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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Implement a basic test that tests for reachability of the whatsapp servers

commit 3e9c0337b4142a884797784cfa9a94be423a2a09
Author: Arturo Filastò <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 14:55:16 2016 +0200

    Implement a basic test that tests for reachability of the whatsapp servers
 ooni/nettest.py                            |   4 +
 ooni/nettests/blocking/web_connectivity.py |   2 +-
 ooni/nettests/blocking/whatsapp.py         | 401 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ooni/nettest.py b/ooni/nettest.py
index 150858c..5ff5485 100644
--- a/ooni/nettest.py
+++ b/ooni/nettest.py
@@ -268,6 +268,10 @@ class NetTestLoader(object):
+        if getattr(test_class.usageOptions, 'optFlags', None):
+            for parameter in test_class.usageOptions.optFlags:
+                self.usageOptions.optFlags.append(parameter)
         if getattr(test_class, 'inputFile', None):
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/blocking/web_connectivity.py b/ooni/nettests/blocking/web_connectivity.py
index 629ef1c..1d5cf1f 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/blocking/web_connectivity.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/blocking/web_connectivity.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
-class WebConnectivityTest(httpt.HTTPTest, dnst.DNSTest):
+    class WebConnectivityTest(httpt.HTTPTest, dnst.DNSTest):
     Web connectivity
diff --git a/ooni/nettests/blocking/whatsapp.py b/ooni/nettests/blocking/whatsapp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4ed1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ooni/nettests/blocking/whatsapp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+import random
+import ipaddr
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.python import usage
+from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
+from ooni.utils import log
+from ooni.common.http_utils import extractTitle
+from ooni.common.tcp_utils import TCPConnectFactory
+from ooni.errors import failureToString
+from ooni.templates import httpt, dnst
+# These are taken from https://www.whatsapp.com/cidr.txt
+class DidNotConnect(Exception):
+    pass
+class WhatsAppNetwork(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.ipv4_networks = []
+        for ip in WHATSAPP_IPV4.split("\n"):
+            try:
+                self.ipv4_networks.append(ipaddr.IPv4Network(ip))
+            except Exception as exc:
+                log.err("IP is wrong")
+                log.msg(ip)
+        self.ipv6_networks = map(ipaddr.IPv6Network,
+                                 WHATSAPP_IPV6.split("\n"))
+    def contains(self, ip_address):
+        ip = ipaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
+        if isinstance(ip, ipaddr.IPv4Address):
+            networks = self.ipv4_networks
+        elif isinstance(ip, ipaddr.IPv6Address):
+            networks = self.ipv6_networks
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("Should never happen")
+        for network in networks:
+            if network.Contains(ip):
+                return True
+        return False
+class UsageOptions(usage.Options):
+    optFlags = [
+        ['all-endpoints', 'e', 'Should we attempt to connect to all whatsapp'
+                               ' endpoints?'],
+    ]
+class WhatsappTest(httpt.HTTPTest, dnst.DNSTest):
+    name = "Whatsapp"
+    description = ("This test checks to see if the servers used by whatsapp "
+                   "messenger are reachable")
+    author = "Arturo Filastò"
+    version = "0.1.0"
+    requiresRoot = False
+    requiresTor = False
+    followRedirects = True
+    usageOptions = UsageOptions
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.report['registratison_server_failure'] = None
+        self.report['registration_server_status'] = None
+        self.report['whatsapp_web_failure'] = None
+        self.report['whatsapp_web_status'] = None
+        self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_status'] = None
+        self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_dns_inconsistent'] = []
+        self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_blocked'] = []
+        self.report['tcp_connect'] = []
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def test_registration_server(self):
+        url = 'https://v.whatsapp.net/v2/register'
+        # Ensure I get back:
+        # {"status": "fail", "reason": "missing_param", "param": "code"}
+        try:
+            response = yield self.doRequest(url, 'GET')
+        except Exception as exc:
+            failure_string = failureToString(defer.failure.Failure(exc))
