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[tor-commits] [stem/master] ExitPolicyRule class

commit 0c069727eb5337cc7c3f422387e3f4d0ad5caa9c
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jul 14 18:32:50 2012 -0700

    ExitPolicyRule class
    Adding a class that conforms with the dir-spec's exitpattern entity. Plus lots
    'o unit tests that told me over and over and over again that I was being
    stupid. Hopefully this version is at least kinda sorta close to being right...
 run_tests.py                      |    6 +-
 stem/exit_policy.py               |  363 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 stem/util/connection.py           |   17 ++-
 test/unit/exit_policy.py          |  110 -----------
 test/unit/exit_policy/__init__.py |    6 +
 test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py   |  107 +++++++++++
 test/unit/exit_policy/rule.py     |  327 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 780 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)

diff --git a/run_tests.py b/run_tests.py
index 23f993e..3b36046 100755
--- a/run_tests.py
+++ b/run_tests.py
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ import test.unit.util.enum
 import test.unit.util.proc
 import test.unit.util.system
 import test.unit.util.tor_tools
-import test.unit.exit_policy
+import test.unit.exit_policy.policy
+import test.unit.exit_policy.rule
 import test.unit.version
 import test.integ.connection.authentication
 import test.integ.connection.connect
@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ UNIT_TESTS = (
-  test.unit.exit_policy.TestExitPolicy,
+  test.unit.exit_policy.rule.TestExitPolicyRule,
+  test.unit.exit_policy.policy.TestExitPolicy,
diff --git a/stem/exit_policy.py b/stem/exit_policy.py
index 33f5cc1..7040563 100644
--- a/stem/exit_policy.py
+++ b/stem/exit_policy.py
@@ -1,61 +1,342 @@
-Tor Exit Policy information and requirements for its features. These can be
-easily parsed and compared, for instance...
+Representation of tor exit policies. These can be easily used to check if
+exiting to a destination is permissable or not. For instance...
->>> exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
->>> exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
->>> exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
->>> exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
->>> print exit_policies
-accept *:80 , accept *:443, reject *:*
->>> print exit_policies.get_summary()
-accept 80, 443
->>> exit_policies.check("www.google.com", 80)
->>> microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
->>> print microdesc_exit_policy
-accept 80,443
->>> microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.google.com", 80)
->>> microdesc_exit_policy.check(80)
+  >>> exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+  >>> exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
+  >>> exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
+  >>> exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+  >>> print exit_policies
+  accept *:80 , accept *:443, reject *:*
+  >>> print exit_policies.get_summary()
+  accept 80, 443
+  >>> exit_policies.check("www.google.com", 80)
+  True
+  >>> microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
+  >>> print microdesc_exit_policy
+  accept 80,443
+  >>> microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.google.com", 80)
+  True
+  >>> microdesc_exit_policy.check(80)
+  True
+  ExitPolicyRule - Single rule of an exit policy
+    |- is_address_wildcard - checks if we'll accept any address for our type
+    |- is_port_wildcard - checks if we'll accept any port
+    |- is_match - checks if we match a given destination
+    +- __str__ - string representation for this rule
-ExitPolicyLine - Single rule from the exit policy
-  |- __str__ - string representation
-  +- check   - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
+  ExitPolicyLine - Single rule from the exit policy
+    |- __str__ - string representation
+    +- check   - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
-ExitPolicy - List of ExitPolicyLine objects
-  |- __str__  - string representation
-  |- __iter__ - ExitPolicyLine entries for the exit policy
-  |- check    - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
-  |- add      - add new rule to the exit policy
-  |- get_summary - provides a summary description of the policy chain
-  +- is_exiting_allowed - check if exit node
+  ExitPolicy - List of ExitPolicyLine objects
+    |- __str__  - string representation
+    |- __iter__ - ExitPolicyLine entries for the exit policy
+    |- check    - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
+    |- add      - add new rule to the exit policy
+    |- get_summary - provides a summary description of the policy chain
+    +- is_exiting_allowed - check if exit node
-MicrodescriptorExitPolicy - Microdescriptor exit policy
-  |- check - check if exiting to this port is allowed
-  |- ports - returns a list of ports
-  |- is_accept - check if it's a list of accepted/rejected ports
-  +- __str__ - return the summary
+  MicrodescriptorExitPolicy - Microdescriptor exit policy
+    |- check - check if exiting to this port is allowed
+    |- ports - returns a list of ports
+    |- is_accept - check if it's a list of accepted/rejected ports
+    +- __str__ - return the summary
 import stem.util.connection
+import stem.util.enum
+AddressType = stem.util.enum.Enum(("WILDCARD", "Wildcard"), ("IPv4", "IPv4"), ("IPv6", "IPv6"))
 # ip address ranges substituted by the 'private' keyword
-PRIVATE_IP_RANGES = ("", "", "", "", "", "")
+PRIVATE_IP_RANGES = ("", "", "",
+                     "", "", "")
+class ExitPolicyRule:
+  """
+  Single rule from the user's exit policy. These rules are chained together to
+  form complete policies that describe where a relay will and will not allow
+  traffic to exit.
