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[tor-commits] [guardfraction/master] Add some documentation for the configuration variables.

commit eacb5bfc44751c777c68dbba841d4bc5f59765e9
Author: George Kadianakis <desnacked@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Feb 24 13:36:21 2015 +0000

    Add some documentation for the configuration variables.
 guardfraction_cron.sh |   25 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guardfraction_cron.sh b/guardfraction_cron.sh
index 08e0d70..8ca1d78 100755
--- a/guardfraction_cron.sh
+++ b/guardfraction_cron.sh
@@ -8,23 +8,40 @@ set -e
+# Source directory of this script
 GUARDFRACTION_SRC=$(dirname "$0")
-STATE_DIR="" # defaults to $GUARDFRACTION_SRC/var
-GUARDFRACTION_OUTPUT_FILE="" # defaults to :$STATE_DIR/guardfraction.output
+# Directory where the database and output of this script will be saved
+# on. Make sure you have write access to it. Defaults to $GUARDFRACTION_SRC/var .
+# Filename of the output file. This is the file that Tor should read.
+# Defaults to: $STATE_DIR/guardfraction.output
 WGET_PREFIX="" # one option might be "torify"
+# Where to fetch the consensus from. This should be set in the
+# configuration file. Please set it to something like:
+# How many days of consensuses should we consider? This should be
+# equal to the guard lifetime period. Leave it as is for now.
+# Set to 1 if you want verbose output.
-# You can override any of the above variables in ~/.guardfraction.conf
+# Please override CONSENSUS_SOURCE and any other of the above
+# variables in ~/.guardfraction.conf .
 [ -e ~/.guardfraction.conf ] && . ~/.guardfraction.conf
+[ "$VERBOSE" -gt 0 ] &&  echo "[*] Starting up"
 if [ -z "$CONSENSUS_SOURCE" ]; then
     echo >&2 "No CONSENSUS_SOURCE set. Please set CONSENSUS_SOURCE in ~/.guardfraction.conf."
     echo >&2 " e.g.  CONSENSUS_SOURCE=";
@@ -50,6 +67,8 @@ fi
 tmpdir=`mktemp -d "/tmp/guardfraction-XXXXXX"`
 trap "rm -rf '$tmpdir'" EXIT
+[ "$VERBOSE" -gt 0 ] &&  echo "[*] About to download consensus"
 # Download latest consensus.
 if ! $WGET_PREFIX wget -q "$CONSENSUS_SOURCE" -O "$tmpdir/consensus"

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