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Please test Mixminion 0.0.5rc2

Many thanks to everybody who's upgraded their servers to Mixminion
version 0.0.5, release candidate 2.  Other than a heisenbug in the unit
tests (since fixed in CVS), nobody has reported any problems with this
release of the code.

My current plans are that if I don't find out about any bugs before 4 pm
EDT tomorrow (20:00 UTC), I'm going to put out 0.0.5 final.

In order for this to work, I need people to try out the system in the
mean time.  Do SURBs still work for you?  Do upgraded servers support
setting headers?  Do large messages get sent correctly?[*]

[*] Large messages will seem somewhat screwed up, as only two smtp exit
servers currently support message defragmentation.  Frell has a maximum
SMTP message size of 1MB, and liberty seems to have a maximum SMTP
message size of 100KB.  Also, the path selection logic for fragmented
messages is a little confused; this is a known problem (see the README).

Even if everything works for you, please drop me a line to say so, so I
know that I'm not the only user. :)

Many thanks for your time,

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