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[tor-commits] [doctor/master] Notify if flag count substantially differ

commit 894501335535e04668fb63f3aadd5f25c7318ebe
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Feb 11 12:50:42 2018 -0800

    Notify if flag count substantially differ
    Recently dannenberg stopped issuing the Exit flag. Check Requested by nusenu...
 consensus_health_checker.py | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/consensus_health.cfg   |  1 +
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+)

diff --git a/consensus_health_checker.py b/consensus_health_checker.py
index 23f3f9d..e91e292 100755
--- a/consensus_health_checker.py
+++ b/consensus_health_checker.py
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ def run_checks(consensuses, votes):
+    has_similar_flag_counts,
@@ -612,6 +613,35 @@ def has_authority_flag(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
   return issues
+def has_similar_flag_counts(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
+  "Checks that flags issued by authorities are similar."
+  issues = []
+  flag_count = {}  # {flag => count}
+  for desc in latest_consensus.routers.values():
+    for flag in desc.flags:
+      flag_count[flag] = flag_count.setdefault(flag, 0) + 1
+  for authority, vote in votes.items():
+    authority_flag_count = {}
+    for desc in vote.routers.values():
+      for flag in desc.flags:
+        authority_flag_count[flag] = authority_flag_count.setdefault(flag, 0) + 1
+    for flag, count in flag_count.items():
+      if flag == 'BadExit':
+        continue
+      vote_count = authority_flag_count.get(flag, 0)
+      if vote_count > count * 1.5 or vote_count < count * 0.5:
+        issues.append(Issue(Runlevel.NOTICE, 'FLAG_COUNT_DIFFERS', authority = authority, flag = flag, consensus_count = count, vote_count = vote_count, to = [authority]))
+  return issues
 def has_expected_fingerprints(latest_consensus, consensuses, votes):
   "Checks that the authorities have the fingerprints that we expect."
diff --git a/data/consensus_health.cfg b/data/consensus_health.cfg
index 423ab6d..326aa20 100644
--- a/data/consensus_health.cfg
+++ b/data/consensus_health.cfg
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ msg TOO_MANY_UNMEASURED_RELAYS => As a bandwidth authority {authority} lacked a
 msg MISSING_VOTES => The consensuses downloaded from the following authorities are missing votes that are contained in consensuses downloaded from other authorities: {authorities}
 msg MISSING_AUTHORITIES => The following authorities are missing from the consensus: {authorities}
 msg EXTRA_AUTHORITIES => The following authorities were not expected in the consensus: {authorities}
+msg FLAG_COUNT_DIFFERS => {authority} had {vote_count} {flag} flags in its vote but the consensus had {consensus_count}
 msg FINGERPRINT_MISMATCH => {authority} had a different fingerprint than we expected (expected: {expected}, actual: {actual})
 msg TOR_OUT_OF_DATE =>  The following authorities are an out of date version of tor: {authorities}
 msg BADEXIT_OUT_OF_SYNC => Authorities disagree about the BadExit flag for {fingerprint} ({counts})

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