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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Adding Gentoo support

commit 2ae1c7fda7724575f7b509c6c857fa77a9f689ec
Merge: f6122a1 887d50f
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Dec 13 14:08:00 2014 -0800

    Adding Gentoo support
    Adding Gentoo to our download page and fixing a small handful of issues that
    arose when tested on that platform...
    This also includes some minor improvements for our site's front page.

 docs/_static/label/gentoo.png            |  Bin 0 -> 1147 bytes
 docs/_static/label/resources/gentoo.xcf  |  Bin 0 -> 2779 bytes
 docs/_static/section/download/gentoo.png |  Bin 0 -> 16245 bytes
 docs/_templates/layout.html              |    8 ++++
 docs/change_log.rst                      |    1 +
 docs/contents.rst                        |    1 +
 docs/download.rst                        |   15 ++++++++
 docs/faq.rst                             |    1 +
 docs/index.rst                           |   14 +------
 stem/descriptor/__init__.py              |    3 ++
 stem/descriptor/microdescriptor.py       |    3 ++
 stem/exit_policy.py                      |   12 ++++--
 stem/util/connection.py                  |   50 ++++++++++++++++++------
 stem/util/system.py                      |   11 ++++++
 test/integ/control/controller.py         |    6 +++
 test/integ/util/connection.py            |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 test/integ/util/proc.py                  |    3 ++
 test/integ/util/system.py                |    7 +++-
 18 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

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