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[tor-commits] [tordnsel/master] stub hGetLine

commit d3976bd028ca1a476e24fea1d7d67acbd545592e
Author: David Kaloper <david@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 03:14:21 2013 +0200

    stub hGetLine
    This function knows *way* too much about the IO manager. Go to sleep,
 src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
index 57ada86..13303ac 100644
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
+++ b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
@@ -363,106 +363,107 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "ntohl" ntohl :: Word32 -> Word32
 -- bytes. If EOF is encountered, return the bytes preceding it. The handle
 -- should be in 'LineBuffering' mode.
 hGetLine :: Handle -> ByteString -> Int -> IO ByteString
-hGetLine h eol maxLen | B.null eol = B.hGet h maxLen
-hGetLine h eol@(B.PS _ _ eolLen) maxLen
-  = wantReadableHandle "TorDNSEL.Util.hGetLine" h $ \handle_ -> do
-      case haBufferMode handle_ of
-        NoBuffering -> error "no buffering"
-        _other      -> hGetLineBuffered handle_
-  where
-    hGetLineBuffered handle_ = do
-      let ref = haBuffer handle_
-      buf <- readIORef ref
-      hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref buf 0 0 []
-    hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref
-      buf@Buffer{ bufRPtr=r, bufWPtr=w, bufBuf=raw } !len !eolIx xss = do
-        (new_eolIx,off) <- findEOL eolIx r w raw
-        let new_len = len + off - r
-        if maxLen > 0 && new_len - new_eolIx > maxLen
-          -- If the line length exceeds maxLen, return a partial line.
-          then do
-            let maxOff = off - (new_len - maxLen)
-            writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr = maxOff }
-            mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r maxOff
-          else if new_eolIx == eolLen
-            -- We have a complete line; strip the EOL sequence and return it.
-            then do
-              if w == off
-                then writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr=0, bufWPtr=0 }
-                else writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr = off }
-              if eolLen <= off - r
-                then mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r (off - eolLen)
-                else fmap stripEOL . mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r off
-            else do
-              xs <- mkPS raw r off
-              maybe_buf <- maybeFillReadBuffer (haFD handle_) True
-                             (haIsStream handle_) buf{ bufWPtr=0, bufRPtr=0 }
-              case maybe_buf of
-                -- Nothing indicates we caught an EOF, and we may have a
-                -- partial line to return.
-                Nothing -> do
-                  writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr=0, bufWPtr=0 }
-                  if new_len > 0
-                    then mkBigPS (xs:xss)
-                    else ioe_EOF
-                Just new_buf ->
-                  hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref new_buf new_len new_eolIx
-                                       (xs:xss)
-    maybeFillReadBuffer fd is_line is_stream buf
-      = catch (Just `fmap` fillReadBuffer fd is_line is_stream buf)
-              (\e -> if isEOFError e then return Nothing else ioError e)
-    findEOL eolIx
-      | eolLen == 1 = findEOLChar (B.w2c $ B.unsafeHead eol)
-      | otherwise   = findEOLSeq eolIx
-    findEOLChar eolChar r w raw
-      | r == w = return (0, r)
-      | otherwise = do
-          (!c,!r') <- readCharFromBuffer raw r
-          if c == eolChar
-            then return (1, r')
-            else findEOLChar eolChar r' w raw
-    -- find the end-of-line sequence, if there is one
-    findEOLSeq !eolIx r w raw
-      | eolIx == eolLen || r == w = return (eolIx, r)
-      | otherwise = do
-          (!c,!r') <- readCharFromBuffer raw r
-          findEOLSeq (next c eolIx + 1) r' w raw
-    -- get the next index into the EOL sequence we should match against
-    next !c !i = if i >= 0 && c /= eolIndex i then next c (table ! i) else i
-    eolIndex = B.w2c . B.unsafeIndex eol
-    -- build a match table for the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
-    table = runSTUArray (do
-      arr <- newArray_ (0, if eolLen == 1 then 1 else eolLen - 1)
-      zipWithM_ (writeArray arr) [0,1] [-1,0]
-      loop arr 2 0)
-      where
-        loop arr !t !p
-          | t >= eolLen = return arr
-          | eolIndex (t - 1) == eolIndex p
-          = let p' = p + 1 in writeArray arr t p' >> loop arr (t + 1) p'
-          | p > 0 = readArray arr p >>= loop arr t
-          | otherwise = writeArray arr t 0 >> loop arr (t + 1) p
-    stripEOL (B.PS p s l) = E.assert (new_len >= 0) . B.copy $ B.PS p s new_len
-      where new_len = l - eolLen
-    mkPS buf start end = B.create len $ \p -> do
