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[or-cvs] r21402: {torflow} Track guard changes, fix bugs, refactor code. Also update th (in torflow/trunk: . CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/tor-data)

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2010-01-11 19:50:06 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 21402


Track guard changes, fix bugs, refactor code.
Also update the svn:external to the new URL.

Property changes on: torflow/trunk
Modified: svn:externals
   - TorCtl https://tor-svn.freehaven.net/svn/torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl

   + TorCtl https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl

Modified: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/cbttest.py
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/cbttest.py	2010-01-11 19:49:09 UTC (rev 21401)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/cbttest.py	2010-01-11 19:50:06 UTC (rev 21402)
@@ -12,18 +12,31 @@
 import socket,sys,time,getopt,os,threading,atexit
+import shutil
 from TorCtl import TorUtil
 import TorCtl
 from TorCtl.TorCtl import EventHandler, PreEventListener
 from TorCtl import PathSupport, TorCtl
 from TorCtl.PathSupport import ExitPolicyRestriction,OrNodeRestriction,RestrictionError
 from TorCtl.TorUtil import plog
+import traceback
 # XXX: Add to config
+PCT_SKIP     = 10
+# XXX: Are these two the right way to go?
+# Should we maybe have MIN_STREAK and MIN_FUZZY too?
+# CLI Options variables.
+# Yes, a hack.
+full_run = False
+output_dir = None
+pct_start = None
 # Original value of FetchUselessDescriptors
 FUDValue = None
@@ -33,20 +46,64 @@
     self.end_time = 0
 class CircHandler(EventHandler):
-  def __init__(self, c):
+  def __init__(self, c, guards):
     self.c = c
     self.circs = {}
     self.live_circs = {}
     self.timeout_circs = {}
     self.closed_circs = {}
+    self.built_circs = {}
     self.circ_times = {}
+    self.up_guards = {}
+    for g in guards:
+      self.up_guards[g.idhex] = g
+    self.down_guards = {}
+    self.buildtimes_file = file(output_dir+"/buildtimes", "w")
   def heartbeat_event(self, event):
     if len(self.live_circs) < MAX_CIRCUITS:
        circ_id = self.c.extend_circuit()
        plog("INFO", "Launched circuit: "+str(circ_id))
+  def guard_event(self, event):
+    changed = False
+    plog("NOTICE", "Guard $"+event.idhex+" is "+event.status)
+    # XXX: remove from our list of guards and get a new one
+    if event.status == "DOWN":
+      if event.idhex in self.up_guards:
+        self.down_guards[event.idhex] = self.up_guards[event.idhex]
+        del self.up_guards[event.idhex]
+      # If more than 2 are down, add one
+      if len(self.up_guards) < 2:
+        changed = True
+        guards = get_guards(2-len(self.up_guards))
+        for g in guards:
+          plog("NOTICE", "Adding guard $"+g.idhex)
+          self.up_guards[g.idhex] = g
+    elif event.status == "DROPPED":
+      if event.idhex in self.up_guards:
+        del self.up_guards[event.idhex]
+      if event.idhex in self.down_guards:
+        del self.down_guards[event.idhex]
+      guards = get_guards(1)
+      changed = True
+      for g in guards:
+        plog("NOTICE", "Adding guard $"+g.idhex)
+        self.up_guards[g.idhex] = g
+    elif event.status == "UP":
+      plog("NOTICE", "Adding guard $"+g.idhex)
+      if event.idhex in self.down_guards:
+        self.up_guards[event.idhex] = self.down_guards[event.idhex]
+        del self.down_guards[event.idhex]
+    if changed:
+      guard_str = ",".join(map(lambda r: "$"+r.idhex, self.up_guards.values()))
+      if self.down_guards:
+        guard_str += ","+",".join(map(lambda r:
+                      "$"+r.idhex, self.down_guards.values()))
+      plog("NOTICE", "Setting guards: "+guard_str)
+      self.c.setcont("EntryNodes", guard_str)
   def close_all_circs(self):
     lines = self.c.sendAndRecv("GETINFO circuit-status\r\n")[0][2]
     if lines: lines = lines.split("\n")
@@ -59,7 +116,7 @@
         self.circs[int(line_parts[0])] = True
-  # XXX: Also time circs...
+  # XXX: Log built and timeout circs to buildtimes_file for post-analysis
   def circ_status_event(self, circ_event):
     if circ_event.status == 'LAUNCHED':
       self.circs[circ_event.circ_id] = circ_event.status
@@ -67,25 +124,31 @@
       self.live_circs[circ_event.circ_id] = True
     elif circ_event.status == 'BUILT':
       self.circs[circ_event.circ_id] = circ_event.status
