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[tor-commits] [translation/exoneratorproperties] Update translations for exoneratorproperties

commit f134bcaa9cea3db2585500e70b9b42d3a97ffdc5
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 17 17:18:14 2017 +0000

    Update translations for exoneratorproperties
 da/exonerator.properties | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/da/exonerator.properties b/da/exonerator.properties
index 5b81954..e355675 100644
--- a/da/exonerator.properties
+++ b/da/exonerator.properties
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ technicaldetails.exit.yes=Ja
 permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
 footer.abouttor.heading=Om Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by %s.&nbsp; Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator.&nbsp; The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin.&nbsp; Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor er et internationalt softwareprojekt til at anonymisere internettrafik med %s.&nbsp; Hvis du ser trafik fra et Tor-relæ stammer denne trafik typisk fra nogen som bruger Tor, fremfor fra relæets operatør.&nbsp; Tor-projektet og Tor-relæoperatører har ingen records af trafikken som passere over netværket og kan derfor ikke levere nogen information om dets oprindelse.&nbsp; Sørg for at %s, og tøv ikke med at %s for mere information.
 footer.abouttor.body.link1=krypterer data pakker og sender dem igennem en række hop , inden de når deres destination
 footer.abouttor.body.link2=Finde mere information om Tor
 footer.abouttor.body.link3=Kontakt Tor Projektet Inc.

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