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[or-cvs] r11464: Remove the contrib scripts ExerciseServer.py, PathDemo.py, a (in tor/trunk: . contrib)

Author: arma
Date: 2007-09-17 17:59:24 -0400 (Mon, 17 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 11464

Remove the contrib scripts ExerciseServer.py, PathDemo.py,
and TorControl.py, as they use the old v0 controller protocol,
and are obsoleted by TorFlow anyway.

Modified: tor/trunk/ChangeLog
--- tor/trunk/ChangeLog	2007-09-17 21:59:07 UTC (rev 11463)
+++ tor/trunk/ChangeLog	2007-09-17 21:59:24 UTC (rev 11464)
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
        documents, and including it in router descriptors took up 60% (!) of
        compressed router descriptor downloads.  Completes implementation of
        proposal 104.
+     - Remove the contrib scripts ExerciseServer.py, PathDemo.py,
+       and TorControl.py, as they use the old v0 controller protocol,
+       and are obsoleted by TorFlow anyway.
   o Major bugfixes:
     - Fix possible segfaults in functions called from

Deleted: tor/trunk/contrib/ExerciseServer.py
--- tor/trunk/contrib/ExerciseServer.py	2007-09-17 21:59:07 UTC (rev 11463)
+++ tor/trunk/contrib/ExerciseServer.py	2007-09-17 21:59:24 UTC (rev 11464)
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-import TorControl
-import threading
-import socket
-import struct
-import random
-def runSocks4A(nonce, targetHost, targetPort, targetURL):
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect(("", SOCKS_PORT))
-    socksheader = struct.pack("!BBHL", 4, 0x01, targetPort, 1)
-    username = ""
-    socksheader = "%s%s\x00%s\x00" %(socksheader, username, nonce)
-    s.send(socksheader)
-    response = s.recv(8)
-    version,status,port=struct.unpack("!BBH",response[:4])
-    if status != 90:
-        print "Error: non-successful SOCKS status"
-        s.close()
-        return 0
-    s.send("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n"%(targetURL,targetHost))
-    while 1:
-        r = s.recv(1024)
-        if not r:
-            print "WOOT! Got a web page."
-            s.close()
-            return 1
-HOSTS_TO_TEST = [ "serifos", "chaoscomputerclub", "NetWorkXXIII", "caethaver2",
-                  "theoryorg", "samaire", "alrua", "ihopethisisunique",
-                  "xolotl", "cacophony", "ghettocluster", "torserverzillion",
-                  "ned", "richhomednsorg", "subzeronet"]
-EXITS_TO_TEST = [ "pvt", ]
-HOSTS_THAT_WORK = [ "serifos", "rodos", "moria2", "chaoscomputerclub"]
-EXITS_THAT_WORK = [ "serifos", "rodos"]
-TARGETS = [ ("belegost.mit.edu", "/"),
-            ("seul.org", "/")]
-def launchCirc(s):
-    htw = HOSTS_THAT_WORK[:]
-    random.shuffle(htw)
-    path = htw[:CIRC_LEN-2] + \
-           [random.choice(HOSTS_TO_TEST)] + \
-           [random.choice(EXITS_THAT_WORK)]
-    circid = TorControl.extend_circuit(s, 0, path)
-    for name in path:
-        lst = HOST_STATUS.setdefault(name,[0,0])
-        lst[0] += 1
-    return circid, path
-def runControl(s):
-    circs = {}
-    s1,s2 = {},{}
-    _h = lambda body,circs=circs,s1=s1,s2=s2,s=s:handleEvent(s,body,
-                                                             circs,s1,s2)
-    TorControl._event_handler = _h
-    TorControl.set_events(s,
-                          [TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS,
-                           TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS])
-    TorControl.set_option(s,"__LeaveStreamsUnattached 1")
-    global N_CIRCS_DONE
-        while len(circs) < CIRCS_AT_A_TIME:
-            c,p = launchCirc(s)
-            print "launching circuit %s to %s"%(c,p)
-            circs[c]=p
-        _, tp, body = TorControl.receive_message(s)
-        if tp == TorControl.MSG_TYPE.EVENT:
-            handleEvent(s, body, circs, s1,s2)
-    i = HOST_STATUS.items()
-    i.sort()
-    for n,(all,good) in i:
-        print "%s in %s circuits; %s/%s ok"%(n,all,good,all)
-def handleEvent(s, body, circs, streamsByNonce, streamsByIdent):
-    global N_CIRCS_DONE
-    event, args = TorControl.unpack_event(body)
-    if event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS:
-        status, ident, target = args
-        print "Got stream event:",TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
-              ident,target
-        if status in (TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_CONNECT,
