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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/main] Clean Up unused BridgeDB mock command

commit 4fe1034287a788eeba9e316962d128c55f54581f
Author: Abhilash KP <abhilashmhaisne@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Dec 6 11:21:57 2021 +0530

    Clean Up unused BridgeDB mock command
 bridgedb/parse/options.py           | 12 ------------
 bridgedb/test/test_parse_options.py | 34 ----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bridgedb/parse/options.py b/bridgedb/parse/options.py
index 83c0984..475837f 100644
--- a/bridgedb/parse/options.py
+++ b/bridgedb/parse/options.py
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ bridgedb.parse.options
        |__ SIGHUPOptions - Menu to explain SIGHUP signal handling and usage.
        |__ SIGUSR1Options - Menu to explain SIGUSR1 handling and usage.
-       |__ MockOptions - Suboptions for creating fake bridge descriptors for
-       |                 testing purposes.
        \__ MainOptions - Main commandline options parser for BridgeDB.
@@ -256,15 +254,6 @@ class BaseOptions(usage.Options):
             print("  self['rundir']=%s" % self['rundir'])
-class MockOptions(BaseOptions):
-    """Suboptions for creating necessary conditions for testing purposes."""
-    optParameters = [
-        ['descriptors', 'n', 1000,
-         '''Generate <n> mock bridge descriptor sets
-          (types: netstatus, extrainfo, server)''']]
 class SIGHUPOptions(BaseOptions):
     """Options menu to explain usage and handling of SIGHUP signals."""
@@ -291,6 +280,5 @@ class MainOptions(BaseOptions):
     """Main commandline options parser for BridgeDB."""
     subCommands = [
-        ['mock', None, MockOptions, "Generate a testing environment"],
         ['SIGHUP', None, SIGHUPOptions,
          "Reload bridge descriptors into running servers"]]
diff --git a/bridgedb/test/test_parse_options.py b/bridgedb/test/test_parse_options.py
index 1071e90..d302918 100644
--- a/bridgedb/test/test_parse_options.py
+++ b/bridgedb/test/test_parse_options.py
@@ -58,40 +58,6 @@ class ParseOptionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
         sys.argv = fakeSysArgv
         self.assertRaises(SystemExit, options.parseOptions)
-    def test_parse_options_parseOptions_with_valid_options(self):
-        """:func:`options.parseOptions` should return a
-        :class:`options.MainOptions` when given valid commandline arguments.
-        """
-        fakeSysArgv = ['bridgedb', 'mock', '-n', '-1']
-        sys.argv = fakeSysArgv
-        opts = options.parseOptions()
-        self.assertIsInstance(opts, options.MainOptions)
-    def test_parse_options_parseOptions_verbosity_quiet_quiet(self):
-        """If we use `-q` twice on the commandline, ``opts['verbosity']``
-        should equal ``10``.
-        """
-        fakeSysArgv = ['bridgedb', '-q', '-q', 'mock', '-n', '-1']
-        sys.argv = fakeSysArgv
-        opts = options.parseOptions()
-        self.assertEqual(opts['verbosity'], 10)
-    def test_parse_options_parseOptions_verbosity_verbose(self):
-        """If we use `-v` once on the commandline, ``opts['verbosity']``
-        should equal ``50``.
-        """
-        fakeSysArgv = ['bridgedb', '-v', '-v', 'mock', '-n', '-1']
-        sys.argv = fakeSysArgv
-        opts = options.parseOptions()
-        self.assertEqual(opts['verbosity'], 50)
-    def test_parse_options_parseOptions_rundir(self):
-        """The automatic rundir should be our current directory."""
-        fakeSysArgv = ['bridgedb', 'mock', '-n', '-1']
-        sys.argv = fakeSysArgv
-        opts = options.parseOptions()
-        self.assertEqual(opts['rundir'], os.getcwd())
     def test_parse_options_parseOptions_version(self):
         """:func:`options.parseOptions` when given a `--version` argument on
         the commandline, should raise SystemExit (after printing some stuff,

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