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[tor-commits] [chutney/master] Add bridge clients and hidden services to chutney verify

commit 0d350720ff8d3de2763ffb2ca55232b078693837
Author: teor <teor2345@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jan 10 22:43:33 2015 +1100

    Add bridge clients and hidden services to chutney verify
    Chutney verify now verifies bridge clients and hidden services.
    Bridge clients are verified just like clients, by using an exit to
    connect to the TrafficTester's listening port.
    Hidden services are verified by using an arbitrary client
    (the first one in the list) to connect to the hidden service.
    The hidden service is configured to redirect data to the
    TrafficTester's listening host:port.
    This works almost exactly like the standard client / bridge client tests.
    The only difference is that the client connects via a hidden service port
    pre-configured with a specific redirect, rather than via an exit which
    could handle arbitrary hosts and ports.
    Also review the number of relays/exits/authorities required for the 25%
    guard changes. For 2 guards, 8 relays are required in total,
    including authorities and exits.
 lib/chutney/TorNet.py          |   77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/chutney/Traffic.py         |    1 +
 networks/basic                 |    3 +-
 networks/basic-min             |    3 ++
 networks/bridges               |    5 +--
 networks/bridges+ipv6          |   11 ++++--
 networks/bridges+ipv6+hs       |   23 ++++++++++++
 networks/hs                    |    5 +--
 networks/middle                |    3 +-
 networks/mixed                 |    5 +--
 torrc_templates/authority.tmpl |   13 ++++---
 torrc_templates/common.i       |    7 +++-
 torrc_templates/hs.tmpl        |    5 ++-
 13 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/chutney/TorNet.py b/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
index 3a28fc3..439aa10 100644
--- a/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
+++ b/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
     def preConfig(self, net):
-        """Called on all nodes before any nodes configure: generates keys as
-           needed.
+        """Called on all nodes before any nodes configure: generates keys and
+           hidden service directories as needed.
         if self._env['authority']:
@@ -666,6 +666,7 @@ DEFAULTS = {
     'bridge': False,
     'hs': False,
     'hs_directory': 'hidden_service',
+    'hs-hostname': None,
     'connlimit': 60,
     'net_base_dir': 'net',
     'tor': os.environ.get('CHUTNEY_TOR', 'tor'),
@@ -705,13 +706,19 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
+          hs_hostname:
        Environment fields used:
           orport_base, controlport_base, socksport_base, dirport_base
+          tor-gencert (note hyphen)
+          dir
+          hs_directory
+          nick (debugging only)
+          hs-hostname (note hyphen)
        XXXX document the above.  Or document all fields in one place?
@@ -752,6 +759,29 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
     def _get_lockfile(self, my):
         return os.path.join(self['dir'], 'lock')
+    # A hs generates its key on first run,
+    # so check for it at the last possible moment,
+    # but cache it in memory to avoid repeatedly reading the file
+    # XXXX - this is not like the other functions in this class,
+    # as it reads from a file created by the hidden service
+    def _get_hs_hostname(self, my):
+        if my['hs-hostname'] is None:
+            datadir = my['dir']
+            # a file containing a single line with the hs' .onion address
+            hs_hostname_file = os.path.join(datadir,
+                                            my['hs_directory'],
+                                            'hostname')
+            try:
+                with open(hs_hostname_file, 'r') as hostnamefp:
+                    hostname = hostnamefp.read()
+                # the hostname file ends with a newline
+                hostname = hostname.strip()
+                my['hs-hostname'] = hostname
+            except IOError as e:
+                print("Error: hs %r error %d: %r opening hostname file '%r'"
+                      %(my['nick'], e.errno, e.strerror, hs_hostname_file))
+        return my['hs-hostname']
 class Network(object):
@@ -866,28 +896,57 @@ class Network(object):
     def verify(self):
-        sys.stdout.write("Verifying data transmission: ")
-        sys.stdout.flush()
+        print("Verifying data transmission:")
         status = self._verify_traffic()
-        print("Success" if status else "Failure")
+        print("Transmission: %s" % ("Success" if status else "Failure"))
         return status
     def _verify_traffic(self):
         """Verify (parts of) the network by sending traffic through it
         and verify what is received."""