+      self.built_circs[circ_event.circ_id] = True
       if circ_event.circ_id in self.circ_times:
         self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].end_time = circ_event.arrived_at
         plog("INFO", "Closing circuit "+str(circ_event.circ_id)+" with build time of "+str(self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].end_time-self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].start_time))
     elif circ_event.status == 'FAILED' or circ_event.status == 'CLOSED':
-      plog("INFO", circ_event.status+" circuit "+str(circ_event.circ_id))
       self.circs[circ_event.circ_id] = circ_event.status
-      # XXX: Record this differently..
-      #if circ_event.circ_id in self.circ_times:
-      #  self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].end_time = circ_event.arrived_at
-      del self.live_circs[circ_event.circ_id]
+      if circ_event.circ_id in self.live_circs:
+        del self.live_circs[circ_event.circ_id]
       if circ_event.reason == 'TIMEOUT':
         self.timeout_circs[circ_event.circ_id] = True
+        if circ_event.circ_id in self.circ_times:
+          self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].end_time = circ_event.arrived_at
+          plog("INFO", circ_event.status+" timeout circuit "+str(circ_event.circ_id)+" with build time of "+str(self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].end_time-self.circ_times[circ_event.circ_id].start_time))
         self.closed_circs[circ_event.circ_id] = True
 class BuildTimeoutTracker(PreEventListener):
-  def __init__(self):
+  def __init__(self, cond):
+    self.cond = cond
+    self.reset()
+    self.reset_total = 0
+  def reset(self):
     self.last_timeout = 0
     self.timeout_streak = 0
     self.timeout_fuzzy_streak = 0
@@ -99,6 +162,17 @@
     plog("INFO", "Got buildtimeout event: "+bt_event.set_type+" TOTAL_TIMES="
                  +str(bt_event.total_times)+" TIMEOUT_MS="
+    # Need to handle RESET events..
+    # XXX: Should these count towards our totals, or should we just start
+    # over? Probably, but then that breaks a lot of our asserts
+    # below...
+    if bt_event.set_type == "RESET":
+      plog("NOTICE", "Got RESET event. Resetting counts")
+      self.reset_total += self.total_times
+      self.reset()
+      return
     if not self.total_times:
       self.total_times = bt_event.total_times-1
     self.total_times +=1
@@ -110,11 +184,34 @@
     if not self.buildtimeout_fuzzy:
       self.buildtimeout_fuzzy = bt_event
+    fuzzy_last = int(round(self.buildtimeout_fuzzy.timeout_ms, -3))
+    fuzzy_curr = int(round(bt_event.timeout_ms, -3))
+    fuzzy_diff = abs(fuzzy_last-fuzzy_curr)
+    if fuzzy_diff > 1000:
+      self.buildtimeout_fuzzy = None
+      self.fuzzy_streak_count = 0
+      self.cond.min_circs = 0
+      try: os.unlink(output_dir+"/state.min")
+      except: pass
+    elif not self.cond.min_circs:
+      assert(self.fuzzy_streak_count ==
+              (bt_event.total_times - self.buildtimeout_fuzzy.total_times))
+      self.fuzzy_streak_count += 1
+      if (self.fuzzy_streak_count >= self.total_times*FUZZY_RATIO):
+        plog("NOTICE",
+             "Fuzzy termination condition reached at "
+             +str(self.total_times-self.fuzzy_streak_count)
+             +" with streak of "+str(self.fuzzy_streak_count)
+             +" and reset count of "+str(self.reset_total))
+        self.cond.min_circs = self.reset_total+self.total_times \
+                                - self.fuzzy_streak_count
+        shutil.copyfile('./tor-data/state', output_dir+"/state.min")
     strict_last = int(round(self.buildtimeout_strict.timeout_ms, -3))
     strict_curr = int(round(bt_event.timeout_ms, -3))
     strict_diff = abs(strict_last-strict_curr)
     if strict_diff > 0:
-      self.buildtimeout_strict = bt_event
+      self.buildtimeout_strict = None
       self.strict_streak_count = 0
       if (self.strict_streak_count != (bt_event.total_times -
@@ -126,32 +223,42 @@
         assert(self.strict_streak_count ==
               (bt_event.total_times - self.buildtimeout_strict.total_times))
       self.strict_streak_count += 1
-      if (self.strict_streak_count >= self.total_times*STREAK_RATIO):
+      if (self.cond.min_circs and self.strict_streak_count >= self.total_times*STREAK_RATIO):
              "Strict termination condition reached at "
-             +" with streak of "+str(self.strict_streak_count))
-        # XXX: Signal termination condition
