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[tor-commits] [translation/https_everywhere] Update translations for https_everywhere

commit f891d0219f8a813641fb647c9bccd4951e6fddf2
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jan 8 22:15:42 2019 +0000

    Update translations for https_everywhere
 ro/https-everywhere.dtd |  4 ++--
 ro/ssl-observatory.dtd  | 16 ++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ro/https-everywhere.dtd b/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
index 7a156bfa8..dd4350497 100644
--- a/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Revino la setÄ?rile iniÈ?iale">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Toate seturile de reguli vor fi aduse la starea iniÈ?ialÄ?. ContinuaÈ?i?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Atacuri de degradere bazate pe reÈ?ea">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Oriunde a observat ca ai navigat pe o paginÄ? fÄ?rÄ? HTTPS, È?i în schimb a încercat sÄ? te trimitÄ? la versiunea HTTPS. Versiunea HTTPS nu este disponibilÄ?. Cel mai probabil acest site nu suportÄ? HTTPS, dar este posibil de asemenea ca un atacator sÄ? blocheze versiunea HTTPS. DacÄ? doreÈ?ti sa vizitezi versiunea necriptatÄ? a acestei pagini, o poÅ£i face prin dezactivarea opÅ£iunii 'BlocheazÄ? toate cererile necriptate' in extensia HTTPS Oriunde. Dezactivarea acestei opÅ£iuni îţi poate face navigatorul vulnerabil împotriva atacurilor de degradare bazate pe reÅ£ea.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Atacuri de degradare bazate pe reÈ?ea">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reguli stabile">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Pentru aceste pagini se folosesc obligatoriu conexiuni criptate:">
diff --git a/ro/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ro/ssl-observatory.dtd
index eea1892e0..696e479e6 100644
--- a/ro/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ b/ro/ssl-observatory.dtd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Oriunde poate detecta atacurile
 asupra navigatorului tÄ?u trimiÈ?ând certificatele primite de tine la
-Observator.  Activezi asta?">
+Observator.  DoreÈ?ti activarea?">
 <!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
 "EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
 to turn it on?">-->
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Poate HTTPS Oriunde sÄ? foloseascÄ? Observatorul SSL?">
+"DoreÈ?ti ca HTTPS Oriunde sÄ? foloseascÄ? Observatorul SSL?">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Da">
 <!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Este sigur sÄ? activezi asta, doar dacÄ? nu foloseÈ?ti o 
+"Este sigur sÄ? activezi aceastÄ? opÈ?iune doar dacÄ? nu foloseÈ?ti o 
 o reÈ?ea de companie intruzivÄ?:">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Sigur, doar dacÄ? nu eÈ?ti într-o reÈ?ea de companie cu nume de servere intranet secrete:">
+"OpÈ?iune sigurÄ? doar dacÄ? nu eÈ?ti într-o reÈ?ea de companie cu nume de servere intranet secrete:">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
 "Trimite È?i verificÄ? certificatele semnate de CA rÄ?dÄ?cinÄ? ne-standard">
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ o reÈ?ea de companie intruzivÄ?:">
 "AceastÄ? opÈ?iune necesitÄ? ca Tor sÄ? fie instalat È?i sÄ? ruleze">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Când vezi un certificat nou spune Observatorului la ce ISP eÈ?ti conectat">
+"Când vezi un certificat nou informeazÄ? Observatorul la ce ISP eÈ?ti conectat">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Asta va obÈ?ine È?i va trimite &quot;numÄ?rul de sistem autonom&quot; al reÈ?elei tale. Asta ne va ajuta sÄ? localizÄ?m atacurile împotriva HTTPS È?i sÄ? determinÄ?m dacÄ? avem observaÈ?ii de la reÈ?elele din locuri precum Iran È?i Siria unde atacurile sunt comparativ comune.">
+"Asta va obÈ?ine È?i va trimite &quot;numÄ?rul de Sistem Autonom&quot; al reÈ?elei tale. Acest lucru ne va ajuta sÄ? localizÄ?m atacurile împotriva HTTPS È?i sÄ? determinÄ?m dacÄ? avem observaÈ?ii de la reÈ?elele din locuri precum Iran È?i Siria unde atacurile sunt comparativ comune.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Afiseaza o avertizare cand Observatory detecteaza un certificat revocat ce nu a fost detectat de browser-ul tau.">
+"AfiÈ?eazÄ? o avertizare când Observatorul detecteazÄ? un certificat revocat ce nu a fost detectat de navigatorul tÄ?u.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Acesta va verifica certificate prezentate impotriva Listelor de Certificate Revocate cunoscute. Din pacate, nu putem garanta ca vom semnala toate certificatele revocate, dar daca vezi o avertizare, exista o sansa buna ca ceva nu este bine.">
+"Acesta va verifica certificatele trimise împotriva Listelor de Certificate Revocate cunoscute. Din pÄ?cate, nu putem garanta ca vom semnala toate certificatele revocate, dar dacÄ? vezi o avertizare, existÄ? o È?ansÄ? bunÄ? cÄ? ceva nu este bine.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Gata">

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