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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/master] Add runner module and descriptor generator.

commit e7073caff67fa54da90c0570d093b7671a1a7f56
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Oct 15 14:00:01 2013 +0000

    Add runner module and descriptor generator.
     * ADD lib/bridgedb/runner.py for running trial/unittest tests.
     * ADD scripts/gen_bridge_descriptors.
     * Fix lib/bridgedb/opt.py by coercing a commandline parameter to a string;
       it's sometimes None or an int.
 lib/bridgedb/runner.py |   98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/runner.py b/lib/bridgedb/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62387c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+#           please also see AUTHORS file
+# :copyright: (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
+#             (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file
+# :license: 3-clause BSD, see included LICENSE for information
+"""Classes for running components and servers, as well as daemonisation.
+** Module Overview: **
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+def generateDescriptors(howmany):
+    """Run a script which creates fake bridge descriptors for testing purposes.
+    This will run scripts/gen_bridge_descriptors to create a bridge router
+    descriptors, bridge extrainfo descriptors, a consensus document, and a
+    networkstatus document.
+    :param integer howmany: Number of fake bridges to generate descriptor for.
+    :rtype: integer
+    :returns: The process returncode from the gen_bridge_descriptors script.
+    """
+    import subprocess
+    try:
+        print("Generating %s bridge descriptors..." % str(howmany))
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gen_bridge_descriptors', str(howmany)],
+                                stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
+    except Exception as exc:
+        print(exc)
+        print("There was an error generating bridge descriptors.")
+    else:
+        proc.wait()
+        if proc.returncode:
+            print("There was an error generating bridge descriptors. (%s: %d)"
+                  % ("Returncode", proc.returncode))
+        else:
+            print("Sucessfully bridge generated descriptors.")
+    finally:
+        del subprocess
+    return
+def runTrial(options):
+    """Run Twisted trial based unittests, optionally with coverage.
+    :type options: :class:`~bridgedb.opt.TestOptions`
+    :param options: Parsed options for controlling the twisted.trial test
+        run. All unrecognised arguments after the known options will be passed
+        along to trial.
+    """
+    from twisted.scripts import trial
+    # Insert 'trial' as the first system cmdline argument:
+    sys.argv = ['trial']
+    if options['coverage']:
+        try:
+            from coverage import coverage
+        except ImportError as ie:
+            print(ie.message)
+        else:
+            cov = coverage()
+            cov.start()
+            sys.argv.append('--coverage')
+            sys.argv.append('--reporter=bwverbose')
+    # Pass all arguments along to its options parser:
+    if 'test_args' in options:
+        for arg in options['test_args']:
+            sys.argv.append(arg)
+    # Tell trial to test the bridgedb package:
+    sys.argv.append('bridgedb.test')
+    trial.run()
+    if options['coverage']:
+        cov.stop()
+        cov.html_report('_trial_temp/coverage/')
+def runTests(options):
+    """Run unittest based tests.
+    :type options: :class:`~bridgedb.opt.TestOptions`
+    :param options: Parsed options for controlling the twisted.trial test
+        run. All unrecognised arguments after the known options will be passed
+        along to trial.
+    """
+    testModule = __import__('bridgedb.Tests', globals(), '', [])
+    testModule.Tests.main()

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