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[tor-commits] [arm/release] fix: repopulating log panel when on tor init

commit 96e46cbfa76c479da428762d046ab7300a78d338
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jul 11 21:55:59 2011 -0700

    fix: repopulating log panel when on tor init
    When connecting to a new tor instance the log panel is now clearing itself and
    repopulating with the event backlog. This keeps all arm events, and mixes them
    with the events of the tor log file. This is helpful since it means that we'll
    display the events that occurred during initialization.
 src/cli/logPanel.py |   94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cli/logPanel.py b/src/cli/logPanel.py
index 9ea4ecb..6da0901 100644
--- a/src/cli/logPanel.py
+++ b/src/cli/logPanel.py
@@ -619,47 +619,14 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
     self._titleCache = None
     self._titleArgs = (None, None, None)
-    # fetches past tor events from log file, if available
-    torEventBacklog = []
-    if self._config["features.log.prepopulate"]:
-      setRunlevels = list(set.intersection(set(self.loggedEvents), set(log.Runlevel.values())))
-      readLimit = self._config["features.log.prepopulateReadLimit"]
-      addLimit = self._config["cache.logPanel.size"]
-      torEventBacklog = getLogFileEntries(setRunlevels, readLimit, addLimit, self._config)
-    # adds arm listener and fetches past events
+    # adds arm listener and prepopulates log with past tor/arm events
-      armRunlevels = [log.DEBUG, log.INFO, log.NOTICE, log.WARN, log.ERR]
-      log.addListeners(armRunlevels, self._registerArmEvent)
-      # gets the set of arm events we're logging
-      setRunlevels = []
-      for i in range(len(armRunlevels)):
-        if "ARM_" + log.Runlevel.values()[i] in self.loggedEvents:
-          setRunlevels.append(armRunlevels[i])
-      armEventBacklog = []
-      for level, msg, eventTime in log._getEntries(setRunlevels):
-        armEventEntry = LogEntry(eventTime, "ARM_" + level, msg, RUNLEVEL_EVENT_COLOR[level])
-        armEventBacklog.insert(0, armEventEntry)
-      # joins armEventBacklog and torEventBacklog chronologically into msgLog
-      while armEventBacklog or torEventBacklog:
-        if not armEventBacklog:
-          self.msgLog.append(torEventBacklog.pop(0))
-        elif not torEventBacklog:
-          self.msgLog.append(armEventBacklog.pop(0))
-        elif armEventBacklog[0].timestamp < torEventBacklog[0].timestamp:
-          self.msgLog.append(torEventBacklog.pop(0))
-        else:
-          self.msgLog.append(armEventBacklog.pop(0))
+      log.addListeners(log.Runlevel.values(), self._registerArmEvent)
+      self.reprepopulateEvents()
-    # crops events that are either too old, or more numerous than the caching size
-    self._trimEvents(self.msgLog)
     # leaving lastContentHeight as being too low causes initialization problems
     self.lastContentHeight = len(self.msgLog)
@@ -667,6 +634,7 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
     conn = torTools.getConn()
+    conn.addStatusListener(self._resetListener)
     # opens log file if we'll be saving entries
     if self._config["features.logFile"]:
@@ -683,6 +651,52 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
         log.log(self._config["log.logPanel.logFileWriteFailed"], "Unable to write to log file: %s" % sysTools.getFileErrorMsg(exc))
         self.logFile = None
+  def reprepopulateEvents(self):
+    """
+    Clears the event log and repopulates it from the arm and tor backlogs.
+    """
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    # clears the event log
+    self.msgLog = []
+    # fetches past tor events from log file, if available
+    torEventBacklog = []
+    if self._config["features.log.prepopulate"]:
+      setRunlevels = list(set.intersection(set(self.loggedEvents), set(log.Runlevel.values())))
+      readLimit = self._config["features.log.prepopulateReadLimit"]
+      addLimit = self._config["cache.logPanel.size"]
+      torEventBacklog = getLogFileEntries(setRunlevels, readLimit, addLimit, self._config)
+    # gets the set of arm events we're logging
+    setRunlevels = []
+    armRunlevels = log.Runlevel.values()
+    for i in range(len(armRunlevels)):
+      if "ARM_" + log.Runlevel.values()[i] in self.loggedEvents:
+        setRunlevels.append(armRunlevels[i])
+    armEventBacklog = []
+    for level, msg, eventTime in log._getEntries(setRunlevels):
+      armEventEntry = LogEntry(eventTime, "ARM_" + level, msg, RUNLEVEL_EVENT_COLOR[level])
+      armEventBacklog.insert(0, armEventEntry)
+    # joins armEventBacklog and torEventBacklog chronologically into msgLog
+    while armEventBacklog or torEventBacklog:
+      if not armEventBacklog:
+        self.msgLog.append(torEventBacklog.pop(0))
+      elif not torEventBacklog:
+        self.msgLog.append(armEventBacklog.pop(0))
+      elif armEventBacklog[0].timestamp < torEventBacklog[0].timestamp:
+        self.msgLog.append(torEventBacklog.pop(0))
+      else:
+        self.msgLog.append(armEventBacklog.pop(0))
+    # crops events that are either too old, or more numerous than the caching size
+    self._trimEvents(self.msgLog)
+    self.valsLock.release()
   def setDuplicateVisability(self, isVisible):
     Sets if duplicate log entries are collaped or expanded.
@@ -1159,6 +1173,14 @@ class LogPanel(panel.Panel, threading.Thread):
+  def _resetListener(self, _, eventType):
+    # if we're attaching to a new tor instance then clears the log and
+    # prepopulates it with the content belonging to this instance
+    if eventType == torTools.State.INIT:
+      self.reprepopulateEvents()
+      self.redraw(True)
   def _getTitle(self, width):
     Provides the label used for the panel, looking like:

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