+             +" with streak of "+str(self.strict_streak_count)
+             +" and reset count of "+str(self.reset_total))
+        shutil.copyfile('./tor-data/state', output_dir+"/state.full")
+        self.cond.acquire()
+        self.cond.num_circs = self.reset_total+self.total_times-\
+                                  self.strict_streak_count
+        self.cond.notify()
+        self.cond.release()
-    fuzzy_last = int(round(self.buildtimeout_fuzzy.timeout_ms, -3))
-    fuzzy_curr = int(round(bt_event.timeout_ms, -3))
-    fuzzy_diff = abs(fuzzy_last-fuzzy_curr)
-    if fuzzy_diff > 1000:
-      self.buildtimeout_fuzzy = bt_event
-      self.fuzzy_streak_count = 0
-    else:
-      assert(self.fuzzy_streak_count ==
-              (bt_event.total_times - self.buildtimeout_fuzzy.total_times))
-      self.fuzzy_streak_count += 1
-      if (self.strict_streak_count >= self.total_times*STREAK_RATIO):
-        plog("NOTICE",
-             "Strict termination condition reached at "
-             +str(self.total_times-self.strict_streak_count)
-             +" with streak of "+str(self.strict_streak_count))
-        # XXX: Signal termination condition
+def get_guards(c, n):
+  # Get list of live routers
+  sorted_rlist = filter(lambda r: not r.down,
+                    c.read_routers(c.get_network_status()))
+  sorted_rlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.bw, x.bw))
+  for i in xrange(len(sorted_rlist)): sorted_rlist[i].list_rank = i
+  guard_rst = PathSupport.FlagsRestriction(["Guard"], [])
+  pct_rst = PathSupport.PercentileRestriction(pct_start, pct_start+PCT_SKIP, sorted_rlist)
+  guard_gen = PathSupport.UniformGenerator(sorted_rlist,
+                PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList([guard_rst, pct_rst]))
+  guard_gen.rewind()
+  ggen = guard_gen.generate()
+  # Generate 3 guards
+  guards = []
+  for i in xrange(n):
+    guards.append(ggen.next())
+  return guards
 def cleanup():
   s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -171,9 +278,23 @@
   t = c.launch_thread()
   c.authenticate_cookie(file("./tor-data/control_auth_cookie", "r"))
   c.debug(file(filename+".log", "w", buffering=0))
-  h = CircHandler(c)
+  guards = get_guards(c, 3)
+  guard_str = ",".join(map(lambda r: "$"+r.idhex, guards))
+  plog("NOTICE", "Choosing guards: "+guard_str)
+  # Setconf guards for percentile range
+  c.set_option("EntryNodes", guard_str)
+  c.set_option("StrictNodes", "1")
+  cond = threading.Condition()
+  cond.min_circs = 0 # Python haxx
+  cond.num_circs = 0 # Python haxx
+  cond.acquire()
+  h = CircHandler(c, guards)
-  c.add_event_listener(BuildTimeoutTracker())
+  c.add_event_listener(BuildTimeoutTracker(cond))
   global FUDValue
   if not FUDValue:
@@ -182,28 +303,48 @@
+                TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.GUARD,
                 TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC], True)
   # Close all the already open circuits to start fresh
-  return (c,t)
+  cond.wait()
+  cond.release()
+  # Write to output_file:
+  # 1. Num circs
+  # 2. Guards used
+  # 3. Failure quantile (in rerun only)
+  out = file(output_dir+"/result", "a")
+  out.write("NUM_CIRCS: "+str(cond.min_circs))
+  out.write("MIN_CIRCS: "+str(cond.num_circs))
+  return 0
 def getargs():
   if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 3:
-    opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"p:o:fmr")
+    opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"p:o:b:fmr")
   except getopt.GetoptError,err:
     print str(err)
+  global pct_start
+  global output_dir
   for o,a in opts:
-    if o == '-n': pass
-    elif o == '-d': pass
+    if o == '-p':
+      pct_start = int(a)
+    elif o == '-o':
+      output_dir = a
+    # XXX: -r retest
       assert False, "Bad option"
-  return 0
+  return (output_dir, pct_start)
 def usage():
     print 'usage: FOAD'
@@ -213,17 +354,19 @@
-    # XXX: Setconf guards for percentile range
+    getargs()
-    (c,t) = open_controller("cbtest")
-    t.join()
+    return open_controller("cbtest")
   except PathSupport.NoNodesRemain:
     print 'No nodes remain at this percentile range.'
-    return
+    return 1
+  except Exception, e:
+    plog("ERROR", "Misc exception: "+str(e))
+    traceback.print_exc()
+    return 23
-  return (c,t)
   #print "Using max_circuits: "+str(TorUtil.max_circuits)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
+  sys.exit(main())
   #profile.run("main()", "prof.out")