-        LISTEN_PORT = 4747  # FIXME: Do better! Note the default exit policy.
+        LISTEN_PORT = 4747 # FIXME: Do better! Note the default exit policy.
+        # HSs must have a HiddenServiceDir with
+        # "HiddenServicePort <HS_PORT><LISTEN_PORT>"
+        HS_PORT = 5858
         DATALEN = 10 * 1024               # Octets.
         TIMEOUT = 3                     # Seconds.
         with open('/dev/urandom', 'r') as randfp:
             tmpdata = randfp.read(DATALEN)
         bind_to = ('', LISTEN_PORT)
         tt = chutney.Traffic.TrafficTester(bind_to, tmpdata, TIMEOUT)
-        for op in filter(lambda n:
-                         n._env['tag'] == 'c' or n._env['tag'] == 'bc',
-                         self._nodes):
+        client_list = filter(lambda n:
+                             n._env['tag'] == 'c' or n._env['tag'] == 'bc',
+                             self._nodes)
+        if len(client_list) == 0:
+            print("  Unable to verify network: no client nodes available")
+            return False
+        # Each client binds directly to via an Exit relay
+        for op in client_list:
+            print("  Exit to %s:%d via client %s:%s"
+                   % ('', LISTEN_PORT,
+                      'localhost', op._env['socksport']))
             tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt, bind_to, tmpdata,
+        # The HS redirects .onion connections made to hs_hostname:HS_PORT
+        # to the Traffic Tester's
+        # We must have at least one working client for the hs test to succeed
+        for hs in filter(lambda n:
+                         n._env['tag'] == 'h',
+                         self._nodes):
+            # Instead of binding directly to LISTEN_PORT via an Exit relay,
+            # we bind to hs_hostname:HS_PORT via a hidden service connection
+            # through the first available client
+            bind_to = (hs._env['hs_hostname'], HS_PORT)
+            # Just choose the first client
+            client = client_list[0]
+            print("  HS to %s:%d (%s:%d) via client %s:%s"
+                  % (hs._env['hs_hostname'], HS_PORT,
+                     '', LISTEN_PORT,
+                     'localhost', client._env['socksport']))
+            tt.add(chutney.Traffic.Source(tt, bind_to, tmpdata,
+                                          ('localhost',
+                                           int(client._env['socksport']))))
         return tt.run()
diff --git a/lib/chutney/Traffic.py b/lib/chutney/Traffic.py
index d98a670..46db0f2 100644
--- a/lib/chutney/Traffic.py
+++ b/lib/chutney/Traffic.py
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ def socks_cmd(addr_port):
     except socket.error:
         addr = '\x00\x00\x00\x01'
         dnsname = '%s\x00' % host
+    debug("Socks 4a request to %s:%d" % (host, port))
     return struct.pack('!BBH', ver, cmd, port) + addr + user + dnsname
diff --git a/networks/basic b/networks/basic
index 882ad79..e0213c4 100644
--- a/networks/basic
+++ b/networks/basic
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
 Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
 Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
-NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Relay.getN(8) + Client.getN(2)
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Relay.getN(5) + Client.getN(2)
diff --git a/networks/basic-min b/networks/basic-min
index 347ba70..0ee148f 100644
--- a/networks/basic-min
+++ b/networks/basic-min
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
 Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
 Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+# Since basic-min only has 4, at least 1 of these should still get the flag,
+# Otherwise, TestingDirAuthVoteGuard * may need to be used
 NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Relay.getN(1) + Client.getN(1)
diff --git a/networks/bridges b/networks/bridges
index 86ac93a..e6e68d0 100644
--- a/networks/bridges
+++ b/networks/bridges
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ BridgeAuthority = Node(tag="ba", authority=1, bridgeauthority=1,