-                      TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_RESOLVE,
-                      TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.DETACHED):
-            target,port=target.split(":")
-            if not target.endswith(".exnonce"):
-                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, 0)
-            else:
-                circid, (host,url) = streamsByNonce[target]
-                streamsByIdent[ident] = circid,(host,url)
-                print "Redirecting circuit",circid,"to",host
-                TorControl.redirect_stream(s, ident, host)
-                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, circid)
-        elif status in (TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.CLOSED,
-                        TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.FAILED):
-            circid, (host,url) = streamsByIdent[ident]
-            if circs.has_key(circid):
-                for name in circs[circid]:
-                    HOST_STATUS[name][1] += 1
-                del circs[circid]
-                N_CIRCS_DONE += 1
-                print N_CIRCS_DONE, "circuit attempts done"
-            del streamsByIdent[ident]
-    elif event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS:
-        status, ident, path = args
-        print "Got circuit event",TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
-              ident,path
-        if status in (TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.CLOSED,
-                      TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.FAILED):
-            if circs.has_key(ident):
-                print "Circuit failed."
-                del circs[ident]
-                N_CIRCS_DONE += 1
-                print N_CIRCS_DONE, "circuit attempts done"
-        elif status == TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.BUILT:
-            nonce = random.randint(1,100000000)
-            nonce = "%s.exnonce" % nonce
-            host,url = random.choice(TARGETS)
-            streamsByNonce[nonce] = ident, (host,url)
-            print "Launching socks4a connection"
-            t = threading.Thread(target=runSocks4A, args=(nonce, host, 80, url))
-            t.setDaemon(1)
-            t.start()
-def run():
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect(("", CONTROL_PORT))
-    TorControl.authenticate(s)
-    runControl(s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    run()

Deleted: tor/trunk/contrib/PathDemo.py
--- tor/trunk/contrib/PathDemo.py	2007-09-17 21:59:07 UTC (rev 11463)
+++ tor/trunk/contrib/PathDemo.py	2007-09-17 21:59:24 UTC (rev 11464)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import TorControl
-import threading
-import socket
-import struct
-import random
-circuits = {}
-streams = {}
-def runControl(s):
-    pendingEvents = [] #XXX This tric. should become standard
-    TorControl._event_handler = pendingEvents.append
-    TorControl.set_events(s,
-                          [TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS,
-                           TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS])
-    TorControl.set_option(s,"__LeaveStreamsUnattached 1")
-    while 1:
-        e = pendingEvents[:]
-        del pendingEvents[:]
-        for ev in e:
-            handleEvent(s, ev)
-        _, tp, body = TorControl.receive_message(s)
-        if tp == TorControl.MSG_TYPE.EVENT:
-            handleEvent(s, body)
-def parsePath(name):
-    assert name.endswith(".path")
-    items = name.split(".")
-    try:
-        n = int(items[-2])
-    except:
-        return None,None
-    path = items[-(2+n):-2]
-    host = items[:-(2+n)]
-    print path,host
-    return path,".".join(host)
-def handleEvent(s,body):
-    event, args = TorControl.unpack_event(body)
-    if event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS:
-        status, ident, target = args
-        print "Got stream event:",TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
-              ident,target
-        if status in (TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_CONNECT,
-                      TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.NEW_RESOLVE):
-            target,port=target.split(":")
-            if not target.endswith(".path"):
-                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, 0)
-            else:
-                path,host = parsePath(target)
-                #XXXX Don't launch so many circuits!
