>             Decrypt M' with the public key and check the OAEP padding;
>                call the decrypted value M.
>             If the padding is valid:
>                Let Ksession = M[0:20].
>                Let P' = LIONESS_DECRYPT(Ksession, Payload[KS-20:28K])
>                Let P = M[20:Len(M)] | P'
>                If P is of the form 0size, H(X), X:
>                   The message contents are X[0:size]. Return.
>                Else if P is of the form 1idx, H(X), X:
>                   Begin K-of-N reconstruction.  Return.
>                Endif.
>             Endif.
>        Endif.
>        If we reach this point, the message is junk.
> G) To implement K-of-N reconstruction, recipients and exit nodes that
>    support K-of-N reconstruction keep an internal, long-term map from
>    Message-ID to sets of fragments.  They behave as follows:
>        Upon receiving a FRAGMENT payload, verify that it is of the
>        format 1Idx, H(X), X.  From X retrieve Message-ID,
>        Message-Size, and Contents.
>        If have already reconstructed Message-ID, this packet is
>        superfluous. Discard it and return.
>        If we have no packets for Message-ID, reconstruct NUM_CHUNKS, K,
>          and N from Message-Size as in the DIVIDE procedure above.
>          Associate <NUM_CHUNKS, K, N, Message-Size> with Message-ID.
>        If Message-Size does not match the Message-Size associated with
>           Message-ID, the message is corrupt.  Drop all payloads for 
>           Message-ID and remember that Message-ID is finished.
>        If we already have a payload with this index stored for
>           Message-ID, check whether it is equal to Contents.  If the
>           payloads are equal, return.  If the payloads are unequal,
>           the message is corrupt: drop all payloads for Message-ID
>           and remember that Message-ID is finished.
>        Let CHUNK = Floor(Idx/N).
>        If we have already reconstructed chunk CHUNK,
>            return.
>        Else, if we have fewer than K-1 payloads with indices in the range
>          [N*CHUNK .. (N+1)*CHUNK - 1],
>            Store Contents under Message-ID with index Idx, and return.
>        Else,
>             Use Contents along with the payloads in the range
>             mentioned above to reconstruct Chunk, then discard all the
>             payloads in the range.  Store Chunk with index CHUNK.
>             If all chunks are reconstructed:
>                 Concatenate the chunks in order to form M.
>                 The final payload is M[0:Message-Size]; uncompress it
>                     and deliver it.
>                 Remember that Message-ID is finished.
>             Endif.
>        Endif.
>     [Notes:
>        1) We can safely forget all stored packets and lists of
>           delivered messages every time we rotate our server key.
>        2) Exit nodes that support reconstruction are vulnerable to a
>           DOS attack: Until the message is reconstructed, they must
>           hold all the payloads they have received for each
>           Message-ID.]
> H) Not all exit nodes support reconstruction.  We add a new section to
>    server descriptor blocks, "Delivery/Fragments".  It has the
>    following elements:
>        'Maximum-packets': The largest size of a message to be queued.
>           (NUM_CHUNKS * N) to be queued.  Must be an even power of 2.
>    1. Addresses.  (See message of Sep 20.)
>    2. Preventing DOS attacks on K-of-N reconstruction.
>    3. Encoding for keys for encrypted-forward messages.
> -------------------------
> So, what does everyone think?  Is this a good starting point to
> integrate with the spec, or does it still need more work?
> Yours,