-      B.memcpy_ptr_baoff p buf (fromIntegral start) (fromIntegral len)
-      return ()
-      where len = end - start
-    mkBigPS [ps] = return ps
-    mkBigPS pss  = return $! B.concat (reverse pss)
+hGetLine = error "hGetLine" -- XXX STUB
+-- hGetLine h eol maxLen | B.null eol = B.hGet h maxLen
+-- hGetLine h eol@(B.PS _ _ eolLen) maxLen
+--   = wantReadableHandle "TorDNSEL.Util.hGetLine" h $ \handle_ -> do
+--       case haBufferMode handle_ of
+--         NoBuffering -> error "no buffering"
+--         _other      -> hGetLineBuffered handle_
+--   where
+--     hGetLineBuffered handle_ = do
+--       let ref = haBuffer handle_
+--       buf <- readIORef ref
+--       hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref buf 0 0 []
+--     hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref
+--       buf@Buffer{ bufRPtr=r, bufWPtr=w, bufBuf=raw } !len !eolIx xss = do
+--         (new_eolIx,off) <- findEOL eolIx r w raw
+--         let new_len = len + off - r
+--         if maxLen > 0 && new_len - new_eolIx > maxLen
+--           -- If the line length exceeds maxLen, return a partial line.
+--           then do
+--             let maxOff = off - (new_len - maxLen)
+--             writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr = maxOff }
+--             mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r maxOff
+--           else if new_eolIx == eolLen
+--             -- We have a complete line; strip the EOL sequence and return it.
+--             then do
+--               if w == off
+--                 then writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr=0, bufWPtr=0 }
+--                 else writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr = off }
+--               if eolLen <= off - r
+--                 then mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r (off - eolLen)
+--                 else fmap stripEOL . mkBigPS . (:xss) =<< mkPS raw r off
+--             else do
+--               xs <- mkPS raw r off
+--               maybe_buf <- maybeFillReadBuffer (haFD handle_) True
+--                              (haIsStream handle_) buf{ bufWPtr=0, bufRPtr=0 }
+--               case maybe_buf of
+--                 -- Nothing indicates we caught an EOF, and we may have a
+--                 -- partial line to return.
+--                 Nothing -> do
+--                   writeIORef ref buf{ bufRPtr=0, bufWPtr=0 }
+--                   if new_len > 0
+--                     then mkBigPS (xs:xss)
+--                     else ioe_EOF
+--                 Just new_buf ->
+--                   hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ ref new_buf new_len new_eolIx
+--                                        (xs:xss)
+--     maybeFillReadBuffer fd is_line is_stream buf
+--       = catch (Just `fmap` fillReadBuffer fd is_line is_stream buf)
+--               (\e -> if isEOFError e then return Nothing else ioError e)
+--     findEOL eolIx
+--       | eolLen == 1 = findEOLChar (B.w2c $ B.unsafeHead eol)
+--       | otherwise   = findEOLSeq eolIx
+--     findEOLChar eolChar r w raw
+--       | r == w = return (0, r)
+--       | otherwise = do
+--           (!c,!r') <- readCharFromBuffer raw r
+--           if c == eolChar
+--             then return (1, r')
+--             else findEOLChar eolChar r' w raw
+--     -- find the end-of-line sequence, if there is one
+--     findEOLSeq !eolIx r w raw
+--       | eolIx == eolLen || r == w = return (eolIx, r)
+--       | otherwise = do
+--           (!c,!r') <- readCharFromBuffer raw r
+--           findEOLSeq (next c eolIx + 1) r' w raw
+--     -- get the next index into the EOL sequence we should match against
+--     next !c !i = if i >= 0 && c /= eolIndex i then next c (table ! i) else i
+--     eolIndex = B.w2c . B.unsafeIndex eol
+--     -- build a match table for the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
+--     table = runSTUArray (do
+--       arr <- newArray_ (0, if eolLen == 1 then 1 else eolLen - 1)
+--       zipWithM_ (writeArray arr) [0,1] [-1,0]
+--       loop arr 2 0)
+--       where
+--         loop arr !t !p
+--           | t >= eolLen = return arr
+--           | eolIndex (t - 1) == eolIndex p
+--           = let p' = p + 1 in writeArray arr t p' >> loop arr (t + 1) p'
+--           | p > 0 = readArray arr p >>= loop arr t
+--           | otherwise = writeArray arr t 0 >> loop arr (t + 1) p
+--     stripEOL (B.PS p s l) = E.assert (new_len >= 0) . B.copy $ B.PS p s new_len
+--       where new_len = l - eolLen
+--     mkPS buf start end = B.create len $ \p -> do
+--       B.memcpy_ptr_baoff p buf (fromIntegral start) (fromIntegral len)
+--       return ()
+--       where len = end - start
+--     mkBigPS [ps] = return ps
+--     mkBigPS pss  = return $! B.concat (reverse pss)
 -- | Split @bs@ into pieces delimited by @delimiter@, consuming the delimiter.
 -- The result for overlapping delimiters is undefined.

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