-                streams[ident] = path,host
-                circid = TorControl.extend_circuit(s, 0, path)
-                circuits[circid] = path
-        elif status == TorControl.STREAM_STATUS.DETACHED:
-            if not streams.has_key(ident):
-                TorControl.attach_stream(s, ident, 0)
-            else:
-                TorControl.close_stream(s, ident, 1)
-    elif event == TorControl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS:
-        status, ident, path = args
-        print "Got circuit event",TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.nameOf[status],\
-              ident,path
-        if not circuits.has_key(ident):
-            return
-        if status in (TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.CLOSED,
-                      TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.FAILED):
-            ok = 0
-        elif status == TorControl.CIRC_STATUS.BUILT:
-            ok = 1
-        else:
-            return
-        ids = [ streamID for (streamID, (path,host)) in streams.items()
-                if path == circuits[ident] ]
-        for streamID in ids:
-            if ok:
-                _,host = streams[streamID]
-                TorControl.redirect_stream(s, streamID, host)
-                TorControl.attach_stream(s, streamID, ident)
-                #XXXX Don't do this twice.
-            else:
-                TorControl.close_stream(s, streamID, 1)
-        if not ok:
-            del circuits[ident]
-def run():
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect(("", 9051))
-    TorControl.authenticate(s)
-    runControl(s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    run()

Deleted: tor/trunk/contrib/TorControl.py
--- tor/trunk/contrib/TorControl.py	2007-09-17 21:59:07 UTC (rev 11463)
+++ tor/trunk/contrib/TorControl.py	2007-09-17 21:59:24 UTC (rev 11464)
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-# TorControl.py -- Python module to interface with Tor Control interface.
-# Copyright 2005 Nick Mathewson -- See LICENSE for licensing information.
-#    There is a "TorCtl.py" module in the "control" directory in Tor CVS;
-#    this new module supports the new ('version 1') Tor controller protocol
-#    and has a far nicer and more object-oriented design than this module does.
-#    No further support will be done on this module.
-import socket
-import struct
-import sys
-#__all__ = [ "MSG_TYPE", "" ]
-class _Enum:
-    # Helper: define an ordered dense name-to-number 1-1 mapping.
-    def __init__(self, start, names):
-        self.nameOf = {}
-        idx = start
-        for name in names:
-            setattr(self,name,idx)
-            self.nameOf[idx] = name
-            idx += 1
-class _Enum2:
-    # Helper: define an ordered sparse name-to-number 1-1 mapping.
-    def __init__(self, **args):
-        self.__dict__.update(args)
-        self.nameOf = {}
-        for k,v in args.items():
-            self.nameOf[v] = k
-# Message types that client or server can send.
-MSG_TYPE = _Enum(0x0000,
-                 ["ERROR",
-                  "DONE",
-                  "SETCONF",
-                  "GETCONF",
-                  "CONFVALUE",
-                  "SETEVENTS",
-                  "EVENT",
-                  "AUTH",
-                  "SAVECONF",
-                  "SIGNAL",
-                  "MAPADDRESS",
-                  "GETINFO",
-                  "INFOVALUE",
-                  "EXTENDCIRCUIT",
-                  "ATTACHSTREAM",
-                  "POSTDESCRIPTOR",
-                  "FRAGMENTHEADER",
-                  "FRAGMENT",
-                  "REDIRECTSTREAM",
-                  "CLOSESTREAM",
-                  "CLOSECIRCUIT",
-                  ])
-# Make sure that the enumeration code is working.
-assert MSG_TYPE.SAVECONF == 0x0008
-assert MSG_TYPE.CLOSECIRCUIT == 0x0014
-# Types of "EVENT" message.
-EVENT_TYPE = _Enum(0x0001,
-                   ["CIRCSTATUS",
-                    "STREAMSTATUS",
-                    "ORCONNSTATUS",
-                    "BANDWIDTH",
-                    "OBSOLETE_LOG",
-                    "NEWDESC",
-                    "DEBUG_MSG",
-                    "INFO_MSG",
-                    "NOTICE_MSG",
-                    "WARN_MSG",
-                    "ERR_MSG",
-                    ])
-assert EVENT_TYPE.ERR_MSG == 0x000B
-assert EVENT_TYPE.OBSOLETE_LOG == 0x0005
-# Status codes for "CIRCSTATUS" events.