+            log.err("Failed to contact the registration server %s" % failure_string)
+            self.report['registratison_server_failure'] = failure_string
+            self.report['registration_server_status'] = 'blocked'
+            defer.returnValue(None)
+        log.msg("Successfully connected to registration server!")
+        self.report['registration_server_status'] = 'ok'
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _test_whatsapp_web(self, url):
+        try:
+            response = yield self.doRequest(url, 'GET')
+        except Exception as exc:
+            failure_string = failureToString(defer.failure.Failure(exc))
+            log.err("Failed to connect to whatsapp web %s" % failure_string)
+            self.report['whatsapp_web_failure'] = failure_string
+            self.report['whatsapp_web_status'] = 'blocked'
+            defer.returnValue(None)
+        title = extractTitle(response.body).strip()
+        if title != "WhatsApp Web":
+            self.report['whatsapp_web_status'] = 'blocked'
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def test_whatsapp_web(self):
+        yield self._test_whatsapp_web('https://web.whatsapp.com/')
+        yield self._test_whatsapp_web('http://web.whatsapp.com/')
+        if self.report['whatsapp_web_status'] != 'blocked':
+            self.report['whatsapp_web_status'] = 'ok'
+    def _test_connect_to_port(self, address, port):
+        result = {
+            'ip': address,
+            'port': port,
+            'status': {
+                'success': None,
+                'failure': None
+            }
+        }
+        point = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, address, port, timeout=10)
+        d = point.connect(TCPConnectFactory())
+        @d.addCallback
+        def cb(p):
+            result['status']['success'] = True
+            result['status']['failure'] = False
+            self.report['tcp_connect'].append(result)
+        @d.addErrback
+        def eb(failure):
+            result['status']['success'] = False
+            result['status']['failure'] = failureToString(failure)
+            self.report['tcp_connect'].append(result)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _test_connect(self, address):
+        possible_ports = [443, 5222]
+        connected = False
+        for port in possible_ports:
+            try:
+                yield self._test_connect_to_port(address, port)
+                connected = False
+            except Exception as exc:
+                pass
+        if connected == False:
+            raise DidNotConnect()
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _test_endpoint(self, hostname, whatsapp_network):
+        log.msg("Testing %s" % hostname)
+        addresses = yield self.performALookup(hostname)
+        consistent = True
+        for address in addresses[:]:
+            try:
+                is_in_whats_app_network = whatsapp_network.contains(address)
+            except ValueError:
+                # This happens when it's not an IP
+                addresses.remove(address)
+                continue
+            if not is_in_whats_app_network:
+                self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_status'] = 'blocked'
+                consistent = False
+        if consistent == False:
+            log.msg("%s presents an inconsistent DNS response" % hostname)
+            self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_dns_inconsistent'].append(hostname)
+            defer.returnValue(None)
+        dl = []
+        for address in addresses:
+            dl.append(self._test_connect(address))
+        results = yield defer.DeferredList(dl, consumeErrors=True)
+        tcp_blocked = False
+        for success, result in results:
+            if success == False:
+                tcp_blocked = True
+        if tcp_blocked == True:
+            log.msg("%s is blocked based on TCP")
+            self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_blocked'].append(hostname)
+            self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_status'] = 'blocked'
+        else:
+            self.report['whatsapp_endpoints_status'] = 'ok'
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def test_endpoints(self):
+        possible_endpoints = map(lambda x: "e%s.whatsapp.net" % x, range(1, 16))
+        whatsapp_network = WhatsAppNetwork()
+        to_test_endpoints = []
+        if self.localOptions['all-endpoints']:
+            to_test_endpoints += possible_endpoints
+        else:
+            to_test_endpoints += [random.choice(possible_endpoints)]
+        for endpoint in to_test_endpoints:
+            yield self._test_endpoint(endpoint, whatsapp_network)

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