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[or-cvs] r12848: Add better message templates to Server.py. Right now, you ne (in bridgedb/trunk: . lib/bridgedb)

Author: nickm
Date: 2007-12-17 22:34:00 -0500 (Mon, 17 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 12848

 r17218@catbus:  nickm | 2007-12-17 21:23:13 -0500
 Add better message templates to Server.py.  Right now, you need to edit them manually in that file, but they may eventually move into the configuration

Property changes on: bridgedb/trunk
 svk:merge ticket from /bridgedb/trunk [r17218] on 8246c3cf-6607-4228-993b-4d95d33730f1

Modified: bridgedb/trunk/TODO
--- bridgedb/trunk/TODO	2007-12-17 22:44:18 UTC (rev 12847)
+++ bridgedb/trunk/TODO	2007-12-18 03:34:00 UTC (rev 12848)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 For dec:
-- write a README
+o write a README
 - proper logging
 - check that incoming IP of email is sane.
 - check more email headers for sanity
-- Send back useful messages in response to requests.
+o Send back useful messages in response to requests.
 - Make the 'magic word' for the email configurable, case-tolerant,
   html-tolerant, and punctuation-tolerant
 - make all the rest of the email options configurable.

Modified: bridgedb/trunk/lib/bridgedb/Server.py
--- bridgedb/trunk/lib/bridgedb/Server.py	2007-12-17 22:44:18 UTC (rev 12847)
+++ bridgedb/trunk/lib/bridgedb/Server.py	2007-12-18 03:34:00 UTC (rev 12848)
@@ -17,6 +17,53 @@
 import bridgedb.Dist
+<p>Here are your bridge relays:
+<p>Bridge relays (or "bridges" for short) are Tor relays that aren't listed
+in the main directory. Since there is no complete public list of them,
+even if your ISP is filtering connections to all the known Tor relays,
+they probably won't be able to block all the bridges.</p>
+<p>To use the above lines, go to Vidalia's Network settings page, and click
+"My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network". Then add each bridge
+address one at a time.</p>
+<p>Configuring more than one bridge address will make your Tor connection
+more stable, in case some of the bridges become unreachable.</p>
+<p>Another way to find public bridge addresses is to send mail to
+bridges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the line "get bridges" by itself in the body
+of the mail. However, so we can make it harder for an attacker to learn
+lots of bridge addresses, you must send this request from a gmail or
+yahoo account.</p>
+[This is an automated message; please do not reply.]
+Here are your bridge relays:
+Bridge relays (or "bridges" for short) are Tor relays that aren't listed
+in the main directory. Since there is no complete public list of them,
+even if your ISP is filtering connections to all the known Tor relays,
+they probably won't be able to block all the bridges.
+To use the above lines, go to Vidalia's Network settings page, and click
+"My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network". Then add each bridge
+address one at a time.
+Configuring more than one bridge address will make your Tor connection
+more stable, in case some of the bridges become unreachable.
+Another way to find public bridge addresses is to visit
+https://bridges.torproject.org/. The answers you get from that page
+will change every few days, so check back periodically if you need more
+bridge addresses.
 class WebResource(twisted.web.resource.Resource):
     isLeaf = True
@@ -35,7 +82,7 @@
             answer = "No bridges available."
-        return "<html><body><pre>%s</pre></body></html>" % answer
+        return HTML_MESSAGE_TEMPLAY % answer
 def addWebServer(cfg, dist, sched):
     from twisted.web.server import Site
@@ -81,7 +128,7 @@
         print "No from header. WTF."
         return None,None
     for ln in lines:
-        if ln.strip() in ("get bridges", "Subject: get bridges"):
+        if ln.strip().lower() in ("get bridges", "subject: get bridges"):
         print "No request for bridges."
@@ -109,9 +156,10 @@
     w.addheader("In-Reply-To", msgID)
     w.addheader("Date", twisted.mail.smtp.rfc822date())
     body = w.startbody("text/plain")
-    for b in bridges:
-        body.write("%s\n" % b.getConfigLine())
+    answer = "".join("%s\n" % b.getConfigLine() for b in bridges)
+    body.write(EMAIL_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % answer)
     return clientAddr, f