-CIRC_STATUS = _Enum(0x00,
-                    ["LAUNCHED",
-                     "BUILT",
-                     "EXTENDED",
-                     "FAILED",
-                     "CLOSED"])
-# Status codes for "STREAMSTATUS" events
-STREAM_STATUS = _Enum(0x00,
-                      ["SENT_CONNECT",
-                       "SENT_RESOLVE",
-                       "SUCCEEDED",
-                       "FAILED",
-                       "CLOSED",
-                       "NEW_CONNECT",
-                       "NEW_RESOLVE",
-                       "DETACHED"])
-# Status codes for "ORCONNSTATUS" events
-OR_CONN_STATUS = _Enum(0x00,
-                       ["LAUNCHED","CONNECTED","FAILED","CLOSED"])
-# Signal codes for "SIGNAL" events.
-SIGNAL = _Enum2(HUP=0x01,INT=0x02,USR1=0x0A,USR2=0x0C,TERM=0x0F)
-# Error codes for "ERROR" events.
-  0x0000 : "Unspecified error",
-  0x0001 : "Internal error",
-  0x0002 : "Unrecognized message type",
-  0x0003 : "Syntax error",
-  0x0004 : "Unrecognized configuration key",
-  0x0005 : "Invalid configuration value",
-  0x0006 : "Unrecognized byte code",
-  0x0007 : "Unauthorized",
-  0x0008 : "Failed authentication attempt",
-  0x0009 : "Resource exhausted",
-  0x000A : "No such stream",
-  0x000B : "No such circuit",
-  0x000C : "No such OR"
-class TorCtlError(Exception):
-    "Generic error raised by TorControl code."
-    pass
-class ProtocolError(TorCtlError):
-    "Raised on violations in Tor controller protocol"
-    pass
-class ErrorReply(TorCtlError):
-    ""
-    pass
-def parseHostAndPort(h):
-    host, port = "localhost", 9051
-    if ":" in h:
-        i = h.index(":")
-        host = h[:i]
-        try:
-            port = int(h[i+1:])
-        except ValueError:
-            print "Bad hostname %r"%h
-            sys.exit(1)
-    elif h:
-        try:
-            port = int(h)
-        except ValueError:
-            host = h
-    return host, port
-def _unpack_msg(msg):
-    "return None, minLength, body or type,body,rest"
-    if len(msg) < 4:
-        return None, 4, msg
-    length,type = struct.unpack("!HH",msg)
-    if len(msg) >= 4+length:
-        return type,msg[4:4+length],msg[4+length:]
-    else:
-        return None,4+length,msg
-def _minLengthToPack(bytes):
-    whole,left = divmod(bytes,65535)
-    if left:
-        return whole*(65535+4)+4+left
-    else:
-        return whole*(65535+4)
-def unpack_msg(msg):
-    "returns as for _unpack_msg"
-    tp,body,rest = _unpack_msg(msg)
-        return tp, body, rest
-    if len(body) < 6:
-        raise ProtocolError("FRAGMENTHEADER message too short")
-    realType,realLength = struct.unpack("!HL", body[:6])
-    # Okay; could the message _possibly_ be here?
-    minLength = _minLengthToPack(realLength+6)
-    if len(msg) < minLength:
-        return None,  minLength, msg
-    # Okay; optimistically try to build up the msg.
