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[tor-commits] [metrics-web/master] Update ExoneraTor text based on wseltzer's edits.

commit 6515e1631fad121d310f89905c4adae1f4e7adbf
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Jul 13 08:49:35 2012 +0200

    Update ExoneraTor text based on wseltzer's edits.
 .../torproject/ernie/web/ExoneraTorServlet.java    |   42 ++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/ExoneraTorServlet.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/ExoneraTorServlet.java
index 4feaaba..d353c7b 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/ExoneraTorServlet.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/ExoneraTorServlet.java
@@ -101,24 +101,42 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
         + "      <div class=\"main-column\" style=\"margin:5; "
           + "Padding:0;\">\n"
         + "        <h2>ExoneraTor</h2>\n"
-        + "        <h3>or: a website that tells you whether some IP "
+        + "        <h3>or: a website that tells you whether a given IP "
           + "address was a Tor relay</h3>\n"
+        + "        <br>\n"
+        + "        <p>Just because you see an Internet connection from a "
+          + "particular IP address does not mean you know <i>who</i> "
+          + "originated the traffic. Tor anonymizes Internet traffic by "
+          + "\"<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/overview";
+          + "#thesolution\">onion routing</a>,\" sending packets "
+          + "through a series of encrypted hops before they reach their "
+          + "destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor node, "
+          + "you may be seeing traffic that originated from someone "
+          + "using Tor, rather than from the node operator itself. The "
+          + "Tor Project and Tor node operators have no records of the "
+          + "traffic that passes over the network, but we do maintain "
+          + "current and historical records of which IP addresses are "
+          + "part of the Tor network.</p>\n"
+        + "        <br>\n"
         + "        <p>ExoneraTor tells you whether there was a Tor relay "
           + "running on a given IP address at a given time. ExoneraTor "
-          + "can further find out whether this relay permitted exiting "
-          + "to a given server and/or TCP port. ExoneraTor learns about "
-          + "these facts from parsing the public relay lists and relay "
+          + "can further indicate whether this relay permitted exiting "
+          + "to a given server and/or TCP port. ExoneraTor learns these "
+          + "facts by parsing the public relay lists and relay "
           + "descriptors that are collected from the Tor directory "
-          + "authorities and the exit lists collected by TorDNSEL.</p>\n"
+          + "authorities and the exit lists collected by TorDNSEL. By "
+          + "inputting an IP address and time, you can determine whether "
+          + "that IP was then a part of the Tor network.</p>\n"
         + "        <br>\n"
         + "        <p><font color=\"red\"><b>Notice:</b> Note that the "
-          + "information you are providing below may be leaked to anyone "
-          + "who can read the network traffic between you and this web "
-          + "server or who has access to this web server. If you need to "
-          + "keep the IP addresses and incident times confidential, you "
-          + "should download the <a href=\"tools.html#exonerator\">Java "
-          + "or Python version of ExoneraTor</a> and run it on your "
-          + "local machine.</font></p>\n"
+          + "information you are providing below may be visible to "
+          + "anyone who can read the network traffic between you and "
+          + "this web server or who has access to this web server. For "
+          + "greater confidentiality of the IP addresses and incident "
+          + "times, you should download the "
+          + "<a href=\"tools.html#exonerator\">Java or Python version of "
+          + "ExoneraTor</a> and run it on your local "
+          + "machine.</font></p>\n"
         + "        <br>\n");

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