+  The format of these rules are formally described in the dir-spec as an
+  "exitpattern". Note that while these are similar to tor's man page entry for
+  ExitPolicies, it's not the exact same. An exitpattern is better defined and
+  scricter in what it'll accept. For instance, ports are not optional and it
+  does not contain the 'private' alias.
+  :var str rule: rule that we were created from
+  :var bool is_accept: indicates if exiting is allowed or disallowed
+  :var AddressType address_type: type of address that we have
+  :var str address: address that this rule is for
+  :var str mask: subnet mask for the address (ex. "")
+  :var int masked_bits: number of bits the subnet mask represents, None if the mask can't have a bit representation
+  :var int min_port: lower end of the port range that we include (inclusive)
+  :var int max_port: upper end of the port range that we include (inclusive)
+  :param str rule: exit policy rule to be parsed
+  :raises: ValueError if input isn't a valid tor exit policy rule
+  """
+  # TODO: Exitpatterns are used everywhere except the torrc. This is fine for
+  # now, but we should add a subclass to handle those slight differences later
+  # if we want to provide the ability to parse torrcs.
+  def __init__(self, rule):
+    self.rule = rule
+    # policy ::= "accept" exitpattern | "reject" exitpattern
+    # exitpattern ::= addrspec ":" portspec
+    if rule.startswith("accept"):
+      self.is_accept = True
+    elif rule.startswith("reject"):
+      self.is_accept = False
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("An exit policy must start with either 'accept' or 'reject': %s" % rule)
+    exitpattern = rule[6:]
+    if not exitpattern.startswith(" ") or (len(exitpattern) - 1 != len(exitpattern.lstrip())) :
+      raise ValueError("An exit policy should have a space separating its accept/reject from the exit pattern: %s" % rule)
+    exitpattern = exitpattern[1:]
+    if not ":" in exitpattern:
+      raise ValueError("An exitpattern must be of the form 'addrspec:portspec': %s" % rule)
+    addrspec, portspec = exitpattern.rsplit(":", 1)
+    self._addr_bin = self._mask_bin = None
+    # Parses the addrspec...
+    # addrspec ::= "*" | ip4spec | ip6spec
+    if "/" in addrspec:
+      self.address, addr_extra = addrspec.split("/", 1)
+    else:
+      self.address, addr_extra = addrspec, None
+    if addrspec == "*":
+      self.address_type = AddressType.WILDCARD
+      self.address = self.mask = self.masked_bits = None
+    elif stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(self.address):
+      # ipv4spec ::= ip4 | ip4 "/" num_ip4_bits | ip4 "/" ip4mask
+      # ip4 ::= an IPv4 address in dotted-quad format
+      # ip4mask ::= an IPv4 mask in dotted-quad format
+      # num_ip4_bits ::= an integer between 0 and 32
+      self.address_type = AddressType.IPv4
+      if addr_extra is None:
+        self.mask = stem.util.connection.FULL_IPv4_MASK
+        self.masked_bits = 32
+      elif stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(addr_extra):
+        # provided with an ip4mask
+        self.mask = addr_extra
+        try:
+          self.masked_bits = stem.util.connection.get_masked_bits(addr_extra)
+        except ValueError:
+          # mask can't be represented as a number of bits (ex. "")
+          self.masked_bits = None
+      elif addr_extra.isdigit():
+        # provided with a num_ip4_bits
+        self.mask = stem.util.connection.get_mask(int(addr_extra))
+        self.masked_bits = int(addr_extra)
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("The '%s' isn't a mask nor number of bits: %s" % (addr_extra, rule))
+    elif self.address.startswith("[") and self.address.endswith("]") and \
+      stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.address[1:-1]):
+      # ip6spec ::= ip6 | ip6 "/" num_ip6_bits
+      # ip6 ::= an IPv6 address, surrounded by square brackets.