 Bridge = Node(tag="br", bridge=1, relay=1, torrc="bridge.tmpl")
 BridgeClient = Node(tag="bc", torrc="bridgeclient.tmpl")
-NODES = Authority.getN(3) + BridgeAuthority.getN(1) + Relay.getN(8) + \
-    Bridge.getN(2) + Client.getN(2) + BridgeClient.getN(1)
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + BridgeAuthority.getN(1) + Relay.getN(4) + \
+    Bridge.getN(1) + Client.getN(1) + BridgeClient.getN(1)
diff --git a/networks/bridges+ipv6 b/networks/bridges+ipv6
index b5b7e9f..53a1a99 100644
--- a/networks/bridges+ipv6
+++ b/networks/bridges+ipv6
@@ -8,8 +8,13 @@ Bridge = Node(tag="br", bridge=1, relay=1, torrc="bridge.tmpl")
 BridgeIPv6 = Node(tag="br", bridge=1, relay=1, ipv6_addr="[::1]", torrc="bridge-v6.tmpl")
 BridgeClient = Node(tag="bc", torrc="bridgeclient.tmpl")
-NODES = Authority.getN(3) + BridgeAuthority.getN(1) + Relay.getN(8) + \
-    Bridge.getN(1) + BridgeIPv6.getN(1) + \
-    Client.getN(2) + BridgeClient.getN(1)
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+# We put the IPv6 bridge first to ensure that clients try IPv6 before IPv4
+# Unfortunately, this does not prevent clients falling back to IPv4
+# TODO: create test for IPv6 only
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + BridgeAuthority.getN(1) + \
+    Relay.getN(4) + \
+    BridgeIPv6.getN(1) + Bridge.getN(1) + \
+    Client.getN(1) + BridgeClient.getN(1)
diff --git a/networks/bridges+ipv6+hs b/networks/bridges+ipv6+hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5723417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networks/bridges+ipv6+hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
+Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
+Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
+BridgeAuthority = Node(tag="ba", authority=1, bridgeauthority=1,
+                       relay=1, torrc="bridgeauthority.tmpl")
+Bridge = Node(tag="br", bridge=1, relay=1, torrc="bridge.tmpl")
+BridgeIPv6 = Node(tag="br", bridge=1, relay=1, ipv6_addr="[::1]", torrc="bridge-v6.tmpl")
+BridgeClient = Node(tag="bc", torrc="bridgeclient.tmpl")
+HS = Node(tag="h", hs=1, torrc="hs.tmpl")
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+# We need 6 (or 7?) authorities/relays/exits to ensure we can build HS connections
+# We put the IPv6 bridge first to ensure that clients try IPv6 before IPv4
+# Unfortunately, this does not prevent clients falling back to IPv4
+# TODO: create test for IPv6 only
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + BridgeAuthority.getN(1) + \
+    Relay.getN(4) + \
+    BridgeIPv6.getN(1) + Bridge.getN(1) + \
+    Client.getN(1) + BridgeClient.getN(1) + \
+    HS.getN(1)
diff --git a/networks/hs b/networks/hs
index e91f82e..a92fa60 100644
--- a/networks/hs
+++ b/networks/hs
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
-Middle = Node(tag="m", relay=1, torrc="relay-non-exit.tmpl")
 Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
 Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
 HS = Node(tag="h", hs=1, torrc="hs.tmpl")
-NODES = Authority.getN(4) + Middle.getN(10) + Relay.getN(6) + Client.getN(5) + HS.getN(1)
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+# We need 6 (or 7?) authorities/relays/exits to ensure we can build HS connections
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Relay.getN(4) + Client.getN(1) + HS.getN(1)
diff --git a/networks/middle b/networks/middle
index 168f837..431a10a 100644
--- a/networks/middle
+++ b/networks/middle
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Middle = Node(tag="m", relay=1, torrc="relay-non-exit.tmpl")
 Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
 Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
-NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Middle.getN(4) + Relay.getN(4) + Client.getN(2)
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+NODES = Authority.getN(3) + Middle.getN(2) + Relay.getN(3) + Client.getN(2)
diff --git a/networks/mixed b/networks/mixed
index 5290e81..ae516a8 100644
--- a/networks/mixed
+++ b/networks/mixed
