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[tor-commits] [gettor/master] Changes for production in github uploader

commit c66101e83598eda5b2d12841b7520a6f64264810
Author: ilv <ilv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Feb 15 21:00:36 2016 -0300

    Changes for production in github uploader
 gettor/utils.py          | 12 ++++++------
 upload/bundles2github.py | 31 +++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gettor/utils.py b/gettor/utils.py
index c4f43c7..2780564 100644
--- a/gettor/utils.py
+++ b/gettor/utils.py
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import hashlib
 LOGGING_FORMAT = "[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s; %(message)s"
 DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"  # %H:%M:%S
-windows_regex = '^torbrowser-install-\d\.\d\.\d_\w\w(-\w\w)?\.exe$'
-linux_regex = '^tor-browser-linux\d\d-\d\.\d\.\d_(\w\w)(-\w\w)?\.tar\.xz$'
-osx_regex = '^TorBrowser-\d\.\d\.\d-osx\d\d_(\w\w)(-\w\w)?\.dmg$'
+windows_regex = '^torbrowser-install-\d\.\d(\.\d)?_(\w\w)(-\w\w)?\.exe$'
+linux_regex = '^tor-browser-linux(\d\d)-\d\.\d(\.\d)?_(\w\w)(-\w\w)?\.tar\.xz$'
+osx_regex = '^TorBrowser-\d\.\d(\.\d)?-osx\d\d_(\w\w)(-\w\w)?\.dmg$'
 def get_logging_format():
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ def get_bundle_info(filename, osys=None):
     m_osx = re.search(osx_regex, filename)
     if m_windows:
-        return 'windows', '32/64', m_windows.group(1)
+        return 'windows', '32/64', m_windows.group(2)
     elif m_linux:
-        return 'linux', m_linux.group(1), m_linux.group(2)
+        return 'linux', m_linux.group(1), m_linux.group(3)
     elif m_osx:
-        return 'osx', m_osx.group(1), m_osx.group(2)
+        return 'osx', '64', m_osx.group(2)
         raise ValueError("Invalid bundle format %s" % file)
diff --git a/upload/bundles2github.py b/upload/bundles2github.py
index d081ddd..e670f85 100644
--- a/upload/bundles2github.py
+++ b/upload/bundles2github.py
@@ -67,33 +67,28 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         help='Create links file with files already uploaded.'
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '-v', '--version', default=None,
-        help='Version of Tor Browser.'
-    )
     args = parser.parse_args()
     config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-    config.read('github-local.cfg')
+    config.read('github.cfg')
-    # this script should be called after fetching the latest Tor Browser,
-    # and specifying the latest version
-    if args.version:
-        version = args.version
-    else:
-        tbb_version_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-        tbb_version_config.read('latest_torbrowser.cfg')
-        version = tbb_version_config.get('version', 'current')
+    tbb_version_path = config.get('general', 'version_cfg_path')
+    tbb_version_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    tbb_version_config.read(tbb_version_path)
+    version = tbb_version_config.get('version', 'current')
     # the token allow us to run this script without GitHub user/pass
     github_access_token = config.get('app', 'access_token')
     # path to the fingerprint that signed the packages
-    tb_key = os.path.abspath('tbb-key-torbrowserteam.asc')
+    tb_key = config.get('general', 'tbb_key_path')
     # path to the latest version of Tor Browser
-    tb_path = os.path.abspath('latest')
+    tb_path = config.get('general', 'latest_path')
+    # path to gettor code configuration
+    core_path = config.get('general', 'core_path')
     # user and repository where we upload Tor Browser
     github_user = config.get('app', 'user')
@@ -139,13 +134,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Create the links file for this release
-    core = gettor.core.Core(os.path.abspath('../core.cfg'))
+    core = gettor.core.Core(core_path)
     # Erase old links if any and create a new empty one
     core.create_links_file('GitHub', readable_fp)
     print("Creating links file")
-    for asset in release.assets:
+    for asset in release.assets():
         url = asset.browser_download_url
         if url.endswith('.asc'):

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