+      # num_ip6_bits ::= an integer between 0 and 128
+      self.address = stem.util.connection.expand_ipv6_address(self.address[1:-1].upper())
+      self.address_type = AddressType.IPv6
+      if addr_extra is None:
+        self.mask = stem.util.connection.FULL_IPv6_MASK
+        self.masked_bits = 128
+      elif addr_extra.isdigit():
+        # provided with a num_ip6_bits
+        self.mask = stem.util.connection.get_mask_ipv6(int(addr_extra))
+        self.masked_bits = int(addr_extra)
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("The '%s' isn't a number of bits: %s" % (addr_extra, rule))
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Address isn't a wildcard, IPv4, or IPv6 address: %s" % rule)
+    # Parses the portspec...
+    # portspec ::= "*" | port | port "-" port
+    # port ::= an integer between 1 and 65535, inclusive.
+    #
+    # Due to a tor bug the spec says that we should accept port of zero, but
+    # connections to port zero are never permitted.
+    if portspec == "*":
+      self.min_port, self.max_port = 1, 65535
+    elif portspec.isdigit():
+      # provided with a single port
+      if stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(portspec, allow_zero = True):
+        self.min_port = self.max_port = int(portspec)
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("'%s' isn't within a valid port range: %s" % (portspec, rule))
+    elif "-" in portspec:
+      # provided with a port range
+      port_comp = portspec.split("-", 1)
+      if stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(port_comp, allow_zero = True):
+        self.min_port = int(port_comp[0])
+        self.max_port = int(port_comp[1])
+        if self.min_port > self.max_port:
+          raise ValueError("Port range has a lower bound that's greater than its upper bound: %s" % rule)
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("Malformed port range: %s" % rule)
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Port value isn't a wildcard, integer, or range: %s" % rule)
+    # Pre-calculating the integer representation of our mask and masked
+    # address. These are used by our is_match() method to compare ourselves to
+    # other addresses.
+    if self.address_type == AddressType.WILDCARD:
+      # is_match() will short circuit so these are unused
+      self._mask_bin = self._addr_bin = None
+    else:
+      self._mask_bin = int(stem.util.connection.get_address_binary(self.mask), 2)
+      self._addr_bin = int(stem.util.connection.get_address_binary(self.address), 2) & self._mask_bin
+    self._str_representation = None
+  def is_address_wildcard(self):
+    """
+    True if we'll match against any address for our type, False otherwise.
+    :returns: bool for if our address matching is a wildcard
+    """
+    return self.address_type == AddressType.WILDCARD or self.masked_bits == 0
+  def is_port_wildcard(self):
+    """
+    True if we'll match against any port, False otherwise.
+    :returns: bool for if our port matching is a wildcard
+    """
+    return self.min_port in (0, 1) and self.max_port == 65535
+  def is_match(self, address = None, port = None):
+    """
+    True if we match against the given destination, False otherwise. If the
+    address or port is omitted then that'll only match against a wildcard.
+    :param str address: IPv4 or IPv6 address (with or without brackets)
+    :param int port: port number
+    :returns: bool indicating if we match against this destination
+    :raises: ValueError if provided with a malformed address or port
+    """
+    # validate our input and check if the argumement doens't match our address type
+    if address != None:
+      if stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(address):
+        if self.address_type == AddressType.IPv6: return False
+      elif stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address, allow_brackets = True):
+        if self.address_type == AddressType.IPv4: return False
+        address = address.lstrip("[").rstrip("]")
+      else:
+        raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid ipv4 or ipv6 address" % address)
+    if port != None and not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(port):
+      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % port)
+    if address is None:
+      if self.address_type != AddressType.WILDCARD:
+        return False
+    elif not self.is_address_wildcard():
+      # Already got the integer representation of our mask and our address
+      # with the mask applied. Just need to check if this address with the
+      # mask applied matches.
