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Re: [tor-bugs] #14389 [Core Tor/Tor]: little-t-tor: Provide support for better TBB UI of hidden service client authorization

#14389: little-t-tor: Provide support for better TBB UI of hidden service client
 Reporter:  asn                                  |          Owner:  tbb-
                                                 |  team
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:
                                                 |  needs_revision
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:  Tor:
                                                 |  0.4.2.x-final
Component:  Core Tor/Tor                         |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  tor-hs, tbb-usability, ux-team, hs-  |  Actual Points:
  auth                                           |
Parent ID:  #30000                               |         Points:  14-24
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  Sponsor27-must

Comment (by asn):

 Replying to [comment:52 mcs]:
 > We don't know the history of tor's use of SOCKS, but here is an idea:
 We could add a tor option that allowed a client to include an request
 identifier within the SOCKS5 password field (we would need to agree on a
 delimiter since we would need `IsolateSOCKSAuth` to ignore the request
 identifier). Then, when tor generates a control port messages that is
 associated with a specific SOCKS request, it would include the request

 Hey mcs and Kathy. I think the above seems plausible but I would need to
 lookup the code and SOCKS5 spec to see how this is done and whether we
 have enough space. As an alternative (to minimize added functionality)
 could we use the SOCKS username/password that is sent from TB to Tor in
 those control messages?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14389#comment:53>
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