Modified: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/run_test.sh
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/run_test.sh	2010-01-11 19:49:09 UTC (rev 21401)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/run_test.sh	2010-01-11 19:50:06 UTC (rev 21402)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # 1. Fire up a Tor
 # 2. For every 5% percentile, loop N times:
 # 3.   Remove state file + hup tor.
-# 4.   Run test with 3 guards from a percentile for c>10 circuits:
+# 4.   Run test with 3 guards from a percentile for c>50 circuits:
 # 5.     Record MIN_CIRCS=c/2 when past c/2 circuits did not change
 #        timeout more than +/-1.
 # 6.       Copy state file to saved location w/ guards and c/2
@@ -34,48 +34,55 @@
 #       though..
 # C. SETCONF EntryNodes/StrictEntryNodes
-kill `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- sleep 10
+if [ -f $TOR_DATA/tor.pid ]; then
+  kill `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
+  if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+  then
+   sleep 10
+  fi
-$TOR_DIR/tor -f $TOR_DATA/torrc
-# XXX: Handle no guards left case
-for p in 65 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
+for p in 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
-  rm $TOR_DATA/state
-  kill -HUP `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
   while [ $N -lt 10 ]
-    mkdir -p results/$p/$N/min
-    mkdir -p results/$p/$N/full
-    echo ./cbt-test.py -m -P 5 -p $p -o results/$p/$N/min/result -b results/$p/$N/min/buildtimes
-    # XXX: check retval
-    cp $TOR_DATA/state results/$p/$N/min/state
-    echo ./cbt-test.py -f -P 5 -p $p -o results/$p/$N/full/result -b results/$p/$N/full/buildtimes 
-    cp $TOR_DATA/state results/$p/$N/full/state
+    if [ -f $TOR_DATA/tor.pid ]; then
+      kill `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
+      wait `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
+    fi
+    rm $TOR_DATA/state
+    $TOR_DIR/tor -f $TOR_DATA/torrc &
+    sleep 10
+    mkdir -p results/$p/$N
+    ./cbttest.py -p $p -o results/$p/$N || exit
     N=`expr $N + 1`
 for p in `ls -1 results`
   for n in `ls -1 results/$p`
-    for t in `ls -1 results/$p/$n`
+    for state in `ls -1 results/$p/$n/state.*`
       while [ $M -lt 3 ]
-        cp results/$p/$n/$t $TOR_DATA/state
-        kill -HUP `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
-        echo ./cbt-test.py -r -o results/$p/$n/$t/result -b results/$p/$N/buildtimes.redo.$M
+        if [ -f $TOR_DATA/tor.pid ]; then
+          kill `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
+          wait `cat $TOR_DATA/tor.pid`
+        fi
+        cp $state $TOR_DATA/state
+        $TOR_DIR/tor -f $TOR_DATA/torrc &
+        sleep 10
+        # XXX: M times?? need diff result files..
+        ./cbt-test.py -r -o results/$p/$n || exit
         M=`expr $N + 1`

Modified: torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/tor-data/torrc
--- torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/tor-data/torrc	2010-01-11 19:49:09 UTC (rev 21401)
+++ torflow/trunk/CircuitAnalysis/BuildTimes/CBT-Test/tor-data/torrc	2010-01-11 19:50:06 UTC (rev 21402)
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
 CookieAuthentication 1
 NewCircuitPeriod 1
 Log info file ./tor-data/tor.log
+PidFile ./tor-data/tor.pid