+      comparison_addr_bin = int(stem.util.connection.get_address_binary(address), 2)
+      comparison_addr_bin &= self._mask_bin
+      if self._addr_bin != comparison_addr_bin: return False
+    if not self.is_port_wildcard():
+      if port is None:
+        return False
+      elif port < self.min_port or port > self.max_port:
+        return False
+    return True
+  def __str__(self):
+    """
+    Provides the string representation of our policy. This does not
+    necessarily match the rule that we were constructed from (due to things
+    like IPv6 address collapsing or the multiple representations that our mask
+    can have). However, it is a valid that would be accepted by our constructor
+    to re-create this rule.
+    """
+    if self._str_representation is None:
+      label = "accept " if self.is_accept else "reject "
+      if self.address_type == AddressType.WILDCARD:
+        label += "*:"
+      else:
+        if self.address_type == AddressType.IPv4:
+          label += self.address
+        else:
+          label += "[%s]" % self.address
+        # Including our mask label as follows...
+        # - exclde our mask if it doesn't do anything
+        # - use our masked bit count if we can
+        # - use the mask itself otherwise
+        if self.mask in (stem.util.connection.FULL_IPv4_MASK, stem.util.connection.FULL_IPv6_MASK):
+          label += ":"
+        elif not self.masked_bits is None:
+          label += "/%i:" % self.masked_bits
+        else:
+          label += "/%s:" % self.mask
+      if self.is_port_wildcard():
+        label += "*"
+      elif self.min_port == self.max_port:
+        label += str(self.min_port)
+      else:
+        label += "%i-%i" % (self.min_port, self.max_port)
+      self._str_representation = label
+    return self._str_representation
 class ExitPolicyLine:
   Single rule from the user's exit policy. These are chained together to form
   complete policies.
   def __init__(self, rule_entry):
     Exit Policy line constructor.
     # sanitize the input a bit, cleaning up tabs and stripping quotes
     rule_entry = rule_entry.replace("\\t", " ").replace("\"", "")
@@ -83,8 +364,10 @@ class ExitPolicyLine:
     # constructs the binary address just in case of comparison with a mask
     if self.ip_address != "*":
-      if not (stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(self.ip_address) and stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.ip_address)):
-        raise ExitPolicyError
+      if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ip_address(self.ip_address) and \
+         not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.ip_address):
+        raise ExitPolicyError()
       self.ip_address_bin = ""
       for octet in self.ip_address.split("."):
         # Converts the int to a binary string, padded with zeros. Source:
@@ -92,7 +375,7 @@ class ExitPolicyLine:
         self.ip_address_bin += "".join([str((int(octet) >> y) & 1) for y in range(7, -1, -1)])
       self.ip_address_bin = "0" * 32
     # sets the port component
     self.min_port, self.max_port = 0, 0
     self.is_port_wildcard = entry_port == "*"
@@ -109,7 +392,7 @@ class ExitPolicyLine:
           raise ExitPolicyError
         self.min_port = int(entry_port)
         self.max_port = int(entry_port)
   def __str__(self):
     # This provides the actual policy rather than the entry used to construct
     # it so the 'private' keyword is expanded.
diff --git a/stem/util/connection.py b/stem/util/connection.py
index a70389e..e1e8890 100644
--- a/stem/util/connection.py
+++ b/stem/util/connection.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ but for now just moving the parts we need.
   is_valid_ip_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address
-  is_valid_ip_ipv6_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address
+  is_valid_ipv6_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address
   is_valid_port - checks if something is a valid representation for a port
   expand_ipv6_address - provides an IPv6 address with its collapsed portions expanded
   get_mask - provides the mask representation for a given number of bits
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ import hashlib
+FULL_IPv4_MASK = ""
 def is_valid_ip_address(address):
   Checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address.
@@ -45,15 +48,20 @@ def is_valid_ip_address(address):
   return True
-def is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
+def is_valid_ipv6_address(address, allow_brackets = False):
   Checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address.