-    soFar = [ body[6:] ]
-    lenSoFarLen = len(body)-6
-    while len(rest)>=4 and lenSoFar < realLength:
-        ln, tp = struct.unpack("!HH", rest[:4])
-        if tp != MSG_TYPE.FRAGMENT:
-            raise ProtocolError("Missing FRAGMENT message")
-        soFar.append(rest[4:4+ln])
-        lenSoFar += ln
-        if 4+ln > len(rest):
-            rest = ""
-            leftInPacket = 4+ln-len(rest)
-        else:
-            rest = rest[4+ln:]
-            leftInPacket=0
-    if lenSoFar == realLength:
-        return realType, "".join(soFar), rest
-    elif lenSoFar > realLength:
-        raise ProtocolError("Bad fragmentation: message longer than declared")
-    else:
-        inOtherPackets = realLength-lenSoFar-leftInPacket
-        minLength = _minLengthToPack(inOtherPackets)
-        return None, len(msg)+leftInPacket+inOtherPackets, msg
-def _receive_msg(s):
-  body = ""
-  header = s.recv(4)
-  length,type = struct.unpack("!HH",header)
-  if length:
-    while length > len(body):
-      body += s.recv(length-len(body))
-  return length,type,body
-def receive_message(s):
-    length, tp, body = _receive_msg(s)
-        return length, tp, body
-    if length < 6:
-        raise ProtocolError("FRAGMENTHEADER message too short")
-    realType,realLength = struct.unpack("!HL", body[:6])
-    data = [ body[6:] ]
-    soFar = len(data[0])
-    while 1:
-        length, tp, body = _receive_msg(s)
-        if tp != MSG_TYPE.FRAGMENT:
-            raise ProtocolError("Missing FRAGMENT message")
-        soFar += length
-        data.append(body)
-        if soFar == realLength:
-            return realLength, realType, "".join(data)
-        elif soFar > realLengtH:
-            raise ProtocolError("FRAGMENT message too long!")
-_event_handler = None
-def receive_reply(s, expected=None):
-    while 1:
-        _, tp, body = receive_message(s)
-        if tp == MSG_TYPE.EVENT:
-            if _event_handler is not None:
-                _event_handler(body)
-        elif tp == MSG_TYPE.ERROR:
-            if len(body)<2:
-                raise ProtocolError("(Truncated error message)")
-            errCode, = struct.unpack("!H", body[:2])
-            raise ErrorReply((errCode,
-                              ERR_CODES.get(errCode,"[unrecognized]"),
-                              body[2:]))
-        elif (expected is not None) and (tp not in expected):
-            raise ProtocolError("Unexpected message type 0x%04x"%tp)
-        else:
-            return tp, body
-def pack_message(type, body=""):
-    length = len(body)
-    if length < 65536:
-        reqheader = struct.pack("!HH", length, type)
-        return "%s%s"%(reqheader,body)
-    fragheader = struct.pack("!HHHL",
-                             65535, MSG_TYPE.FRAGMENTHEADER, type, length)
-    msgs = [ fragheader, body[:65535-6] ]
-    body = body[65535-6:]
-    while body:
-        if len(body) > 65535:
-            fl = 65535
-        else:
-            fl = len(body)
-        fragheader = struct.pack("!HH", MSG_TYPE.FRAGMENT, fl)
-        msgs.append(fragheader)
-        msgs.append(body[:fl])
-        body = body[fl:]
-    return "".join(msgs)
-def send_message(s, type, body=""):
-    s.sendall(pack_message(type, body))
-def authenticate(s):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.AUTH)
-    type,body = receive_reply(s)
-    return
-def _parseKV(body,sep=" ",term="\n"):
-    res = []
-    for line in body.split(term):
-        if not line: continue
-        print repr(line)
-        k, v = line.split(sep,1)
-        res.append((k,v))
-    return res
-def get_option(s,name):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.GETCONF,name)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.CONFVALUE])
-    return _parseKV(body)
-def set_option(s,msg):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.SETCONF,msg)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def get_info(s,name):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.GETINFO,name)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.INFOVALUE])
-    kvs = body.split("\0")
-    d = {}
-    for i in xrange(0,len(kvs)-1,2):
-        d[kvs[i]] = kvs[i+1]
-    return d
-def set_events(s,events):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.SETEVENTS,
-                 "".join([struct.pack("!H", event) for event in events]))
-    type,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-    return
-def save_conf(s):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.SAVECONF)
-    receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def send_signal(s, sig):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.SIGNAL,struct.pack("B",sig))
-    receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def map_address(s, kv):
-    msg = [ "%s %s\n"%(k,v) for k,v in kv ]
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.MAPADDRESS,"".join(msg))
-    tp, body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-    return _parseKV(body)
-def extend_circuit(s, circid, hops):
-    msg = struct.pack("!L",circid) + ",".join(hops) + "\0"
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.EXTENDCIRCUIT,msg)
-    tp, body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-    if len(body) != 4:
-        raise ProtocolError("Extendcircuit reply too short or long")
-    return struct.unpack("!L",body)[0]
-def redirect_stream(s, streamid, newtarget):
-    msg = struct.pack("!L",streamid) + newtarget + "\0"
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.REDIRECTSTREAM,msg)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def attach_stream(s, streamid, circid):
-    msg = struct.pack("!LL",streamid, circid)
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.ATTACHSTREAM,msg)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def close_stream(s, streamid, reason=0, flags=0):
-    msg = struct.pack("!LBB",streamid,reason,flags)
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.CLOSESTREAM,msg)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def close_circuit(s, circid, flags=0):
-    msg = struct.pack("!LB",circid,flags)
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.CLOSECIRCUIT,msg)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def post_descriptor(s, descriptor):
-    send_message(s,MSG_TYPE.POSTDESCRIPTOR,descriptor)
-    tp,body = receive_reply(s,[MSG_TYPE.DONE])
-def _unterminate(s):
-    if s[-1] == '\0':
-        return s[:-1]
-    else:
-        return s
-def unpack_event(body):
-    if len(body)<2:
-        raise ProtocolError("EVENT body too short.")
