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[tor-commits] [tor/maint-0.4.5] test: Add test for exits blocking reentry to the network

commit 46efbcb116b70f417c9e4241e4480688169b1813
Author: George Kadianakis <desnacked@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Jan 29 18:21:30 2021 +0200

    test: Add test for exits blocking reentry to the network
    Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 src/test/test_address_set.c | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/test/test_address_set.c b/src/test/test_address_set.c
index 3fee322c47..55a0b106d2 100644
--- a/src/test/test_address_set.c
+++ b/src/test/test_address_set.c
@@ -181,11 +181,91 @@ test_nodelist(void *arg)
+/** Test that the no-reentry exit filter works as intended */
+static void
+test_exit_no_reentry(void *arg)
+  routerstatus_t *rs = NULL; microdesc_t *md = NULL; routerinfo_t *ri = NULL;
+  (void) arg;
+  MOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus,
+       mock_networkstatus_get_latest_consensus);
+  MOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus_by_flavor,
+       mock_networkstatus_get_latest_consensus_by_flavor);
+  MOCK(get_estimated_address_per_node,
+       mock_get_estimated_address_per_node);
+  MOCK(dirlist_add_trusted_dir_addresses,
+       mock_dirlist_add_trusted_dir_addresses);
+  dummy_ns = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*dummy_ns));
+  dummy_ns->flavor = FLAV_MICRODESC;
+  dummy_ns->routerstatus_list = smartlist_new();
+  tor_addr_t addr_v4, addr_v6, dummy_addr;
+  tor_addr_parse(&addr_v4, "");
+  tor_addr_parse(&addr_v6, "1:2:3:4::");
+  memset(&dummy_addr, 'A', sizeof(dummy_addr));
+  /* This will make the nodelist bloom filter very large
+   * (the_nodelist->node_addrs) so we will fail the contain test rarely. */
+  addr_per_node = 1024;
+  /* After this point the nodelist is populated with the directory authorities
+   * address and ports */
+  nodelist_set_consensus(dummy_ns);
+  /* The address set is empty. Try it anyway */
+  tt_assert(!nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v4, 244));
+  tt_assert(!nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v6, 244));
+  /* Now let's populate the network */
+  md = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*md));
+  ri = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*ri));
+  rs = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*rs));
+  crypto_rand(rs->identity_digest, sizeof(rs->identity_digest));
+  crypto_rand(md->digest, sizeof(md->digest));
+  memcpy(rs->descriptor_digest, md->digest, DIGEST256_LEN);
+  /* Setup the rs, ri and md addresses. */
+  tor_addr_copy(&rs->ipv4_addr, &addr_v4);
+  rs->ipv4_orport = 444;
+  tor_addr_parse(&rs->ipv6_addr, "1:2:3:4::");
+  rs->ipv6_orport = 666;
+  tor_addr_copy(&ri->ipv4_addr, &addr_v4);
+  tor_addr_parse(&ri->ipv6_addr, "1:2:3:4::");
+  tor_addr_parse(&md->ipv6_addr, "1:2:3:4::");
+  /* Add the rs to the consensus becoming a node_t. */
+  smartlist_add(dummy_ns->routerstatus_list, rs);
+  nodelist_set_consensus(dummy_ns);
+  /* Now that the nodelist is populated let's do some retry attempts */
+  /* First let's try an address that is on the no-reentry list, but with a
+     different port */
+  tt_assert(!nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v4, 666));
+  tt_assert(!nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v6, 444));
+  /* OK now let's try with the right address and right port */
+  tt_assert(nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v4, 444));
+  tt_assert(nodelist_reentry_probably_contains(&addr_v6, 666));
+ done:
+  routerstatus_free(rs); routerinfo_free(ri); microdesc_free(md);
+  smartlist_clear(dummy_ns->routerstatus_list);
+  networkstatus_vote_free(dummy_ns);
+  UNMOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus);
+  UNMOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus_by_flavor);
+  UNMOCK(get_estimated_address_per_node);
+  UNMOCK(dirlist_add_trusted_dir_addresses);
 struct testcase_t address_set_tests[] = {
   { "contains", test_contains, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
   { "nodelist", test_nodelist, TT_FORK,
     NULL, NULL },
+  { "exit_no_reentry", test_exit_no_reentry, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },

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