   :param str address: string to be checked
+  :param bool allow_brackets: ignore brackets which form '[address]'
   :returns: True if input is a valid IPv6 address, False otherwise
+  if allow_brackets:
+    if address.startswith("[") and address.endswith("]"):
+      address = address[1:-1]
   # addresses are made up of eight colon separated groups of four hex digits
   # with leading zeros being optional
   # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6#Address_format
@@ -85,9 +93,10 @@ def is_valid_port(entry, allow_zero = False):
   if isinstance(entry, list):
     for port in entry:
-      if not is_valid_port(port):
+      if not is_valid_port(port, allow_zero):
         return False
+    return True
   elif isinstance(entry, str):
     if not entry.isdigit():
       return False
diff --git a/test/unit/exit_policy.py b/test/unit/exit_policy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b12cd9a..0000000
--- a/test/unit/exit_policy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Unit tests for the stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy parsing and class.
-import unittest
-import stem.exit_policy
-import stem.util.system
-import test.mocking as mocking
-class TestExitPolicy(unittest.TestCase):
-  def tearDown(self):
-    pass
-  def test_parsing(self):
-    """
-    Tests parsing by the ExitPolicy class constructor.
-    """
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
-    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
-    self.assertEqual(str(exit_policies), "accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*")
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    # check ip address
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.-10.255.255:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.255.-10.255:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -255.255.255.-10:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept a.b.c.d:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.255.255:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -255.255:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -:80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept :80")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept ...:80")
-    # check input string
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "foo")
-    # check ports
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:0001")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:0")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:-1")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:+1")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:+1-1")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:a")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:70000")
-  def test_check(self):
-    """
-    Tests if exiting to this ip is allowed.
-    """
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
-    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
-    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.check("www.google.com", 80))
-    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 443))
-    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 22))
-    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 8118))
-  def test_is_exiting_allowed(self):
-    """
-    Tests if this is an exit node
-    """
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
-    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
-    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
-    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.is_exiting_allowed())
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
-    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
-    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.is_exiting_allowed())
-  def test_microdesc_exit_parsing(self):
-    microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
-    self.assertEqual(str(microdesc_exit_policy),"accept 80,443")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,-443")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,+443")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,66666")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "reject 80,foo")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80,foo")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "foo")
-    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80-foo")
-  def test_micodesc_exit_check(self):
-    microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
-    self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check(80))
-    self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 443))
-    self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check(22))
-    self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 8118))
diff --git a/test/unit/exit_policy/__init__.py b/test/unit/exit_policy/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99a4651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/exit_policy/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Unit tests for stem.exit_policy.py contents.
+__all__ = ["policy", "rule"]
diff --git a/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py b/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10088e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Unit tests for the stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy parsing and class.
+import unittest
+import stem.exit_policy
+import stem.util.system
+import test.mocking as mocking
+class TestExitPolicy(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_parsing(self):
+    """
+    Tests parsing by the ExitPolicy class constructor.
+    """
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
+    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+    self.assertEqual(str(exit_policies), "accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*")
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    # check ip address
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.-10.255.255:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.255.-10.255:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -255.255.255.-10:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept a.b.c.d:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255.255.255:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -255.255:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept 255:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept -:80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept :80")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept ...:80")
+    # check input string
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "foo")
+    # check ports
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:0001")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:0")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:-1")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:+1")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:+1-1")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:a")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, exit_policies.add, "accept *:70000")
+  def test_check(self):
+    """
+    Tests if exiting to this ip is allowed.
+    """
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
+    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.check("www.google.com", 80))
+    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 443))
+    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 22))
+    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.check("www.atagar.com", 8118))
+  def test_is_exiting_allowed(self):
+    """
+    Tests if this is an exit node
+    """
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:80")
+    exit_policies.add("accept *:443")
+    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+    self.assertTrue(exit_policies.is_exiting_allowed())
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+    exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+    self.assertFalse(exit_policies.is_exiting_allowed())
+  def test_microdesc_exit_parsing(self):
+    microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
+    self.assertEqual(str(microdesc_exit_policy),"accept 80,443")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,-443")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,+443")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,66666")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "reject 80,foo")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80,foo")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "foo")
+    self.assertRaises(stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80-foo")
+  def test_micodesc_exit_check(self):
+    microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
+    self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check(80))
+    self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 443))
+    self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check(22))
+    self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 8118))
diff --git a/test/unit/exit_policy/rule.py b/test/unit/exit_policy/rule.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a414d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/exit_policy/rule.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Unit tests for the stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicyRule class.