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ OldRelay = Node(tag="rOLD", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl", tor=OLD_TOR)
 Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
 OldClient = Node(tag="cOLD", torrc="client.tmpl", tor=OLD_TOR)
-NODES = (Authority.getN(2) + OldAuthority.getN(2) + OldRelay.getN(4) +
-      Relay.getN(4) + Client.getN(2) + OldClient.getN(2))
+# We need 8 authorities/relays/exits to ensure at least 2 get the guard flag in 0.2.6
+NODES = (Authority.getN(2) + OldAuthority.getN(2) + OldRelay.getN(2) +
+      Relay.getN(2) + Client.getN(2) + OldClient.getN(2))
diff --git a/torrc_templates/authority.tmpl b/torrc_templates/authority.tmpl
index 108e1cf..4c36222 100644
--- a/torrc_templates/authority.tmpl
+++ b/torrc_templates/authority.tmpl
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@ V3AuthDistDelay 2
 # This is autoconfigured by chutney, so you probably don't want to use it
 #TestingV3AuthVotingStartOffset 0
-# Work around situations where the Exit and Guard flags aren't being set
-# These flags are set eventually, but it takes ~30 minutes
+# Work around situations where the Exit, Guard and HSDir flags aren't being set
+# These flags are all set eventually, but it takes Guard up to ~30 minutes
 # We could be more precise here, but it's easiest just to vote everything
 # Clients are sensible enough to filter out Exits without any exit ports,
-# and Guards without ORPorts
-# If your tor doesn't recognise TestingDirAuthVoteExit, update your chutney
-# to a version that includes the issue-13161-check-torrc-options features
+# and Guards and HSDirs without ORPorts
+# If your tor doesn't recognise TestingDirAuthVoteExit/HSDir,
+# either update your chutney to a 2015 version,
+# or update your tor to a later version, most likely
 # These are all set in common.i in the Comprehensive/Rapid sections
 # Work around Exit requirements
@@ -38,3 +39,5 @@ V3AuthDistDelay 2
 #TestingMinExitFlagThreshold 0
 # Work around Guard uptime requirements
 #TestingDirAuthVoteGuard *
+# Work around HSDir uptime and ORPort connectivity requirements
+#TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir *
diff --git a/torrc_templates/common.i b/torrc_templates/common.i
index 16f2944..67f60ce 100644
--- a/torrc_templates/common.i
+++ b/torrc_templates/common.i
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 TestingTorNetwork 1
 ## Comprehensive Bootstrap Testing Options ##
-# These typically launch a working minimal Tor network in 25s-30s
+# These typically launch a working minimal Tor network in 25s-30s,
+# and a working HS Tor network in 40-45s.
 # See authority.tmpl for a partial explanation
 #AssumeReachable 0
 #Default PathsNeededToBuildCircuits 0.6
 #Disable TestingDirAuthVoteExit
+#Disable TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir
 #Default V3AuthNIntervalsValid 3
 ## Rapid Bootstrap Testing Options ##
@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ TestingTorNetwork 1
 AssumeReachable 1
 PathsNeededToBuildCircuits 0.25
 TestingDirAuthVoteExit *
+TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir *
 V3AuthNIntervalsValid 2
 ## Always On Testing Options ##
@@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ V3AuthNIntervalsValid 2
 TestingDirAuthVoteGuard *
 # We set TestingMinExitFlagThreshold to 0 to avoid Exit bandwidth requirements
 TestingMinExitFlagThreshold 0
+# VoteOnHidServDirectoriesV2 needs to be set for HSDirs to get the HSDir flag
+#Default VoteOnHidServDirectoriesV2 1
 DataDirectory $dir
 RunAsDaemon 1
diff --git a/torrc_templates/hs.tmpl b/torrc_templates/hs.tmpl
index bcef11e..c1cafd8 100644
--- a/torrc_templates/hs.tmpl
+++ b/torrc_templates/hs.tmpl
@@ -5,4 +5,7 @@ Address $ip
 HiddenServiceDir ${dir}/hidden_service
 # SSH is usually a popular service that is running. This is really just to make
 # a quick way to test the HS with torsocks and have an app at the other end.
-HiddenServicePort 6000
+#HiddenServicePort 6000
+# Redirect requests to the port used by chutney verify
+HiddenServicePort 5858

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