-    evtype, = struct.unpack("!H", body[:2])
-    body = body[2:]
-    if evtype == EVENT_TYPE.CIRCSTATUS:
-        if len(body)<5:
-            raise ProtocolError("CIRCUITSTATUS event too short.")
-        status,ident = struct.unpack("!BL", body[:5])
-        path = _unterminate(body[5:]).split(",")
-        args = status, ident, path
-    elif evtype == EVENT_TYPE.STREAMSTATUS:
-        if len(body)<5:
-            raise ProtocolError("CIRCUITSTATUS event too short.")
-        status,ident = struct.unpack("!BL", body[:5])
-        target = _unterminate(body[5:])
-        args = status, ident, target
-    elif evtype == EVENT_TYPE.ORCONNSTATUS:
-        if len(body)<2:
-            raise ProtocolError("CIRCUITSTATUS event too short.")
-        status = ord(body[0])
-        target = _unterminate(body[1:])
-        args = status, target
-    elif evtype == EVENT_TYPE.BANDWIDTH:
-        if len(body)<8:
-            raise ProtocolError("BANDWIDTH event too short.")
-        read, written = struct.unpack("!LL",body[:8])
-        args = read, written
-    elif evtype == EVENT_TYPE.OBSOLETE_LOG:
-        args = (_unterminate(body),)
-    elif evtype == EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC:
-        args = (_unterminate(body).split(","),)
-        args = (EVENT_TYPE.nameOf(evtype), _unterminate(body))
-    else:
-        args = (body,)
-    return evtype, args
-def listen_for_events(s):
-    while(1):
-        _,type,body = receive_message(s)
-        print unpack_event(body)
-    return
-def do_main_loop(host,port):
-    print "host is %s:%d"%(host,port)
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect((host,port))
-    authenticate(s)
-    print "nick",`get_option(s,"nickname")`
-    print get_option(s,"DirFetchPeriod\n")
-    print `get_info(s,"version")`
-    #print `get_info(s,"desc/name/moria1")`
-    print `get_info(s,"network-status")`
-    print `get_info(s,"addr-mappings/all")`
-    print `get_info(s,"addr-mappings/config")`
-    print `get_info(s,"addr-mappings/cache")`
-    print `get_info(s,"addr-mappings/control")`
-    print `map_address(s, [("", "Foobar.com"),
-                           ("", "foobaz.com"),
-                           ("frebnitz.com", ""),
-                           (".", "abacinator.onion")])`
-    print `extend_circuit(s,0,["moria1"])`
-    print '========'
-    #print `extend_circuit(s,0,[""])`
-    print '========'
-    #send_signal(s,1)
-    #save_conf(s)
-    #set_option(s,"1")
-    #set_option(s,"bandwidthburstbytes 100000")
-    #set_option(s,"runasdaemon 1")
-    #set_events(s,[EVENT_TYPE.WARN])
-    set_events(s,[EVENT_TYPE.OBSOLETE_LOG])
-    listen_for_events(s)
-    return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-        print "Syntax: TorControl.py torhost:torport"
-        sys.exit(0)
-    sh,sp = parseHostAndPort(sys.argv[1])
-    do_main_loop(sh,sp)