+import unittest
+from stem.exit_policy import AddressType, ExitPolicyRule
+class TestExitPolicyRule(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_accept_or_reject(self):
+    self.assertTrue(ExitPolicyRule("accept *:*").is_accept)
+    self.assertFalse(ExitPolicyRule("reject *:*").is_accept)
+    invalid_inputs = (
+      "accept",
+      "reject",
+      "accept  *:*",
+      "accept\t*:*",
+      "accept\n*:*",
+      "acceptt *:*",
+      "rejectt *:*",
+      "blarg *:*",
+      " *:*",
+      "*:*",
+      "",
+    )
+    for rule_arg in invalid_inputs:
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, ExitPolicyRule, rule_arg)
+  def test_str_unchanged(self):
+    # provides a series of test inputs where the str() representation should
+    # match the input rule
+    test_inputs = (
+      "accept *:*",
+      "reject *:*",
+      "accept *:80",
+      "accept *:80-443",
+      "accept",
+      "accept",
+      "accept",
+      "accept [FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF]/32:80",
+    )
+    for rule_arg in test_inputs:
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      self.assertEquals(rule_arg, rule.rule)
+      self.assertEquals(rule_arg, str(rule))
+  def test_str_changed(self):
+    # some instances where our rule is valid but won't match our str() representation
+    test_inputs = {
+      "accept": "accept",
+      "accept": "accept",
+      "accept [::]/32:*": "accept [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]/32:*",
+      "accept [::]/128:*": "accept [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]:*",
+    }
+    for rule_arg, expected_str in test_inputs.items():
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      self.assertEquals(rule_arg, rule.rule)
+      self.assertEquals(expected_str, str(rule))
+  def test_valid_wildcard(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "reject *:*": (True, True),
+      "reject *:80": (True, False),
+      "accept*": (False, True),
+      "accept": (False, False),
+      "reject*": (True, True),
+      "reject*": (False, True),
+      "reject*": (False, True),
+      "reject [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]/0:80": (True, False),
+      "reject [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]/64:80": (False, False),
+      "reject [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]/128:80": (False, False),
+      "accept": (False, True),
+      "accept": (False, True),
+      "accept": (False, False),
+      "accept": (False, False),
+    }
+    for rule_arg, attr in test_inputs.items():
+      is_address_wildcard, is_port_wildcard = attr
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      self.assertEquals(is_address_wildcard, rule.is_address_wildcard())
+      self.assertEquals(is_port_wildcard, rule.is_port_wildcard())
+  def test_invalid_wildcard(self):
+    test_inputs = (
+      "reject */16:*",
+      "reject*:*",
+      "reject *:0-*",
+      "reject *:*-15",
+    )
+    for rule_arg in test_inputs:
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, ExitPolicyRule, rule_arg)
+  def test_wildcard_attributes(self):
+    rule = ExitPolicyRule("reject *:*")
+    self.assertEquals(AddressType.WILDCARD, rule.address_type)
+    self.assertEquals(None, rule.address)
+    self.assertEquals(None, rule.mask)
+    self.assertEquals(None, rule.masked_bits)
+    self.assertEquals(1, rule.min_port)
+    self.assertEquals(65535, rule.max_port)
+  def test_valid_ipv4_addresses(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "": ("", "", 32),
+      "": ("", "", 32),
+      "": ("", "", 24),
+      "": ("", "", 0),
+    }
+    for rule_addr, attr in test_inputs.items():
+      address, mask, masked_bits = attr
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule("accept %s:*" % rule_addr)
+      self.assertEquals(AddressType.IPv4, rule.address_type)
+      self.assertEquals(address, rule.address)
+      self.assertEquals(mask, rule.mask)
+      self.assertEquals(masked_bits, rule.masked_bits)
+  def test_invalid_ipv4_addresses(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "",
+      "-",
+      "0.0.0",
+      "0.0.0.",
+      "0.0.0.a",
+      "",
+      "",
+    }
+    for rule_addr in test_inputs:
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, ExitPolicyRule, "accept %s:*" % rule_addr)
+  def test_valid_ipv6_addresses(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "[fe80:0000:0000:0000:0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]":
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329",
+      "[FE80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]":
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329",
+      "[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]/0":
+        ("0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000",
+         "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000", 0),
+      "[::]":
+        ("0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000",
+    }
+    for rule_addr, attr in test_inputs.items():
+      address, mask, masked_bits = attr
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule("accept %s:*" % rule_addr)
+      self.assertEquals(AddressType.IPv6, rule.address_type)
+      self.assertEquals(address, rule.address)
