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[or-cvs] r23060: {arm} change: using TorCtl instead of torUtil for initializing the (in arm/trunk/src: . util)

Author: atagar
Date: 2010-08-26 15:37:22 +0000 (Thu, 26 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 23060

change: using TorCtl instead of torUtil for initializing the connection
change: removing duplicate control port connecting functionality

Modified: arm/trunk/src/starter.py
--- arm/trunk/src/starter.py	2010-08-26 15:24:29 UTC (rev 23059)
+++ arm/trunk/src/starter.py	2010-08-26 15:37:22 UTC (rev 23060)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import util.sysTools
 import util.torTools
 import util.uiTools
+import TorCtl.TorCtl
 import TorCtl.TorUtil
 VERSION = "1.3.6_dev"
@@ -164,9 +165,9 @@
   # sets up TorCtl connection, prompting for the passphrase if necessary and
   # sending problems to stdout if they arise
-  util.torTools.INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Controller password found in '%s' was incorrect" % configPath
+  TorCtl.INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Controller password found in '%s' was incorrect" % configPath
   authPassword = config.get("startup.controlPassword", DEFAULTS["startup.controlPassword"])
-  conn = util.torTools.connect(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword)
+  conn = TorCtl.TorCtl.connect(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword)
   if conn == None: sys.exit(1)
   controller = util.torTools.getConn()

Modified: arm/trunk/src/util/torTools.py
--- arm/trunk/src/util/torTools.py	2010-08-26 15:24:29 UTC (rev 23059)
+++ arm/trunk/src/util/torTools.py	2010-08-26 15:37:22 UTC (rev 23060)
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 CONTROLLER = None # singleton Controller instance
-INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Provided passphrase was incorrect"
 # valid keys for the controller's getInfo cache
 CACHE_ARGS = ("nsEntry", "descEntry", "bwRate", "bwBurst", "bwObserved",
@@ -59,146 +58,6 @@
 def loadConfig(config):
-def makeCtlConn(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051):
-  """
-  Opens a socket to the tor controller and queries its authentication type,
-  raising an IOError if problems occur. The result of this function is a tuple
-  of the TorCtl connection and the authentication type, where the later is one
-  of the following:
-  "NONE"          - no authentication required
-  "PASSWORD"      - requires authentication via a hashed password
-  "COOKIE=<FILE>" - requires the specified authentication cookie
-  Arguments:
-    controlAddr - ip address belonging to the controller
-    controlPort - port belonging to the controller
-  """
-  try:
-    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    s.connect((controlAddr, controlPort))
-    conn = TorCtl.Connection(s)
-  except socket.error, exc:
-    if "Connection refused" in exc.args:
-      # most common case - tor control port isn't available
-      raise IOError("Connection refused. Is the ControlPort enabled?")
-    else: raise IOError("Failed to establish socket: %s" % exc)
-  # check PROTOCOLINFO for authentication type
-  try:
-    authInfo = conn.sendAndRecv("PROTOCOLINFO\r\n")[1][1]
-  except TorCtl.ErrorReply, exc:
-    raise IOError("Unable to query PROTOCOLINFO for authentication type: %s" % exc)
-  if authInfo.startswith("AUTH METHODS=NULL"):
-    # no authentication required
-    return (conn, "NONE")
-  elif authInfo.startswith("AUTH METHODS=HASHEDPASSWORD"):
-    # password authentication
-    return (conn, "PASSWORD")
-  elif authInfo.startswith("AUTH METHODS=COOKIE"):
-    # cookie authentication, parses authentication cookie path
-    start = authInfo.find("COOKIEFILE=\"") + 12
-    end = authInfo.find("\"", start)
-    return (conn, "COOKIE=%s" % authInfo[start:end])
-def initCtlConn(conn, authType="NONE", authVal=None):
-  """
-  Authenticates to a tor connection. The authentication type can be any of the
-  following strings:
-  if the authentication type is anything other than NONE then either a
-  passphrase or path to an authentication cookie is expected. If an issue
-  arises this raises either of the following:
-    - IOError for failures in reading an authentication cookie
-    - TorCtl.ErrorReply for authentication failures
-  Argument:
-    conn     - unauthenticated TorCtl connection
-    authType - type of authentication method to use
-    authVal  - passphrase or path to authentication cookie
-  """
-  # validates input
-  if authType not in ("NONE", "PASSWORD", "COOKIE"):
-    # authentication type unrecognized (possibly a new addition to the controlSpec?)
-    raise TorCtl.ErrorReply("Unrecognized authentication type: %s" % authType)
-  elif authType != "NONE" and authVal == None:
-    typeLabel = "passphrase" if authType == "PASSWORD" else "cookie"
-    raise TorCtl.ErrorReply("Unable to authenticate: no %s provided" % typeLabel)
-  authCookie = None
-  try:
-    if authType == "NONE": conn.authenticate("")
-    elif authType == "PASSWORD": conn.authenticate(authVal)
-    else:
-      authCookie = open(authVal, "r")
-      conn.authenticate_cookie(authCookie)
-      authCookie.close()
-  except TorCtl.ErrorReply, exc:
-    if authCookie: authCookie.close()
-    issue = str(exc)
-    # simplifies message if the wrong credentials were provided (common mistake)
-    if issue.startswith("515 Authentication failed: "):
-      if issue[27:].startswith("Password did not match"):
-        issue = "password incorrect"
-      elif issue[27:] == "Wrong length on authentication cookie.":
-        issue = "cookie value incorrect"
-    raise TorCtl.ErrorReply("Unable to authenticate: %s" % issue)
-  except IOError, exc:
-    if authCookie: authCookie.close()
-    issue = None
-    # cleaner message for common errors
-    if str(exc).startswith("[Errno 13] Permission denied"): issue = "permission denied"
-    elif str(exc).startswith("[Errno 2] No such file or directory"): issue = "file doesn't exist"
-    # if problem's recognized give concise message, otherwise print exception string
-    if issue: raise IOError("Failed to read authentication cookie (%s): %s" % (issue, authVal))
-    else: raise IOError("Failed to read authentication cookie: %s" % exc)
-def connect(controlAddr="", controlPort=9051, passphrase=None):
-  """
-  Convenience method for quickly getting a TorCtl connection. This is very
-  handy for debugging or CLI setup, handling setup and prompting for a password
-  if necessary (if either none is provided as input or it fails). If any issues
-  arise this prints a description of the problem and returns None.
-  Arguments:
-    controlAddr - ip address belonging to the controller
-    controlPort - port belonging to the controller
-    passphrase  - authentication passphrase (if defined this is used rather
-                  than prompting the user)
-  """
-  try:
-    conn, authType = makeCtlConn(controlAddr, controlPort)
-    authValue = None
-    if authType == "PASSWORD":
-      # password authentication, promting for the password if it wasn't provided
-      if passphrase: authValue = passphrase
-      else:
-        try: authValue = getpass.getpass()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt: return None
-    elif authType.startswith("COOKIE"):
-      authType, authValue = authType.split("=", 1)
-    initCtlConn(conn, authType, authValue)
-    return conn
-  except Exception, exc:
-    if passphrase and str(exc) == "Unable to authenticate: password incorrect":
-      # provide a warning that the provided password didn't work, then try
-      # again prompting for the user to enter it
-      return connect(controlAddr, controlPort)
-    else:
-      print exc
-      return None
 def getPid(controlPort=9051, pidFilePath=None):
   Attempts to determine the process id for a running tor process, using the