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[tor-commits] [obfs-flash/master] add txsocksx to direct deps, and zope.interface to indirect deps, in py2exe setup script

commit 951616c9789689d572d52ee2764b0a3ca2bd0bb3
Author: Ximin Luo <infinity0@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Nov 1 18:04:25 2013 +0000

    add txsocksx to direct deps, and zope.interface to indirect deps, in py2exe setup script
    - works around py2exe on wine silently not finding them
 setup.py |   14 ++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 2046d96..66f2262 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
 from distutils.core import setup
 import py2exe
+# if py2exe complains "can't find P", try one of the following workarounds:
+# a. py2exe doesn't support zipped eggs - http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/ExeWithEggs
+#  You should give the --always-unzip option to easy_install, or you can use setup.py directly
+#  $ python setup.py install --record install.log --single-version-externally-managed
+#  Don't forget to remove the previous zipped egg.
+# b. Add an empty __init__.py to the P/ top-level directory, if it's missing
+#  - this is due to a bug (or misleading documentation) in python's imp.find_module()
         "py2exe": {
-            "includes": ["pyptlib", "twisted"],
-            "packages": ["ometa", "terml"],
+            "includes": ["pyptlib", "twisted", "txsocksx"],
+            "packages": ["ometa", "terml", "zope.interface"],

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