+      self.assertEquals(mask, rule.mask)
+      self.assertEquals(masked_bits, rule.masked_bits)
+  def test_invalid_ipv6_addresses(self):
+    test_inputs = (
+      "fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329",
+      "[fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329",
+      "fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]",
+      "[fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:832g]",
+      "[fe80:::b3ff:fe1e:8329]",
+      "[fe80::b3ff::fe1e:8329]",
+      "[fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]/-1",
+      "[fe80::0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]/129",
+    )
+    for rule_addr in test_inputs:
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, ExitPolicyRule, "accept %s:*" % rule_addr)
+  def test_valid_ports(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "0": (0, 0),
+      "1": (1, 1),
+      "80": (80, 80),
+      "80-443": (80, 443),
+    }
+    for rule_port, attr in test_inputs.items():
+      min_port, max_port = attr
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule("accept" % rule_port)
+      self.assertEquals(min_port, rule.min_port)
+      self.assertEquals(max_port, rule.max_port)
+  def test_invalid_ports(self):
+    test_inputs = (
+      "65536",
+      "a",
+      "5-3",
+      "5-",
+      "-3",
+    )
+    for rule_port in test_inputs:
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, ExitPolicyRule, "accept" % rule_port)
+  def test_is_match_wildcard(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "reject *:*": {
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", 80): True,
+        ("[FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]", 80): True,
+        ("", None): True,
+        (None, 80): True,
+        (None, None): True,
+      },
+      "reject*": {
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", 80): False,
+        ("[FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]", 80): False,
+        ("", None): True,
+        (None, 80): False,
+        (None, None): False,
+      },
+    }
+    for rule_arg, matches in test_inputs.items():
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      for match_args, expected_result in matches.items():
+        self.assertEquals(expected_result, rule.is_match(*match_args))
+    # port zero is special in that exit policies can include it, but it's not
+    # something that we can match against
+    rule = ExitPolicyRule("reject *:*")
+    self.assertRaises(ValueError, rule.is_match, "", 0)
+  def test_is_match_ipv4(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "reject*": {
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): False,
+        ("", 80): False,
+        (None, 80): False,
+        ("", None): True,
+      },
+      "reject*": {
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 80): False,
+        ("", 80): False,
+        ("", 80): False,
+        (None, 80): False,
+        ("", None): True,
+      },
+    }
+    for rule_arg, matches in test_inputs.items():
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      for match_args, expected_result in matches.items():
+        self.assertEquals(expected_result, rule.is_match(*match_args))
+  def test_is_match_ipv6(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "reject [FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]:*": {
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", 80): True,
+        ("fe80:0000:0000:0000:0202:b3ff:fe1e:8329", 80): True,
+        ("[FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8330", 80): False,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8328", 80): False,
+        (None, 80): False,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", None): True,
+      },
+      "reject [FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]/112:*": {
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:0000", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:FFFF", 80): True,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1F:8329", 80): False,
+        ("FE81:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", 80): False,
+        (None, 80): False,
+        ("FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329", None): True,
+      },
+    }
+    for rule_arg, matches in test_inputs.items():
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      for match_args, expected_result in matches.items():
+        self.assertEquals(expected_result, rule.is_match(*match_args))
+  def test_is_match_port(self):
+    test_inputs = {
+      "reject *:80": {
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 81): False,
+        ("", 79): False,
+        (None, 80): True,
+        ("", None): False,
+      },
+      "reject *:80-85": {
+        ("", 79): False,
+        ("", 80): True,
+        ("", 83): True,
+        ("", 85): True,
+        ("", 86): False,
+        (None, 83): True,
+        ("", None): False,
+      },
+    }
+    for rule_arg, matches in test_inputs.items():
+      rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_arg)
+      for match_args, expected_result in matches.items():
+        self.assertEquals(expected_result, rule.is_match(*match_args))

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